So to make this clear I don't own any thing!

This will be slash (male/Male)

I'm dyslectic and English isn't my first language so plz forgive me for mistakes

I have a beta again, yeah!

That's about all the things you need to know so enjoy.

Italics= thoughts

Bold= writing (a book or letter)

Xander woke up in a white room with his arms still around the blond.

"Lee? Are you ok? What's going on?" Xander asked. Spike sat up.

"Yeah, I'm ok, but I have no idea what's going on." Spike responded.

"Don't tell us you have forgotten about us, William." A woman's voice came from behind them. Spike and Xander spun around. The three woman before them looked different from what Spike remembered before. The old woman hadn't changed but the virgin looked older 19 maybe 20. The biggest change was in the mother. She wasn't pregnant anymore. She was holding a small bundle against her chest. It was she who had spoken. Spike lowered his head.

"My lady, it's an honor to be in your presents again." Spike told them. The virgin laughed.

"Please, William, this doesn't serve you. Come, sit down. We have a lot to explain. And we have a proposition for you." She said. Spike and Xander took their place in the chairs that appeared together with the table.

"Thee?" the old women asked, with a gesture to some liquid. The boys just nodded their head. The woman poured them their drinks before sitting down with the two other women across from the boys. The virgin started the story.

"The Powers-That-Be have full dominance over earth. No other gods can intervene in their plans for the humans in their care without their strict permission." Xander felt his heart sink.

"So we're always going to be a toy to those powers?" He asked. The Mother smiled.

"No, there is one exception." She explained. "The child of a god and their chosen guardians are off limits for the Powers. Many gods have sent their offspring to earth. And we feel it's our turn." The Woman looked down to the bundle in her arms, a sad look on her face. The old woman laid a hand on her shoulder and started talking.

"We represent the circle of life. When the mother gives birth her child becomes the virgin. She then becomes Wisdom, the Virgin becomes the Mother, and I go back in to the Wheel of Life. But from the start of this pregnancy, we knew something was different. And with this realization we saw a way to help you. We couldn't stop the path you were already on, but we can stop the Powers from ever intervening again." The old woman ended her story. Looking expectantly at the boys, she smiled at the realization in Xander's eyes as they immediately travel to the child. The mother smiled.

"His sister is already conceived." She said. "He will be a great mage someday and everything he does will be his choice. We want the people raising him to teach him. Not only magic, but what it means to be human. We think you two would be perfect. So we ask you… Will you consider being our son's parents?"

After that, she stood up and placed the bundle into Xander's arms. Xander looked down. The boy had soft brown curls and the bluest eyes, just like Spike's. However impossible it should be, the child looked like a perfect mix between him and Spike. Xander's heart skipped a beat. He was in love with the little one in his arms. Spike looked over his lover shoulder and he knew. This was their son. He embraced Xander.

"He's perfect." He told Xander. Xander smiled and looked back at the Mother.

"We will accept this honor and we will do our best to raise him." The Mother smiled. The Virgin hugged them both.

"You are going to be wonderful at this. We have another surprise when you get back to your friends and family, but first you need to decide on a name for your son. As soon as you do that we can send you back." She told them before returning to her place beside the other two women. The two men talked a while before turning to the three women.

"We have a name." The old woman nodded.

"Then we will send you back. There will be some time having passed, so be careful." She warned them. After that everything went white again.

It has been a year since they left Sunnydale.

The Scooby gang had transferred to England. Giles and Ethan restarted the Council. Now that the school and the council were on track, Wesley and Dan had decided to return to LA. With Dan being a watcher now, they were sent out to start and new branch of the school in Angel's hotel. They weren't the first ones to have left, and to be fair, with the portal Willow had created they could walk back and forth as much as wanted. Still their leaving had hurt Giles bad. He had managed to keep Scoobys as close as possible. He had seen Dan as his child, just like Willow and Buffy were and losing him had felt like losing Xander yet again.

It had hurt them all when the boy and his lover were lost to them again. At that time Giles had to be the strong one, a shoulder for the girls to cry on, but they were moving on with their life. Now, seeing the boy's best friend leaving shattered the strong front he had put up. Right after sending the two men off, he had locked himself in his office and started on a bottle of whiskey.

It didn't take Ethan long to find him. He used his magic to unlock the door and joined his lover. He let the man cry until he was a sobbing mess in Ethan's arms. That was an hour ago. The bottle of whiskey was now empty and Ethan hadn't touched a drop of it. So it was that he was holding a very drunk watcher close when a harsh light filled the room.

Before Ethan even gained back his sight, he shifted in front of his lover with dagger in hand ready to defend the both of them. His stance faltered when he recognized the figures standing in the middle of the room. Giles, who was standing behind him, pushed him aside. And before the mage could hold his lover back, the watcher was hugging the brunet.

"My son, you're here. I'm sorry I didn't protect you. Please, don't go again." Giles pleaded. Xander didn't know what to do or say. He had never seen the man he thought of as his father like this. Spike took the baby from him so that the brunet was able to hug his father.

