A/N: I apologize if the medical procedures don't seem to make sense in this!

"Skywalker! Distract him! Do something besides standing there!"

Anakin was feeling completely useless. Obi-Wan was in the Healer's Ward, waiting to deliver the baby. From the quick summary Vokara Che had given him, Anakin knew a little bit, but not nearly enough for his liking. Obi-Wan's stomach would have to be slit open to allow the healer's access to what was essentially his womb. Of course, there had never been a case such as Obi-Wan's before, at least none that had been recorded. The healer's had no idea what to expect and wanted to be prepared for anything. That also meant that Obi-Wan had to be conscious during the procedure. He was given light pain relievers, but nothing stronger that might send him to sleep. Vokara Che, despite Anakin's protests, felt that it would be best for the baby if Obi-Wan was fully awake and conscious during the procedure.

"Are you sure you can't give him anything?"

"Skywalker! Are you a Healer?"


"Then let me do my job! If you want to help him, keep him calm!"

"Why don't you two keep arguing as this thing tries to kick its way out of my stomach!"

"Obi-Wan, our baby is not a 'thing.'"

Obi-Wan gritted his teeth. "I don't care what it is just get it out!"

Anakin walked over to the far side of the bed and took Obi-Wan's hand. Obi-Wan started glancing towards where Vokara Che was preparing some rather intimidating looking medical equipment. Anakin felt a bit sick himself looking at them. He took Obi-Wan gently by the chin and turned his head to the side.

"Just watch me. I'm better looking anyway."

"Skywalker, as much as I appreciate your ego, I am not only holding sharp objects but I am trying not to severely wound Master Kenobi so if you wouldn't mind keeping your immature comments to a minimum."

"Please try not to upset her, Anakin. I would like my stomach and our child intact."

"Right. Sorry."

Vokara Che started to swab Obi-Wan's side with disinfectant and made a small incision. Obi-Wan felt the pressure of the knife, enough to make him uncomfortable, but not enough to cause him pain. Still, he was gripping Anakin's hand tightly enough to turn both his and Anakin's hand white.

"Any pain?"

Obi-Wan shook his head. The baby suddenly decided to kick out, putting pressure on the incision Vokara Che had made. That caused a searing pain, strong enough for Obi-Wan to cry out and flinch away.

"Skywalker! Keep him still!"

"How? Do you want me to tie him down?"

"Force! Skywalker, if I wanted him tied down I would have done it! Talk to him!" I need to make a bigger incision and the baby's movements are going to start increasing. He needs to lie still!"

"Um….Want to hear a joke?"

Obi-Wan just crushed Anakin's hand a little bit tighter and moaned. "No – I'm fine. I – augh!" He started to wriggle slightly and Anakin immediately placed a hand on his chest to still him.

"I – Force, Obi-Wan, just relax. Take a deep breath. It's going to over soon. Just a little longer."

"You – you can leave, Anakin. I'm okay."

"I'm not leaving. What sort of husband would I be?"

"Skywalker, if you leave him now – oh. Anakin, go get Master Eerin. Immediately."

Anakin ran off and was back in seconds, Bant trailing at his heels.

"Master Che, what happened?"

"He seems to be carrying twins. We're going to need to make a larger incision to get them both at once to avoid oxygen deprivation. I need you to monitor his life signs and be prepared for possible blood transfusions."

Anakin resumed his place by Obi-Wan's side, but this time placing his other hand on Obi-Wan's forehead, brushing back his hair.

"Twins, Obi-Wan. We're going to have twins."

Obi-Wan looked even more pale. "Twins? Anakin, I – I don't think…I can't do this."

"You're doing fine, Obi-Wan. Just keep looking at me."

"Not – not this. Twins, Anakin. I don't think I can raise one child."

"Obi-Wan, you're going to be the best father."

"I'm boring. I can't – " he started to breathe more heavily and groaned slightly. " – I was no good raising you. I am far too old and boring to raise children. What was I thinking? I – I was kidding myself."

"You are not too old or boring. Out children are going love you."

Obi-Wan had closed his eyes tightly with the pain, sweat streaming down his face. Anakin kept his hand gently combing through Obi-Wan's hair as he continued talking.

"Our children are going to see exactly what I see. I get to fall asleep every night with the most attractive and brave Jedi in the galaxy in my arms. I get to wake up every morning and see you sauntering around the kitchen, humming and making breakfast."

"I – don't – saunter."

"Shhh. You do. You are adorable in the mornings. I get to wake up to see you in a thin t-shirt and sleep pants making breakfast. The Grand Negotiator singing to himself in the kitchen. I mean, I know I was pretty much demoted to making pudding, Jello, or doing Dexter runs, but…why would I even try to cook when I can stare at the most attractive man in the world? And as an added bonus when you notice me you turn the cutest shade of pink…and with your tousled hair…Of course, I would rather drag you to the bedroom than eat breakfast but…maybe you don't think it's a big thing, but it means so much to me. You would never do anything so goofy in front of anyone that you didn't absolutely trust. It means everything to me that I get to see that side of you. I fight with Obi-Wan Kenobi, grand General of the Republic. At home, you're just Obi-Wan Kenobi, the most perfect man alive. Any child would be lucky have such a fantastic father."

"I really don't - " Obi-Wan screamed which was followed by newborns sobbing. Bant turned to Anakin with the two infants in her arms.

"A boy and a girl. Both perfectly healthy, but slightly underweight, so I would like to leave them in the Healer's ward for a few days."

Anakin nodded and then turned back to Obi-Wan. "Luke and Leia," he whispered, kissing Obi-Wan's forehead, "we are officially parents."

Obi-Wan just looked exhaustedly up at him. "Luke and Leia." He repeated. "I love you, Anakin."

Anakin kissed him again, this time on the lips. "I love you too."

"Anakin, I am going to sedate Master Kenobi so I can ensure these wounds properly heal."

"How long will he be out?"

"No more than a day if everything goes well."

Anakin looked worried but carefully pulled his hand out of Obi-Wan's grip. Obi-Wan smiled faintly up at him.

"I expect you won't – corrupt them…yet."

"Of course not. We'll be here when you wake up. That have to meet Daddy Obi you know."

Obi-Wan groaned. "We'll discus that nickname later."

Anakin laughed. "Fair enough. Luke and Leia and I will be waiting."

Obi-Wan smiled. "I look forward to it."