AN: Disclaimer dont own to creators of teen wolf, thor/avengers and the norse myths that have been passed down through generations.

His mom's eyes were green, that's something Stiles will remember first about her. Not her slowly withering away as cancer ate up her cells. Not her smile that could be cold, cruel, warm, loving. Not her words, her vast amount of knowledge on the people, the world, the universe. But her eyes, they were always full of mischief, a shocking green that he wished he had.

In pictures Stiles has hidden away from everyone but his dad, his mom would look sad. in one his dad took she was staring out the window clutching something in her hand, the saddest look on her face. in another, she's clutching Stiles to her chest tears in her eyes, his dad once told him that she used to mutter "They won't take you away, not like them, not like the others."

Another picture he took, she was distracted reading Stiles Norse mythology, she had laughed as she read of Thor dressing in women's clothing pretending to be Freyja, almost as if she really was there experiencing it. But the next story was about Loki and just as John took the picture she got a pained look. She stopped reading Stiles stories about Thor and Loki. She and Stiles would often read Stiles stories on the supernatural, the gods and just the unknown in general. She started reading him books on magic was the one to get him hooked on Harry Potter. (Though sometimes she scoffed at the things in it but he would later catch her trying the spells later, blushing when he'd catch her.) He'd like playing pretend, she sewed him a bright red cape with a lot of embroidery. Protective spells she joked but if she made any mistakes she redid it. His mother would always say "In every lie, in every myth, every story, there is truth. Never forget that my little Genim."

His mom would always say things like that, she'd take him out to the forest. They walk bare foot, his mom would say that it was the best way to connect to the earth's magic, teach him the different plants and what they were used for, how to tell which animals were what depending on their paw prints, the scat or markings. She'd even teach him spells and magic, his dad would sometimes get mad when weird things happened. His mom would smile and explain away whatever happened, his dad would relax and kiss her mouth while Stiles made an eww face. "You have a spark my dear boy."

There are pictures of four children playing with Stiles, their names written in loopy writing, Jormungandr, Fenrir, Hela, Sleipnir. One is a tall boy, around twelve years old, long straight dark hair pulled in back in a ponytail, he had his mom's eyes and olive skin. He's always chasing the younger children or standing in the background worried. Sleipnir would read fairy tales to them when ever Mom was tried or sad.

Hela, the only girl in the group was ten years old, pale skinned and dark curls, she was also the most covered up. At first Stiles thought she was wearing black gloves but not on closer look. Her hands were literally blackened as if they were charred or rotting. She smiled fondly at the younger boys, she even held a baby version of Stiles in one photo. in another baby stiles is playing with her long curls while she ties beads onto string for bracelets.

Jormungandr the second boy was freckled,redheaded seven-year old. His eyes were like the sea and he was only smiling when there was water around. Stiles vaguely remembers learning how to swim or rather instinct kicking in after nearly drowning when he dragged him down to the lake floor, then kicking out of his grip and to the surface. Jor grinned when he popped up only seconds after Stiles surfaced.

Fenrir the last boy was a short bulky one, everything about him screamed wild, feral. Stiles and him always got into fights not just with each other but also double teaming against Jackson and the other bullies Stiles faced.

They always protected Stiles, Sleipnir would charm the adults so they always believed him no matter what he said, Hela would find snakes, huge bugs and put them in their shoes. Jor and Fen would try to beat the crap outta them before mom would pull them off whatever unlucky sod daring incur their wrath. She would scold them in front of the other adults but in the car she'd laugh and take them for ice cream. She'd warn them to be more careful all while fixing their cuts and kissing bruised shins.

He was nine and three quarters the last time he was with them, he'd followed them when he was supposed to be sleeping. They were all crying and begging an old man to leave them alone. Fenrir was being held back by his siblings, to keep him from attacking the old man. He wanted to run to them, but his mom saw him and signaled him to stay back.

"All-Father, please i beg you release me and my children. I am no threat, i've done no evil for the past fifteen years. I'll live and die on Midgard, just please lets us go."

"Loki, my son you have fouled the realm with your monstrous bastard children and with your wicked deeds. If you agree to return them to their proper realms and yourself back home, I will forgive you for your mistakes."

His mother bowed his head, trembling, "I agree, on one condition." The All-Father raised a brow but nodded. "Let me end my mortal life, Lori Ann Stilinski has led a full life in fifteen years. She fell in love with a man with the warmest smile, she had a son, a mortal son who she loves. Please allow me to give them closure All-Father. "

His face darkened with anger, when his mom told him about her mortal family. Revealed she had another bastard child. His voice rumbled out of his chest, "One year, that is all you have Loki. But your children, they must return tonight. I'll give you privacy to say good-bye." He banged his staff on the ground and suddenly his siblings cried out their forms changing. He disappeared and Stiles ran out to clutch his mother's skirt. Right by him, a horse with eight legs, a giant sea serpent withering on the ground and a giant wolf all around a rotting body.

