
3 weeks had passed when they were last in England, and they went straight over to Norway to continue their R5 World Tour. Once they were there, that's when Riker and Ratliff started acting really awkward with eachother and started to fight a little as well. The others weren't going to lie, they found it weird how Riker and Ratliff all of a sudden started acting like they weren't even friends anymore.

Ross was beginning to think that it was because he had told Riker he still had feelings for Ratliff and Riker didn't want them back together because Ratliff had hurt Ross before. So he just took it as that, he didn't share with anyone else others were just coming up with their own scenario as what was going on between to the two boys.

Surprisingly, Riker and Ratliff actually managed to stay as a couple together through their time in Norway without exposing themselves.


4 weeks later their "friendship" was completely going bonkers with eachother to the point where Rydel and Ross sat them both down to discuss what was going on with them. They didn't let them know about eachother dating because it would just cause more drama for everyone, instead they just made up as friends then Rydel and Ross left them on their own to sort things out.

After Ross and Rydel leaving them, Riker and Ratliff had a little talk with eachother and then came to the decision that it wasn't a good idea they continued to date and they broke up but stayed as friends.


When they got to Romania, another 4 weeks later everything seemed less tense between the band and family now that Riker and Ratliff were no longer fighting or being awkward with eachother due to the fact they were no longer together.

As they were going through Romania, half way through they don't know what happened but they were just spending some quality time together and all of a sudden Ryan just got his memory back. It was when that all their parents/aunts/uncles were out with eachother. He decided he needed some fresh air so he left Cameron, Mackenzie, Charlotte, Germaine, Jake and Ashleigh in the hotel. That's when he saw Ross drunk and Ratliff trying to carry him back to the room but it kinda failed, so he spied on them and was laughing a little at Ratliff's struggle.

But in Ross's drunken state, he leaned in and kissed Ratliff telling him how much he loved him and then everything just came swooping back to Ryan about his past. So later that night when he found his Mom, Rydel, back at the hotel he ran into her hotel room attacked her with a hug and told her.

Needless to say everyone was pretty much happy with Ryan's memory back and it got more less intense.


It was months later they were in Africa where it was hot and warm. They were now half way through the tour and it had almost been a year sine they were all on tour.

Everyone was around in Africa doing their own thing, Keely decided to go around with Ross somewhere seen as though nobody else would go in with him when her water broke and Ross being Ross went into panic mode seen as though it had been a long while since he'd helped someone give birth. If all honesty, Keely was more calm then Ross was and she was the one giving birth not him.

Eventually Ross had calmed down and then Keely gave birth after Ross going into panic mode and she had a little baby boy. She named him Rocky seen as though Rocky was no longer around, and she needed something to remind her of him.


After Africa, they went to the Middle-East and then to India. Which then Rydel finally gave birth and this time she had a little girl and named her Alesia.


After all the things that happened in India, they went to China and then finally Japan. It wasn't their last country, it's just it was time Dominic done something to make sure he didn't loose Rydel again like he did all them years ago when they were teens.

So seen as though Rydel's Dad wasn't around anymore, he went up to Riker to ask him something. And he knows they're adults and he really shouldn't be asking, but he needed to, to make sure he was actually liked and welcomed into Rydel's family. Needless to say, Riker said yes to what Dominic was going to do. He was a good man, he didn't or hadn't done anything to Rydel to harm her. He wasn't Noah so that's why Riker said yes, and he actually likes Dominic.

Dominic then took Rydel out one night, leaving Alesia in Rydel's brother's care. He made sure she had the best night ever whilst they were in Japan in which case she did. By surprise, Dominic dropped down on one knee and asked Rydel to marry him, and she said yes of course.

They would be getting married once the World Tour was done.


