A/N: So, one last time hello :)) Thanks for wishing me luck with the exam, I guess it was as okay as it can get :P

To this chapter - it's the last one :( Thank you all for reviewing, following, favoriting (you call it that way?) and every other way you supported me!

The exercise Deeks does to keep himself grounded in reality is a real one, just as the sentence that a therapy doesn't make the fear disappear but makes you find a way to deal with it. My own psychologist told me that and thanks to her I'm back to a normal life without being unable to eat and having several panic attacks a day -I'm back to living my life.

Okay, I'm done rambling now :)

One last disclaimer - no, this is not mine - and huge thanks to my beta kensi54382!


Epilogue – two months later

Deep breath in. Exhale slowly. I hear agents typing on their laptops, I hear Hetty talking to someone, I hear steps coming toward me. I feel the chair I'm sitting on, I feel the paper beneath my hands, I feel the brace on my knee. I see Kensi's chaotic desk, I see my glass of water, I see Callen standing in front of me.

Deeks took another deep breath before looking Callen in the eyes and not just registered him.

"Morning, G."

"Everything alright?" Callen's glance wandered over Deeks' face, not in a doubting or judging way, but in a concerned one.

Deeks had come back to work only this week, only allowed to sit at his desk, as he still wasn't allowed to walk without the brace, but it was a start. What had happened two months ago had only brought them closer as a team and by now, it was natural for him to worry about Deeks – about his little brother, if you wanted to put it that way.

After the night in the hospital Kensi had spent with him, Deeks had mustered all his courage and had told the rest of the team about his flashbacks as well as about his decision to work with a psychologist for some weeks, until he was in control of his memories. That was, all in all, the one thing that would get him into the field – having control of the flashbacks. You had to be ready to do whatever was needed practically 24/7, there was no time to lose control over your body, no matter how short the loss might be.

"Yeah, I'm good," Deeks replied honestly and smiled a bit.

"You can't believe how glad I am that we've found something that works. Seeing you the first couple of times like that, it was horrible. You're sitting in front of us, but you're not really there… and when you have your thoughts back together, you look like you're going to back out anytime," Callen said and tried to get rid of the memories he had from the first few days after they got Deeks free.

It had taken some time for them to find, together with the shrink, a method that would get Deeks back to reality, even have him shut down a flashback before it could overwhelm him.

"Yeah, no, that wasn't comfortable at all. But I have to say, Sam's super-secret-spy-technique actually helps."

"Told you so, Shaggy," Sam spoke up, who had just rounded the corner and put his pack on the desk, before squeezing Deeks' shoulder and then sat down.

"Even if you feel quite nuts, I have to admit that," Deeks grinned and looked at Sam.

"That shouldn't be something new for you, should it?"

"Ouch, that hurt."

Kensi just came in time to hear Deeks' last sentence. "What hurt? Are you okay?"

Callen and Sam exchanged a glance and shook their heads.

"Before you two noticed that you like each other, you were easier to endure," Callen said in a play annoyed manner.

"You sure about that? That bickering all around the clock isn't something I will miss," Sam grinned.

"Does anybody ask us if we want to hear you rambling about your car all day?" Deeks asked and then added, "If this annoys you, just wait until Kensi and I come in together, just throwing loving glances at each other that retell the stories of what we did the previous night."

"Deeks!" Kensi more or less blushed bright red and punched his arm.


"You're a pig, you know that?"

"Kensi, believe me, you will get to love my huge mouth (yes, pun intended), trust me."

"One more word and that will never happen," Kensi threatened and still knew that her words were empty.

She loved Deeks and Deeks loved her, no chance that he never got the chance of roving his mouth's worth – and not just with kissing. One thing, however, was sure; it wouldn't happen too soon. The two of them agreed to take it slowly, really slowly. Priority was that Deeks got healthy again, not just physically but also mentally and that he shouldn't have to worry about romantic evenings while doing so.

They met, that was out of question, spent their whole free time together, but that wasn't new to them, they'd done it before the whole incident as well. It was just different now because they didn't have to act, but could be themselves, feelings included.

Looking at another thing; the progress Deeks made was more than promising, the flashbacks only occurring rarely and when they did, he could control them. After all, it seemed like it was what the psychologist had said: The sense of a therapy wasn't that the fear would go away, but to learn how to live with it. And they were on a very good way to do just that. Deeks knew how he had to handle certain situations to not let himself drown in the memories –like the hearing, feeling and seeing that focused his mind on reality – and his team knew how to handle him in certain situations.

"Oh, and how that will happen."

"Okay, guys, enough information!" Callen yelled and just wanted to sit down when Eric's whistle sounded.

"Dead Navy Officer, everyone!"

Callen sighed and moved toward the steps, pulling Deeks up to his feet, when he passed the detective. Deeks was allowed to go without crutches by now, but certain movements were still odd and hurt. He hobbled up the first part of the steps and cursed the building for not having an elevator. Well, or it had one, but Hetty had done an excellent job at hiding it.

"Shall I carry you, Deeks?" Sam grinned and held out his arms.

"No, no thank you, Sam," Deeks laughed back and got up the last steps, where Kensi got hold of his elbow as subtle as possible and took a bit of his weight.

The briefing was relatively short, Eric and Nell as top informed as ever and answered the questions before they even had been asked.

"Miss Blye, you'll get a partner for the time Mr. Deeks is still on desk duty, but no worries – it isn't Granger," Hetty informed her and then said quietly, "And, Miss Blye, I would appreciate it, when that partner could come back unscathed."

While Sam, Callen and Deeks started laughing, Kensi blushed for the second time this morning.

"And what will I be doing, Hetty?" Deeks asked and hoped he wasn't planned for filling out reports or tidying up the clothes for undercover missions or something like that.

"You, Mr. Deeks, will be assisting Miss Jones and Mr. Beal," Hetty answered and then left ops with the rest of the team.

"Really? I get to play with your toys?" Deeks asked Nell and Eric slack jawed and wide eyes, then sunk down onto the chair Nell had rolled over.

"Only under our supervision," Nell grinned and kissed him on the cheek. "I'm glad that you're back."

"Yeah, me too," Deeks replied and grinned at Nell, expertly ignoring Eric's tiny bit jealous glance in his direction.

"Well then, let's catch some bad guys."

A/N: Would you be so kind and leave a final review? Maybe not just about the epilogue but how you liked the story in total? Would be sooo kind!

Oh and I hope I answered to every review, if not I'm sorry, my e-mail-account is a bit messed up...