"Genim, oh my sweet boy. You were never ment to know this about your siblings, their true forms. Meet your brother Fenrir the wolf, Jormungandr the midgardian serpent, Hela the queen of Helheim , and Sleipnir the eight legged horse. I told you Genim, In every lie, in every myth, every story -"

"There is truth." He finished as he looked at his brothers and sister, he ran to hug them, crying as he did. "I'm gonna miss you. I don't want ya to leave."He hiccupped as his mom pet his hair.

"Genim you have to say good-bye, they will die or get hurt if they stay. Jor is already having trouble breathing." They watched as one by one each child disappeared. his mom sagged to the floor, auburn hair covered her face.

"What will ya tell dad?" Stiles moved back to his mother, hugging her as sobs racked her body. She looked at him through her hair, her heart breaking as she looked at her sweet boy.

"I'm going to live up to my name my son. I'm going to lie, i will use my magic to do it. It will be easier to die than it would be to disappear."

Then for months Stiles had to live with the burden of knowing his mother would be alive just gone from him and his dad. That the All-Father from his mom's stories, was real and he just ripped Stiles' family apart. Last few months of his mother being alive, a huge blonde man came in he looked happy to see Stiles mom.

"Brother!" His voice boomed, scaring Stiles.

"Genim," she croaked. "Go out to your father, I need to talk to my brother." Stiles gaped, this guy had to be Thor. In the past year, she's told Stiles how she grew up. Alone, neglected overshadowed by her older brother Thor and she'd gone mad as they took each one of her children. Stiles ran at him hitting his legs and armor.

"GO AWAY! LEAVE MY MOMMY ALONE! I WANT HER TO STAY! YOU GUYS HURT HER, YOU GUYS BROKE MY MOMMY AND MY FAMILY! I JUST WANT HER TO STAY!" John rushed in the moment Stiles started screaming, he pulled Stiles away from Thor. Stiles went limp in his father's arms. "...I just want her to stay please."

"I'm sorry, he's just a little upset right now." John said looking at the strange man standing next to Lori. " Who are you?"

"I am Thor of-"

"He's my foster-brother Thor, the hospital must have called him. He's the only one i had left. I'm afraid I have to ask for some private time with my brother."

Stiles watch from the window as Thor tried to hug his mom, she flinched away from his touch. He said things he couldn't hear and his mom started crying again, pointing to the door. Thor walked out and looked at Stiles and John with pity. Stiles glared at him before running to his mom.

"Stiles, Stiles, Stiles." She crooned, shaking arms held out. John peered in hesitant, Lori waved him in. She patted her bed. "Join me please?"

John climbed into the bed alongside his wife, while Stiles crawled into her lap. He held both to his side, pressing a kiss to her forehead, till they fell asleep. Stiles woke in the early hours of the morning.

The last time he saw her alive, she pressed her red lips to his forehead. "Good bye little one, mother always loves you." She holds him close and whispers in his ear,

If you ever need me, whisper Ikol, and I shall find you. Keep this a secret, my dear." She kissed John's forehead and mouth. She laid back in the bed. "You will always be in my heart, John."

BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. Nurses and doctors rushed in, asking John to take Stiles out. Doe brown eyes filled with tears as he watched his mom get worked on by them. He knew it wouldn't matter, his mother died; she had to go back to her prison.


AN: Its been a while since i wrote anything seriously. I had story ideas in my head but never written anything down. I got inspired by the stories 'souls of mischief' the series 'unseasonal' and 'that smile' to do a Loki as Stiles mom story (you can find them on ao3). If anyone does like it then i might continue this. I'm gonna rewrite this, add more detail on how his parents met, and then later try to follow canon as much as possible. Also i'll add norse mythology to this if i can.

This takes place BEFORE Thor, Loki has been to Midgard before he met John (Mr. Stilinski), had human lovers before but only few human children that survived, any other kids were either killed or imprisoned by Odin or the Warriors 3, Lady Sif and Thor. The last child taken by them was over 200 years before Thor, he's forgiven them but not forgotten thats why he doesn't get along with them. But he helps them for his plans with the Jotunns.

also its based off this kink meme prompt. stiles-derek . livejournal 87968 . html just remove the spaces