"This goes there, and that goes there, and I need another steel ingot…" Rivera Ildoth mumbled under her breath, then hissed in anger. "I need another steel ore. Great." A man beside her looked at Rivera's work and smiled, ruffling through his supplies and giving her an ore before she could contact the Black Lion Trading Company. She looked up in surprise at the friendly man and took the ore hesitantly. "Why thank you," she said and turned back to her work. Having been beside her for a few days, the man knew she would not hear him as she worked. "Perfect, prefect," she was muttering silently, admiring her work- a chest piece of the set Draconic. She packed up all her supplies, and, before running off to the weapon station, she shouted to the man, "Thanks mister!" The man looked up, a bit surprised, and smiled, looking back down at his work.

At the weapon station, Rivera dropped all her things, careful for her chest piece, and started to craft a greatsword- her main weapon of choice. "Today is going far better than usual," she whispered to herself while making the blade. Suddenly, a carrier pigeon swooped in and dropped a letter on the already- made hilt, flying away after. Rivera put the blade down carefully and picked up the letter, inspecting it. On the front, her first name was printed with beautiful calligraphy. She opened it up, not used to that kind of calligraphy since all the mail she gets has her name scribbled- a lot of people are too busy to make her name look beautiful. She lifted a letter out, which read,

Dear Rivera,

My name is Aaron. You might know me from the armor forge. I have been inspecting you, and you seem like a woman who can take care of herself. Meet me at Lychcroft Mere ASAP- I have something to show you.


Rivera's eyebrow raised in suspicion. "This might be interesting," she breathed, tucking the letter and envelope into her bag, along with the other materials and the unfinished greatsword.


Rivera decided to shed her material bag at the bank, so as to not weigh her down during the journey. She teleported through waypoints, paying the asura who was at the nearest waypoint.

Upon arriving at Lychcroft Mere, she stepped through the sylvari part without worry, but when she got to the swamp part, she took some more caution. She prowled the swamp as silently as she could be until she spotted the man who named himself Aaron. He was looking around without worry of the swamp, no doubt waiting for her. Rivera hurried over, a bit spooked by the eeriness of the swamp.

As she approached, Aaron turned and smiled, holding out his gloved hand.

"This place is spooky," Rivera commented when she was gripping his hand in a bit of fright. Aaron smiled.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," he soothed her, and she nodded, but still gripped his hand tight. "Come- you must see."

Rivera followed Aaron through the swamp quickly. "What are we looking at?" Rivera asked right before Aaron stopped. He peered at her with a spooky smile and gestured around him.


All around them, groans broke out and zombie-like figures broke through. Rivera gaped in awe and fright, clutching onto Aaron's hand. "What are these monsters?" she spat, looking up at Aaron. She then gasped and jumped backwards, letting go of a risen hand.

"You like it, Rivera Ildoth?" Risen Aaron wheezed. "Zhaitan's army!" Then, arms grabbed Rivera as Aaron pounced, and Rivera Ildoth was no longer 'alive.'