I am SO SO SORRY! I've been losing track of what's important. I never mean for it to go on like this for so long...It's kinda short, but hopefully still good.

Disclaimer: IMAA belongs to Nicktoon and Marvel or whatnot. :)

All eyes were suddenly on them. From one moment, everyone's attention had been towards the exciting food display Harry had presented to them to the next where not a single pair of eyes strayed from them. The food sat, practically forgotten as they waited for confirmation. Each one of them stared in disbelief. Even the most focused, relaxed one of them all, Judy.

"You found what?" Elliot blurted from where he sat.

"A way out," Pepper confirmed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Harry inquired.

It was turning out more complicated than they had originally thought. At first, when they found the way out, they were ecstatic. They were ready to go that instant. Pepper was instantly rushing towards the machine they had found earlier, but Tony decided that he wanted to be the voice of reason. He insisted that everyone else was informed of the new discovery, and be given a choice of whether or not they want to join them. And after a moments talk, it was settled that before they did anything, they would inform the others at the mansion.

Everyone else had been just settling down for an early dinner when the four appeared. Harry insisted that they helped themselves to some food, but before they could even sit down Howard had decided that they couldn't waste much time. It's been pretty much 3 years since he's been with his son at home, and he just wanted to go home. As soon as possible. Which was why he decided to explain their discovery before finally taking a seat at the table.

"It's like I said," Howard began with a sigh, "everyone at this table came here because of Simon. And this isn't where we all belong."

"So you guys found out how to get back to…Earth?" Elliot asked skeptically.

"Something like that," Rhodey said.

"Then where is this place?" Harry questioned. "Is this really another world?"

"Well, we're not entirely sure ourselves, but we're definitely not anywhere near our homes."

"Home," both Elliot and Harry whispered the word.

"And how do you know this is the way back?" Judy finally spoke.

It was a long shot that they'd believe them right away, but they were hopeful. Though, it was proving hard to convince the group that they had indeed found a way back. They questioned everything that they'd said and doubted everything as well.

"We don't," Pepper said, her arms crossed," but we do know that it's a chance."

"We're not trying to make you jump to a decision, but inform you that we found a possible way to get out of here," Rhodey added.

"Whether or not you join us," Pepper said, "is up to you."

Silence soon ensued, leaving everyone at the table to their thoughts. Tony, on the other hand, had been lost in his thoughts for some time. He'd missed more than half of the entire conversation. His mind was currently preoccupied with the thought of home. Just like Harry, Elliot, and the rest of them, he hasn't seen home in what seemed like forever. It's been a long time since he ever even thought of going home. It wasn't that he didn't want to, it was just that he'd forgotten. He'd forgotten what it was like to have a home where he didn't have to constantly serve someone else. He'd forgotten what is was like to have a home altogether. It felt stressful, yet relieving to be able to think of having a home, a real home, in only a short while.

The gardener, Meredith, gave a loud sigh, "I've never thought of leaving this place before. It's the only place I've really known."

Harry gave a soft nod, "Yeah. It's hard to think of leaving it."

"I'd like to go," Elliot softy spoke in her seat beside Harry, "It'd be nice to go someplace new for a change."

One of the other former servants, who sat next to Judy, spoke up, "What about the little ones?"

Tony blinked, bringing himself out of his thoughts. He hadn't thought of the little kids. What were they going to do about the little kids?

"Are their parents around?" Howard asked.

Judy sighed, "Not exactly. All of them were orphans who lived on the streets. Sir Sim—excuse me—Simon, had taken them in due to the demands from Madame Ruby. In exchange, Madame Ruby was kicked out of the mansion."

"Jerry watched over them in his free time, but after some time, Tony started watching over them," Elliot spoke gesturing to Tony. Jerry was the person who helped out Rhodey and Howard with the clothes and their rooms.

Pepper looked to Tony, faintly remembering seeing Tony as Annie with the children. She remembered that they all wanted to play with him, but he hadn't been feeling well. They did seem to really like him. She wondered if they knew who he really was.

"I don't suppose the children can come with can they?" Pepper said, furrowing her brows in thought.

"I'll stay," Judy offered. "I'm getting old anyways. I've been here the longest, so I don't mind sticking around to make sure the kids are alright."

"Are you sure?" Howard asked.

Judy nodded her head with a soft smile, "No point for me to leave this place. I don't think I have anything or anybody to return to."