2 weeks later, everyone was in Australia and the World Tour was near it's end. When they were in Australia they bumped into none other than Maia Mitchell. At first they were scared and she apologized to everyone for what she done. She wasn't just fooling around with them she actually meant it, needless to say everyone forgave her and they all became friends again. Maia got sometime with her daughter, Charlotte, as well as her Grand daughter Laura. Not that she was thrilled that her only daughter had a kid aged 16. Though Maia couldn't talk seen as though she had Charlotte young too.

After a little while of being in Australia, Maia was just walking around by herself minding her own business when she heard Ratliff and Riker talking about something that she was immediately drawn too. Once she heard it, well she was a little shocked.

She over heard Riker and Ratliff talking about them and how they use to date and broke up in Italy.

Maia was just going to back away slowly but she got caught by Riker and Ratliff. Riker and Ratliff caught Maia in time and begged her not to tell anyone, she did threaten to expose them to their families and friends. But somehow they managed to talk her out of it.

Like they thought it would stop her.

South America

When they were in South America, something didn't seem right. Everyone out of R5 and Riker and Ratliff's family just acted strange with them. Always snapping at them, until eventually Ross exploded and ended up screaming it out to Riker and Ratliff. Which then they were regretting.

Apparently, Maia hadn't kept her promise. Back in Australia Maia did expose Riker and Ratliff to their family, needless to say Ross didn't take the news so well after he admitted to still being in love with Ratliff.


When they were in Mexico, everyone finally made up after the whole "Rikington" fiasco. And they just enjoyed Mexico and the World Tour whilst it still lasted. They only had Canada and North America left, and they didn't want to end it in them all fighting.


Whilst they were all up in Canada, Germaine, Jake and Ryan all decided that they would go skiing for a little while seen as though it was their day off from the tour and had nothing else to do. The others were off doing other things.

Jake found a hill in which he thought you could probably ski off, so he challenged Germaine to ski off it. At first Germaine wasn't sure, but when Jake told him to look over the edge saying it's not that far, Jake pushed Germaine off the hill causing Germaine to fall.

Not realizing how high the hill actually was, causing Germaine to sprain his ankle very badly. Which meant he couldn't do the concert for the next week.

As punishment, seen as though Jake hates performing, Riker made sure Germaine and Ross taught Jake how to play the guitar. Jake caught on straight away needless to say he was performing in Germaine's place for a week, which he absolutely hated. He didn't sing though, he just let Ratliff or Ross do that bit. Guitar he could handle, singing he wouldn't do.

Of course, everyone in the band and his family got Jake's little sarcastic remarks and comments. Cause as some people put it, Jake is a sarcastic little shit.

North America

Their final stop on the world tour.

Throughout that tour of America, something happened which led Germaine to believe that Ratliff was just messing Riker and Ross around now which he was getting majorly pissed at.

Then it came to their LAST ever show, before the show started Germaine grabbed Ratliff and took him to one side.

"I don't care what your doing, I don't care what your game is but I need you to stop messing my Dad and Uncle around right now," Germaine said in almost a threatening tone. Normally it would be the tone towards people who messed with his siblings. Germaine was DEFINITELY his Dad's son. "Just please.. Pick one of them. Pick the one who your in love with and be with them forever. Well.. Not forever, but you know until the day you both die.. Please?"

After that little talk with Germaine, Ratliff thought about it out of Ross and Riker. He wasn't meaning to mess them both around, he's sorry if it seemed like that. But he then realized who he wanted to be with out of Ross and Riker.

It came to their last song.

Instead of playing any song, like one of their pop/rock songs or just pop songs. They decided to play a song they'd never really played live before. Heck, they can't even remember if they ever did perform the song live. All that is to say, is that Ross's voice has DEFINITELY changed since that song.

They played: Look At Us Now as their final ever song they would perform as R5.

After that song they walked up to the front of the stage and took their final bow and said their goodbyes to the fans.

They then exited off the stage. Germaine, Rydel and Ross going off one way... Riker and Ratliff going off the other.

