Hey everyone! This is the last chapter of Thalia's Journal. Thanks to everyone who's read, reviewed, favorited, and followed this story.

Special thanks to DeathPrincess for reviewing! Unfortunately, this isn't a Thuke story. Sorry for any confusing. In my story, Luke and Thalia are like siblings This is simply my take on why Luke joined Kronos.

Disclaimer: I do not own Thalia or any of the characters from the Percy Jackson series.

"Right. Stick close," Nico muttered.

I followed him through the ghost crowd until he suddenly stopped. I literally almost bumped into him.

Nico clears his throat. "There's someone here to see you."

The ghost in front of Nico stands up and turns around. I gasp.

"Luke!" I stepped forward.

He looked at me with surprise. "Thalia? What are you doing here?" He looked at Nico, then me, then back to Nico again. "You brought her here?" He asked.

Nico nodded. "She made me. I'll be back in about thirty minutes." The son of Hades disappears into the shadows.

"You shouldn't have come, Thalia."

"I know, but Luke, I had to talk to you. Nico and I found your journal, and I read it. Is all of that true? Even the part about you joining Kronos to save me?"

Luke just sighed. "Thalia, I didn't write that down so you could blame yourself. I just wanted you to know."
"So it's true then. I'm the one to blame. I'm the reason you joined the dark side. Why did you have to join him?"

"I joined him because I felt bad about you turning into a tree. Listen to me. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have joined, shouldn't have listened to Kronos, shouldn't' have let you fight all those monsters on Half-Blood Hill that night. All of it—it's my fault. You can't blame yourself, Thalia. You know Kronos would have found someone else to replace me if I hadn't joined him. It's his fault, understand?" Luke tried to reassure me, but it wasn't working.

"But if it weren't for me, you'd still be alive! It's my fault you're dead. It's like I killed you!"

"But you didn't. I did. I killed myself when I joined Kronos' army. I knew what I was getting myself into. But this is better that you still being a tree. Is that what you want?"

"Better than you being dead!" I threw the comment into his face.

"I'd rather have died a hero and you be alive than I be alive with really, not much to do and you be a tree. Be reasonable, Thalia," he argued.

"But Luke—"I started to protest.

"You're a Huntress now. You've got so much to live for. Trust me. I regret what I did, joining Kronos' army, but I'm glad you're alive again."

I sighed in exasperation. "So much to live for? Like what?"

"Hunting, watching the camp grow, getting more girls to join the Hunt, seeing the world, Percy and Annabeth, Jason—"

I gasped. "What did you just say?"

Luke looked at me curiously. "Huh?"

"Jason. You said Jason. How did you know about him?"

"Um…did I say Jason? I meant to say something else…I meant to say…"

"Save it, Luke. You know what you said. How did you know? I never told anyone."

Luke sighed. "I'm not really supposed to say anything. In fact, I've said too much already."

"Spill it!"

"Okay, fine. But don't tell anyone I told you this, got it?"

I rolled my eyes. "No one knows about Jason. Who am I gonna tell?"

"Right. When I was with Kronos, we met a bunch of people. One of the guy's name was Jason. That's all I can tell you. But he's alive. Why didn't you tell me? We could have gone to look for him! I would have helped you!"

"Well, I thought he was dead! He disappeared when he was two, and I thought he was gone. So I ran away. But he's not dead?"

Luke nodded. "Nope, but that's all I can tell you. You should go find him. Don't blame yourself for what happened, okay? It was my choices, my mistakes. Please don't blame yourself. I'd be happier if I knew you didn't. Please? For me."

I slowly nod my head. "Alright, Luke. For you. And by the way? You got your wish. Everyone's saying that you're a hero. I thought you should know."

Luke smiled a peaceful smile. "Thanks, Thalia."

Just then, Nico showed up. "Ready to go?" he asked.

Reluctantly, I got up and faced Luke one last time. "Goodbye, Luke." This was my friend, the one who joked around with me, told stories, goofed off, so the goodbye shouldn't have felt weird. But it did. The parting had a formality to it.

"Bye Thalia," Luke replied with a sad expression on his face. "Thanks for everything. And I promise I'll write in the journal."

Suddenly, Luke pulled me into a hug, catching me by surprise. After a second, I returned it. When we pulled away, there were tears in my eyes. I wiped them away, and Luke gives me a ghost of a smile. Nico and I turn and started to wade through the ghost crowd. Halfway through, I stopped and turned around. I met Luke's eyes.

"And Luke?"

He looks at me with a question in his eyes.

"I forgive you."

It's hard to tell because of all the ghosts walking around me, but I think he gave me one of his genuine smiles. I turned around, and walked back into my life.

So that's the story of how I got this journal. Yes, Luke wants me to write in it, and I promised him, so here I am. I wish Luke was still alive, but since he's not, I have to honor his wishes. I admit that it does make the burden easier to carry. I will remember Luke forever.

My Hunters are beginning to stir, and I don't want them to ask questions about this book. It's too personal. This is a side of me that I'll never show. So I need to hide the book now. Until next time, Thalia.

So what did you think? Should I write a new story for Thalia's Journal? I'm thinking along the lines of writing a story about how Thalia got a new girl to join the Hunters...Let me know what you think in a review!

I will have a new story up soon...It's going to be a Kickin' It story! I hope you'll all read it!