Tony tensed as she spoke. It sounded like she'd given up. She was speaking as if that was her only choice. He tried to hide it as he bit his lip nervously to hold back any words. He didn't know what to say, nor did he want to say something that would just convince her even more. He didn't like the idea of her staying behind. At least if it was because she thought she had no other choice. He's known her for some time. She took care of him when he was sick and was always there when he needed someone to talk to.

"Isn't there an orphanage nearby?" Pepper spoke the words Tony couldn't. "They'd take the children in right?"

"Yes," Judy said with a soft smile, "they would. But that's not what I want. I don't like the idea of sending them off to another unknown place. They had troubles adjusting to this place already. I'd feel better knowing that they were alright."

Tony knew she wasn't going to be easily swayed. When Judy made a decision, she stuck to it. Like when she decided that she was going to make sure that he was safe, after the first few major attacks from Simon. She decided that she was going to keep him alive after that first time he'd almost died only months after arriving.

He shook his head. He didn't want to start remembering unpleasant things.

"If you're sure," Howard said, "we'll respect your choice."

Judy smiled her thanks, "Thank you, Mr. Stark."

Elliot rose her hand slightly, "Um…what would I do, if I returned with you guys?"

"Whatever you'd like," Tony found himself saying. "You could go find family or something."

Elliot frowned. "I don't even know if I have a family. I don't even remember where I used to live…"

Tony looked down, he was able to relate to that. Except, his family was right here. They knew where he lived. They knew where he belonged. Elliot didn't have that luxury.

"I'm sure we could help with that," Howard offered. "I shouldn't be too hard to find out."

Suddenly, Elliot was smiling brightly. Like she just discovered a treasure. "Really?"

Harry laughed lightly, but didn't speak.

Howard nodded. "Of course, there's plenty of ways out there that could help."

Elliot cheered enthusiastically in her seat. "Then I'll come!"

Her excitement encouraged Harry to speak his mind. "I might as well come as well, maybe I'll have family waiting for me, too."

"Of course you do," Pepper said. "We all do."

She couldn't help but think about her dad. It's been a while since they last seen each other. She wondered if time ran the same here as it did back home. If so, then it's been well over the week she had planned on being gone. He must be worried, since it's been so long. Roberta must be worried as well. Her heart beat in excitement just thinking about seeing her dad again soon.

"Oh, right," Rhodey exclaimed. "Mom's going to kill me!"

Tony looked over, "Roberta's not going to kill you. She's going to ground you until you're thirty, then hug you until you can't breathe."

Rhodey, Pepper, and his dad all stared at him with wide eyes. Tony stared back, only instead he wasn't shocked he was confused. He wasn't sure what was so surprising about what he'd said. Was it wrong to mention Roberta?

"Tony," Rhodey finally spoke. "You remembered?"

"Remembered?" Tony asked, even more confused.

"You remembered my mom!" Rhodey said excitedly now.

"You're remembering more!" Pepper added elatedly.

Tony blinked for a moment, forgetting why this was such a big deal. It didn't take him long to realize what had happened. He found himself smiling excitedly himself. He was remembering more. Pepper was right, he was! He hardly remembered much about anything a little bit ago. He only just recently remembered how he'd received those ugly scars, and he could remember plenty about Pepper and Rhodey. Though, he was still a bit foggy about his dad, there was still something there.

But before now, he hadn't remembered a single thing outside them and the fire. It didn't seem like much, but for them he supposed that it was a big deal to remember something they hadn't yet brought up.

This was good. It meant he was improving.

Maybe once they go home, things could go back to normal for once.

Well, there was a lot of dialogue I know, but I hope you still liked it. :) It is going to end soon! At least within the next two chapters. I feel like that's when this story will finally end. Then we can finally move on to something new, am I right?

Fun Fact: I may or may not have mentioned before, but I am terrified of needles. The doctors laugh when I try to evade them when they're trying to give me shots. They think I'm kidding. No. Those things are almost as bad as centipedes...

School is coming up too quickly. And summer is ending...I just wish I could have been more productive this summer.


It'sAlwaysStark-Potts: I know, it's refreshing to know they have a way home! And then I just prolong the inevitable...Whoops. ^^"

PercyJacksonLover14: Exit found, Check. Tony is somewhat okay, Check. Kinda wonderful cliffhanger, Check. :) And lets keep watching for that happy ending together. It'll come eventually.

Hugs and Love, SilverPedals!