"That was an awesome final concert!" Riker said as he got off the stage with Ratliff, turning around to him.

Ratliff smiled and nodded "Yeah, it was.." Ratliff said.

Riker cocked his head "Is everything okay Ratliff?" Riker asked concerned for his friend. He could tell something was wrong with him. He just wanted to know what.

Ratliff wanted to say, but he couldn't. He couldn't get it out of him. Then Ross came walking through backstage and Ratliff just watched him as Ross got what he wanted before going back to where he came from. Ratliff looked back at Riker.

Riker smiled "I get Ratliff," Riker said "go for it."

"You sure?" Ratliff asked "cause I-"

"Listen, it's fine with me! Go for it, I don't care. Honest." Riker said smiling.

Ratliff let out a laugh "We had a good run Riker," Ratliff said "but I think our relationship was only meant to be as friends." Riker nodded in agreement "as for mine and Ross's.."

"It's always been love for you both Ratliff," Riker said "now go!" He said shoving him a little bit "go get him back before someone else comes along and steals his heart."

Ratliff laughed before going off to find Ross and win him back.

After a month of being off the World Tour and R5 coming to an end, Rydel and Dominic finally got married together and Ross and Ratliff re-married and got back together which was a relief for the whole R5 fandom, the world and more importantly their family.

One day Rydel was just going along her normal business when she got a phone call from someone in New York offering her a career as a solo artist now that R5 was done. She put it on hold before going to talk to her brothers about it because she wasn't so sure if she wanted to go on as a Solo Artist without R5. But they all reassured her that it was okay for her to do it.

She then left for New York with Dominic, Ryan and Alesia within the month.

Riker on the other hand was doing the same thing, going about on his usual days when he got a call from someone offering him a job in Miami to be a music teacher. It wasn't exactly what he was hoping for, but you know it was better than staying around doing nothing having no job. So he decided to take it and move to Miami with Germaine, Ashleigh and Jake.

He left within the same month as Rydel.

After getting the news about Riker leaving to Miami and Rydel going to New York starting their own career's Ross decided he needed to do something with his life. He then decided he was moving back to Colorado where he originally came from. He moved back to Colorado to be with his other family aka Mini Ross, Rydel, Riker, Rocky, Ratliff, Ryland etc. Of course Ryland was in Colorado as well, which he hadn't seen. He had his own wife Savannah and his kids as well. So it was nice that Ross had some original family. Though his real family were Ratliff, Charlotte, baby Laura and Ratliff's son Nate seen as though Nate moved to the states away from his mother.

Ross left the same day as Rydel and Riker.

As for Keely, she decided it would be best for her to stay in L.A with Mackenzie and Alesia. Wasn't cause she wanted to, it was because it was Rocky's home. Sure Colorado was his original home but it was Rocky's home with her, Mackenzie and Alesia.

She stayed.

As for Laura and Rocky, after that they eventually just passed on to the other side.

So it was a happy ending for everyone. Minus the deaths of Rocky and Laura.

Laura sighed as she was sat at a table with Rocky which she had been in for the last few hours now. Yes they were on the otherside but it was like a whole new life there! Currently Rocky was telling Laura about the time when she was giving birth to Ashleigh and Rocky accidentally broken the door locking Ratliff and Riker in there, making Rocky having to jump out of the window to get the spare key and door handle in Laura and Riker's apartment.

"So.." Laura said "what your saying is.. My husband was late for his child's birth because your an idiot who broke a door.."

"Pretty much.." Rocky said.

"You know this is kinda like karma."

"What is?"

"Your death," Laura said "Riker barely got to see Ashleigh be born because of you. You didn't get to see little Rocky's birth because you died.."

"That had nothing to do with you or Riker though," Rocky said "Maia's the one who killed me.."

Laura sat back in her chair "Or was it Rocky?" Laura asked grinning "how do you know I wasn't just feeling lonely up in the sky and wanted someone to come join me.."

