Summary: After accidentally breaking Kagari's beloved jar of jelly beans, Inspector Tsunemori Akane feels obliged to replace his precious sweets. Of course, some things are easier said than done, and this task is one of those things.

[Set after the Gruesome Artworks case, before Kougami and Akane visit Saiga Jouji.]

The first thing Enforcer Kagari Shuusei noticed when he returned from the washroom was a familiar sugary scent that hung in the air.

How odd. Usually, the office of the MWPSB Division 1 smelt of strong artificial coffee from the vending machines - a must-have in everyone's diet in order to fight off the horror known as paperwork - and cigarette smoke contributed solely by Kou-chan's overflowing ashtrays. With both scents mingling together, Kagari often wondered how could Gino-san's plants survive, unless they were fake. All attempts to uncover the truth were ignored by the bespectacled man, and there was only so far Kagari could probe before the Inspector snapped and assigned him more work that he did not want to touch with a ten-foot pole, thank you very much.

Inhaling deeply once more, Kagari let out a sigh of contentment as he sauntered towards his desk. If the office could smell as sweet as his jelly beans more often, he would definitely be able to get more work done and –

Kagari stopped dead in his tracks, his gaze fixated on a spot on the floor near his table. Delicately framed in glistening shards of smoky glass, a stark contrast to the dull grey floor, were the contents of what used to be his beloved jar of sweet treats. The jelly beans were strewn all over the floor, fragments of a rainbow that brought him a never-ending pleasure.

Slowly raising his hand to give himself a particularly hard pinch, Kagari winced. Yep, he definitely felt the pain. Which meant this was not a particularly bad nightmare…

Down in the Comprehensive Analysis Laboratory, Karanomori Shion gripped her computer screens tightly as they shuddered from the sound waves of a pained howl that seemed to have originated from the upper floors of the MWPSB building.

Must be the testing of those new stun batons, she considered. I wonder which poor soul got shocked?

There are several subtypes of volcanic eruptions, such as the Hawaiian eruptions, the submarine eruptions, and the Strombolian eruptions, with each one increasing in strength and intensity. The strongest of them is the "Ultra Plinian", a powerful eruption which resembles the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79, which was famous for the burying and destruction of the Roman city of Pompeii.

All this information was stored in Masaoka's cranium, ready to be recalled if anyone ever wanted to know more about volcanoes, which he doubted would happen unless Mount Fuji miraculously awoke from its 405-year-old slumber, and decided to greet Japan with a bang.

Speaking of volcanic eruptions, his gaze flickered over to his son, who seemed ready to do a Mount Vesuvius. In plain Japanese, he was about to explode.

Kagari's outcry earlier had certainly startled Masaoka himself, who had jolted in mid-type, causing the last paragraph of his report to be deleted in the blink of an eye, which he had immediately amended with a quick tap of the holographic keys on his tablet. With Kunizuka, although her face was devoid of any emotion, her fingers had slipped, causing the guitar magazine she was browsing through to hit the floor with a page-crumbling crunching sound.

No one was expecting the bespectacled Inspector to be the most affected of them all.

Inspector Ginoza Nobuchika was currently hacking out his lungs, his eyes streaming profusely while his face was splotchy with red. Traces of the culprit that had almost given him a premature death by choking could be seen running down the screen of his computer and dripping from his chin, ruining his crisp white shirt with ugly brown blotches. An empty mug of the vile stuff that tried to pass itself off as coffee dangled from its handle between Nobuchika's fingers.

Worried for his son, Masaoka was in the process of rising from his office chair when he felt a murderous aura seeping throughout the room, which seemed to originate from Nobu.

This did not bode well.

Thankfully, the other Inspector chose that moment to charge into the office, causing the evil aura to dissipate almost immediately. Masaoka raised an eyebrow at Akane, who was wielding a dustpan and brush, items one would hardly expect an Inspector to carry at any time.

When Akane noticed Kagari frozen at the exact same spot where he had been since making the horrifying discovery, the dustpan and brush were rudely abandoned on the floor while the female Inspector apologized to the youngest Enforcer profusely, bowing sincerely in a manner that resembled the one she had made during their first meeting.

"I'm very sorry, Kagari-kun! I was going to clean up the mess and inform you, but it took me too long to find the cleaning drones and…" Akane trailed off to examine Kagari's current facial expression. It seemed as if all the light had been drained from the once gleaming eyes of the Enforcer, leaving behind a shadow of his former, cheerful self.

It had been a big mistake to attempt to carry all those case files by herself. Although Kougami-san had offered to help her with half of the load, she had politely refused his offer as she wobbled her way past him while trying to balance the files, insisting that she could handle them. With the pile of files obstructing her vision, on her way to her desk, her elbow had clipped a particular jar of jelly beans, sending it plummeting off the edge of the table like a bungee jumper with no cord.

A horrified Akane had swiftly poured the tower of folders onto her desk before stooping to take the damage into account. Deciding to clean up the mess before anyone could sustain injuries from the glass shards, the female Inspector burst out of the office to find a cleaning drone, unintentionally startling a pair of Inspectors who were walking down the corridor.

Speaking - thinking? - about startling people, this brought Akane back to the main issue at hand: Kagari-kun's devastated state.

Since she had broken his jar of sweet treats in a moment of carelessness, it was only right of her to replace it, was it not?

(It would also help in snapping him out of his funk.)

However, there was a possibility that Ginoza-san would refuse her request. Ah, who was she kidding? She knew what his answer was, and it certainly was not going to be a yes. Give a dog too many treats, and it eventually expects them every time even if it has done nothing worthy of warranting a reward, she imagined him lecturing, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose as he leveled a stern gaze at her.

If she was going to replace Kagari's jar of jelly beans, she needed a plan.

A/N: Although this story was supposed to be a one-shot, I decided to split it into two parts so that it would be a little smoother. Not sure what others would think about it though.

My mid-year examinations just ended recently, though I have a major one coming up in 9 days. With a barrel or two of luck, I should be able to get that desired A1 -crosses fingers-

That would mean that the second part to this story won't be up for a good while. Please bear with it!

Inspiration for this story came from Sleepovers, a one-shot from Isis Lied. This writer has great stories, and is an awesome Kagari :)