Welcome everyone. Please read and review. I am trying to do this story from memory of what happened in the new movie, so please be patient. I don't know how often this will get updated, hopefully once a week, but I am extremely busy this summer.

The characters and worlds belong to their creators and owners. I do own Charlie Archer.

Please Read and Review, it will help me update faster with encouragement.

"Move! Clear the way! Make a hole!"

The people in the hall flattened themselves to the wall or jumped out of the way, as a figure ran past.

The sound of fast moving feet brought the attention of the man at the desk to the figure that came flying into his office.

"Sir, we've found him."

The head of Starfleet, Admiral Marcus, stood and demanded, "Where?"

"London, Sir. Surveillance puts him outside The Achieves just before the explosion."

"Got you, you son of a bitch! Get me everything you have on him and the explosion, but nothing to do with Sector 31. Then initiate protocol, recall everyone. We need to hunt this bastard down."

"Yes, Sir."

"Oh, and Commander, you're my expert on him, you're with me at the briefing."

"Yes, Sir."

The Commander left, no longer running but with haste to carry out their new orders, all the while muttering under their breath, "Khan, what are you planning?"

As the last of the command staff filed into the room, a lone figure surveyed them. Each person represented the elite that Starfleet had to offer, but the figure had an ominous feeling that they wouldn't be enough to stop whatever plan Khan was about to unleash.

Unlike Admiral Marcus, Commander Charlotte "Charlie" Archer, did not underestimate what Khan could and would do for revenge.

"Come to order," Admiral Marcus called to those who had assembled. Each was seated but one chair was left open at Marcus' right side.

"Ah, Commander Archer, glad that you could join us."

The petite Commander moved out of the shadows and took the lone open seat.

"Good evening everyone, thank you, for being prompt. Our intelligence has identified our target… His name is John Harrison and he's one of our own."

Commander Charlotte Archer tuned out Admiral Marcus as she was already familiar with the information and instead focused on the image of John Harrison. How one man could be so destructive she wished she had never known, but she knew Khan and his history. Not that she could tell anyone, she was sworn to secrecy.

She refocused on the room as the infamous Captain, now Commander James T. Kirk, asked the most important question… why?

"Could just be the beginning."

Charlie decided to jump into the conversation, "I conquer with Commander Kirk, if Harrison wants war with Starfleet, the bombing was just the beginning."

Marcus looked annoyed that she had actually agreed with Kirk. She could see him trying to figure out what her play was, but with her training it was near impossible.

Suddenly Charlie felt a cold shiver go down her spine, the one she always got when Khan was close. She surveyed the door; wherever he was he was close. She was about to interrupt further when a blinding light flooded the room. A jump ship had moved into position just outside of the window. Kirk had enough time to realize their target was the pilot and to yell for everyone to clear the room, before the occupant of the ship opened fire.

She threw herself under the table, cursing both Khan and herself for her failure to bring a weapon other than her concealed knife. The sound of weapons fire and screaming brought her focus back to those who were not so lucky to get out of the target range.

Four were dead with three injured; she could hear Admiral Christopher Pike calling for back up. Admiral Marcus wasn't anywhere to be found.

'Coward,' her mind roared. The man had unleashed this monster, took the one thing he cared for most, and then lost control of him, leaving the unsuspecting Starfleet officers to pay the price.

If she didn't need Marcus and his resources to capture Khan, she would have been half tempted to shoot the bastard herself. She moved to check a prone figure, she may not have a weapon but she could move the injured to safety.

Dead. It was unfortunate; she had liked the eager Commander Hopper.

She moved on and turned to see Commander Spock dragging a figure out of the room. She rushed after and found the Commander at the side of Admiral Pike, who was obviously struggling to breath due to his wounds.


Charlie rushed forward to help but it was clear that he wouldn't last long without medical attention. She didn't even flinch at the sound of an explosion and a crash.

All she was focused on was the man slowly dying in front of her. She grabbed his hand to give what comfort she could. She murmured nonsense and reassurances, she had only met the man twice but she knew his history. What he had done for Starfleet and during the Nero incident.

Commander Spock seemed frozen, stunned to see the Admiral gasping for breath. He then did something odd; he formed a mind-meld with the dying man and maintained it as Pike succumbed to his wounds.

Charlie was just as shocked to see a pillar of Starfleet fade before her eyes. There was movement behind them and Kirk dropped to his knees, a look of pure disbelief on his face. He reached to check what she already knew Pike was gone.

She felt her heart break as the young Captain gave into his emotions. She had heard how close they were and it was hard to watch as a fellow officer mourned for his fallen mentor.

Spock remain stoic and blank faced, but having known Vulcans her entire life, Charlie could see the struggle the Commander was having, trying to repress the tidal wave of emotions threatening his control.

She sat silently watching as Kirk regained control and moved off to mourn or plan his revenge she didn't know or care which.

Spock remained at Pike's side and closed his eyes, as a sign of respect. Then he too moved off but when he turned back to thank the female Commander for her assistance, he only saw the fading light of a transporter but no Commander or Pike in sight.

As the light of the transporter fade the female figure struggled under the weight of the body of her male companion.

"Doc, "she yelled. She heard someone moving quickly toward her from the front of the ship.

"Charlie?" the man questioned.

"Doc, give me a hand getting him up on the bed."

Together they moved the man onto a bed.

"Who is this? What the hell happened?"

"Doc, I'd like you to meet the man you're going to save. Admiral Christopher Pike."

What did you think? Please review.