Rocky gasped "You didn't.." Rocky said.

"Oh but I did Rocky."

"You bitch.."

"Jeez Rocky I'm joking, I never actually made Maia kill you.." Laura said.

Rocky sighed with relief "Well that's good, because then I would have to personally kill you myself.."

"I'm already dead Rocky you can't kill me again," Laura said "we can only be reincarnated when babies are born."

Rocky nodded "True."

"Hey, can you go into that store room and get me that bucket of paint that's in there I need to do something with it and it;s on the top shelf and I can't reach it."

Rocky nodded "Sure." He got up and went into the store room whilst Laura just grinned as he done it, she was trying her best not to laugh.

Rocky looked in the store room "I don't see any pain Laur." He said. Then all of a sudden the door slammed shut. That's when he realized "Oh haha Laura, funny!" Rocky then grabbed the door handle, but yet again it fell off and broke so he couldn't get out. Just like that time with Riker and Ratliff "Oh this isn't even- Laura! Open the door now!"

Laura couldn't help but laugh at the door handle and Rocky, gosh he was such an idiot. Laura could spend forever in heaven with Rocky cause of his funniness, but she knows it can't last forever cause of them having to be reborn as someone else's baby. But they won't have any memory of this. So Laura just wants to make the most of it.

She sat there for a little while before the knocking on the door died down "Alright I'm coming," Laura said as she still laughed walking up to the door beginning to open it "You know I'm surprised you never seen it coming Rocky cause we were talking about it seconds ag-" As she swung the door open, she noticed Rocky wasn't there.

"Rocky?" Laura called out. She looked inside the store cupboard, it could only fit one person in the store cupboard anyway so where else could he of gone? "Rocky?" Laura called again coming out of the store cupboard "where are you? Stop playing games now and come out."

"Rocky's gone." A voice said.

Laura turned around "Julian? What do mean Rocky's gone?" Laura asked walking up to him.

Julian frowned "Keely. She's giving birth to a boy.." Julian said.

Laura's face dropped "H-he's been reincarnated..?" Laura asked saddened "I'm never gonna see him again." Julian shook his head, Laura began to shake her's violently "No! No! I never got a proper goodbye to him!"

"Goodbye? Goodbye's are painful Laura," Julian said "that's why he went when you guys were having fun.. So you would forever have a good memory of him and he you."

"Will I ever see him again?" Laura asked.

Julian smiled "Oh trust me, when your reincarnated.. You'll both be closer than you think even though you won't know it." Julian said before slowly disappearing.

"Oh great," Laura said out loud to herself "so I gotta wait around by myself until I'm reincarnated that's just great." Laura sighed before bringing a screen up to the table, she clicked a few spots on it before her family came up. She decided she'd watch over them whilst she was waiting. She could select who she wanted to look over Riker, Germaine, Ashleigh, Jake, Ryan, Mackenzie, Ross, Ratliff, Charlotte, baby Laura or Rydel. She sighed before clicking Keely. If she couldn't see Rocky again, she may as well see him as a baby.

When she clicked on Laura a thing came up of Keely holding a baby, which was obviously Rocky. By the looks of it Keely had actually named her baby Rocky. Laura smiled, she felt tears in her eyes so she decided to get away from Keely and go see Riker for a little while. Awhh. He was doing great now, happily. She then went to go see the others. Last but not least Rydel.

Laura saw Rydel having a blast in Africa, she smiled and let out a small laugh "You know, for a pregnant girl she sure is energetic.." Laura said. All of a sudden something clicked to Laura. Julian's words began to echo in her head when she was talking about ever seeing Rocky again.

You'll both be closer than you think even though you won't know it

Laura smiled to herself. It would be in no time before she was back with her real family, even though she wouldn't know it.

She couldn't be happier about it.

The End

Sorry, I couldn't find the motivation to do it :/ So... Yeah. maybe later on and I don't have many stories out, I might delete and re-write