"I'm back. We are staying." He reassured the man in his arms. Ethan wasn't sure what was happening. His lover was hugging what looked like their dead son. (No need denying it anymore, the boy was as much his son as he was Giles's.) While someone who could be the boy's dead boyfriend was standing beside him holding a baby to his chest.

"What the hell is going on here?" He yelled. "You get away from him."

Ethan started advancing on the Xander look-alike intending to pull him away from Giles, when the Spike look-alike stopped him.

"Let them. They both need this" Spike told him. Ethan snorted.

"Do you really think that because you're wearing their faces I'm going to let you near him? I'm not stupid. And if Rupert wasn't shit face drunk he would have said the same." He told the blond.

"Look, hun, I know how this looks. I'm not going to let you hurt him over this. So, why don't you use whatever alarm system you have here and call in the rest of the Scooby's, because I'm only explaining this once." The blond said.

Ethan still wasn't sure about the pair, but he did agree that having some backup wasn't a bad idea. He walked towards the intercom.

"Willow, Tara and Buffy… Could you come to Giles' office? Tara, please bring the ingredients for a scanning spell," He glanced back at Giles, who was still sobbing into the brunet's chest, "and maybe some coffee to." He added.

It took the girls less than five minutes to storm the room. Ethan had untangled Giles from the brunet and put him on a chair. The brunet had taken the baby back from the blond. The two of them where whispering and they were smiling at each other like Spike and Xander used to do.

Ethan wasn't fooled. There was one big mistake these imposters had made. The blond wasn't just not dead he was alive. Ethan knew vampires and the man standing next to the brunet wasn't one. He was curious as to who these intruders were and why there were wearing the faces of his son and his lover.

Willow and Tara wasted no time with the spell. Buffy sat with Giles to feed him coffee by the gallon. Because the spell took almost two hours to finish, Giles was sober again by the time it was done. He was quite ashamed of his behavior, but unlike Ethan, he was sure the men in his office were indeed his son and son's lover. (Yeah, there was something strange going on with the fact that Spike was human, but knowing his son, that boy was him. No doubt about it.)

Willow and Tara sat up with disbelief written on their faces. Willow got up and hugged the brunet, not unlike Gilles had done a couple hours earlier.

"You're back? How? What happened and what's with the baby?" She asked. Xander placed his hands on the redhead's shoulders.

"Calm down, Wills, I will explain everything. But, can you bring us some food first? Maybe some milk for Harry?" Xander asked her.

"Harry?" Buffy questioned. Xander smiled and stood up.

"Let me introduce you to our son. Harold Jessie Pratt Giles." Xander looked a little nervous when he looked at Giles. "I know it wasn't official yet when Sunnydale happened, but you said I could change my name officially when I wanted. So I hope you don't mind." He rambled.

"Oh, my dear boy, of course I don't mind. Can I hold my grandson?" the watcher asked. Xander smiled and handed the baby over to his grandfather. A few hours later after both of the men and their son had eaten Harry was sleeping soundly in Spike's arms. The baby had been passed around between the Scoobys, during Spike's and Xander's explanation, until the boy got really fussy and the only one who was capable of calming he was Spike. This pleased the blond greatly.

"There are a few things I still don't understand." Willow said. "First, why is Spike no longer a vampire?" She said. Xander shrugged.

"I think that's the final present the Goddesses promised us." He explained. "What else don't you understand?"

"When we did the spell it told us the parentage of the baby and, according to it, you both share your DNA with the boy." She said. Spike and Xander smiled.

"Of course he does, the Goddess has made him our son, not just in name but also in blood." Spike said. He smiled at the boy in his arms. "And now, if you don't mind, we like to get some sleep. Do you guys have a room for us and maybe a bed for Harry?" He asked.

"I think there is a crib on the attic." Buffy said and she left the room to return with it a while later.

Three months later.

Xander was dressing Harry, blowing on the baby's belly to make him laugh, when William entered.

"Hey, Lex, are you guys ready?" He asked

"Yes." Xander picked the boy up. "We are going to see your uncles, Dan and Wesley." He said while nuzzling the baby's cheek.

"Come on, the others are waiting for us." William told the brunet. The two men walked into Willow's office. Willow was going to open the portal between the LA and the England-based schools.

Dan and Wesley had finely moved in together and were holding a house warming party. Xander was really happy with his life.

Each of the old gang held a position of teacher now. Their school taught both supernatural and normal lessons for slayers, watchers and magic users. Xander taught about energy magic and carpentry. At the moment he only had a set of twins in the first subject but his carpentry class was one of the most popular in the school. William was teaching fighting tactics, with Buffy, and English. Giles was principal of the English branch of the school.

Wesley took the principal position in the LA branch; while Dan teaches home Ed and history. Every staff member had a link to the supernatural, so when the girls got a late night patrol, they would be cut some slack. