I saw the new Star Trek movie last night and I loved it! I adored Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan and so that's what inspired this story! Star Trek is not mine and forgive me for any mistakes! Enjoy!

Chapter One-

"Doctor O'Connelly," I looked up to see Doctor McCoy standing before me. I stood up, raising my arm in a salute. He saluted back, rigidly, then looked over both of his shoulders and entered the room, shutting the door behind him. A smile broke over his face as I went into his arms and we kissed for a moment.

"What's up, Bones?" I teased, beaming up at him. His gruff features melted whenever he was around me, and I loved that about him.

"All medical personnel are being called down to the medical wing," He said, kissing my forehead.

"There wasn't an announcement?" I asked, pulling away from him and gathering my things.

"I thought I'd tell you personally," He grinned, but then his face grew serious. "Bryn, you know about...about Khan being on board."

"What about him?" I walked out of my room and he followed me down the hall. We reached and elevator and resumed our conversation.

"I just don't want you to get hurt," He said, sliding his hand in mine and squeezing it. "He's dangerous."

"I know," I smiled up at him. "But I won't get hurt. He's surrounded by soldiers all of the time. He couldn't lay a finger on me, even if he wanted to." Bones still was frowning, so I touched his arm lightly, and leaned in closer to him. "And I know for certain that my boyfriend won't allow him to." I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek, and the elevator doors opened.

We walked into the hospital bay, and saw soldiers everywhere, all dressed in red, with a few doctors in blue milling about. Bones pushed through them, and I followed. I'd seen "John Harrison" before, but only in pictures.

"Is this it?" Bones stopped before a table, where a man clad in black sat, his posture erect. He had black hair, slightly curly, and piercing blue eyes. He looked even more intimidating up close, and I felt my heart quicken. Whether it was from fear or not though, I was uncertain.

"It," Khan said distastefully. "You speak of me as if I am not a man, just like you." His voice was deep, and his accent elegant. I swallowed, and made myself look at McCoy.

"After what you did, I doubt you deserve to be called a man, you sick bastard," McCoy snarled, and I stepped up, laying a few fingers on his arm.

"Remember what you're here for," I reminded him softly, and Khan's eyes moved to mine.

"I recognize this," He gave a sneer and a nod to McCoy. "To be the chief medical officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise. But you I am unfamiliar with."

"My name is Bryn -" I began.

"Don't answer him," McCoy interrupted me, glaring at Khan. "Your business is with me, not with her."

"You are strangely protective for a mere relationship of colleague to colleague - " Khan smirked, and McCoy's expression melted into anger. He grabbed Khan's shirt, dragging him up from the table, and pulling him close to his face.

"You keep your mouth shut!" McCoy roared, and I squeezed myself between them, pushing McCoy backwards.

"Stop! Both of you!" I cried.

"If Doctor McCoy is unable to perform the necessary examination upon Khan, than I suggest that Dr. O'Connelly take his place," Spock said, and I looked towards him. I hadn't noticed him standing in the corner.

"Bryn O'Connelly," Khan said my name, letting each syllable roll off his tongue. "That is the name your boyfriend was trying to conceal from me."

"He's not my-" I blushed, but before I could finish, McCoy's fist went flying into Khan's face. There was an uproar, and two soldiers grabbed him back, holding him steadily away from Khan. McCoy fought against them, furious, but I could not look away from Khan.

Because he didn't even flinch.

"Dr. McCoy will kindly be escorted from the premises," Spock said evenly. "Dr. O'Connelly will continue the examination."

"Bryn, don't!" I turned around as he was being taken from the room, and then the doors slid shut behind him. I sighed, my heart racing with embarrassment.

"Give me your arm," I turned to Khan. "I want a blood sample." He willingly obeyed, rolling up his sleeve and extending his forearm. I silently took his blood, and passed the sample to a nurse nearby. "Analyze this, please."

I took a stethoscope and listened to his heart, but it sounded no different than a normal human's heart-beat. "Cough for me," I asked, and listened to him cough. I checked his eyes and ears, but everything sounded normal.

"He appears to be a regular human being," I addressed the legion of people standing around us. "But Khan," I turned back to him.

"Yes, Bryn." He said almost...pleasently, and I was surprised.

"I did not give you permission to address me by my first name," I said, taken aback. "You will address me as Dr. O'Connelly, and only as Dr. O'Connelly. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Dr. O'Connelly," Khan smiled, and his eyes seemed to rip open my chest and stare clean into my soul. I didn't like it.

"Tell me why it was when Dr. McCoy punched you...you appeared to feel no pain. In fact, you barely flinched. Enlighten me."

"I believe the results of the blood test will answer for that." Khan said smoothly.

Just then, a nurse came back up to me, a puzzled look on her face. "Dr. O'Connelly," She said. "I - I'm confused. His blood appears to be altered, and there are properties here, see? That make him...like he is."

"I am unclear on what you are trying to tell us," Spock said, confused.

"He's a genetically modified human," I said quietly. "It means he's stronger, and faster than the rest of us."

All at once, every weapon in the room was trained upon Khan, who merely smiled lazily.

"Take him back to his quarters," Spock ordered. "He will stay there until further notice. Dismissed."

We all filtered out after a squadron of men escorted Khan from the room. I couldn't stop thinking about him, even as I went through the ship, looking for McCoy.

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