As Gillian stepped off the elevator, she was pleasantly surprised to see Cal sitting in one of the slightly uncomfortable waiting room chairs; elbow propped up on the light oak arm chair, head resting against the palm of his hand, eyes closed. In the hustle and bustle of phones ringing, patients checking in and shoes squeaking against the floor, those were just a few things that had gone unnoticed in a busy ER.

"Cal." No response to her voice; not even a jump as she sat down in the chair next to him. She looked up at the bustling nurse's station and wondered just how long had he been like this. Now that she thought about it, he had been quite out of it at the office. "Can I get a little help here?" She finally got the attention of the red headed nurse she had talk to earlier as she came around the desk towards her and began taking his vitals.

"His pulse is a little thready. How has he been acting lately?"

"Out of it. He's recovering from injuries from a car accident."

"What injuries did he sustain in the accident?"

"Broken ribs, bruises, cuts. He had surgery for internal injuries. My guess is he passed out because he's still not taking his pain medication." The nurse waved over another nurse as they lifted him into the wheelchair.

"You said he was out of it? Was there a reason he wasn't taking his medicine? Was he feeling dizzy or hallucinating?"

"He said the medication made him feel fuzzy."

"Sounds like a possible reaction to his medication. What was he prescribed?" The nurse asked as Gillian let out a frustrated groan. "That's okay. We'll look in his chart. What's his name?"

"Cal. Cal Lightman."

"Cal Lightman?" The red headed nurse's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "As in the Lightman Group?"


"Okay, he helped my brother a few years back." She grasped the handles of the wheelchair. "We'll take good care of him. If you'll take a seat, we'll let you know what's going on after we examine him."

"Thank you." As she sat down in the chair Cal had been sitting in moments ago, Gillian dug through her purse to call Emily and let her know what was going on. After three rings, it went straight to her voicemail. At that point Gillian looked at her watch and remembered she was probably still in school.

"You've got Emily. Please leave a message."

"Emily, it's Gillian. Please give me a call back when you get this." With that short message, she hung up and shoved her phone back into her purse, then pulled it back out again when it started ringing a few minutes later.


"I ran the note you sent me." Ria's voice rang through the speaker. "At first glance, there was nothing that I could find to help us narrow down the search. Then I saw small print with a company name we would recognize."

"Which company?"

"Alec's company." Ria announced in a less than subtle way. "We're looking for someone who works with your ex-husband."

"You're telling me the person responsible for taking his wife and son is someone he works with?"

"That's exactly what I'm telling you." Ria agreed, clearing her throat. "I even checked and double checked the name on the note. You and I both know the evidence doesn't lie."

"Okay." Gillian let her shoulders fall as she leaned back in the waiting room chair. "I'll check back with Alec. See if there's anyone we missed talking to the first time around."

"Loker and I will continue to try and narrow the search from our end. In the meantime, you and Lightman coming back to the office any time soon?"

"I will be back soon. Cal on the otherhand, had to take some business to take care of that may keep him out of the office for awhile. Why?"

"No reason. I just wanted to see when you two would be back, since we have an ever growing list of clients stacking up her at the office."

"I know." Gillian did her best to stay calm, even though her patience was literally running thin. "I'll be back at the office as soon as I talk to Alec."

"Okay." Ria relented, knowing she wasn't going to get much out of her. "I guess I will see you when you get back." With that their conversation ended. Gillian sighed as she made the decision to either wait here for any updates on Cal, or to call Alec and tell him the news that he had been waiting for.

Before she could do that, Gillian's phone rang yet again. "Emily?"

"Sorry, my science teacher has a no phone policy so I couldn't answer right away."

"I figured that was the case-at least you still being at school."

"Yeah. Are you and Dad still working on a case? I tried calling him a few minutes ago but he didn't answer."

"We were at the hospital talking to a patient." Gillian left out the fact that Alec was the client. as there was no way she could stand a round of twenty questions at this point in time. "When I came back your father was passed out on the chair. I had a doctor take a look at him, so I should know soon what the verdict is. Whether he likes it or not, I think the doctor is going to tell him he needs to take it easy."

"Have they met my father? He doesn't do easy."

Gillian laughed, breaking the tension of the day. "Well, I guess we'll just have to see what the doctor says."

"Let me know what happens?"

"I will let you know as soon as the doctor comes out."

"Thanks. I want him to be there for my party, you know."

"We'll do our best. But you know your father: he pushes the boundaries that you never knew existed."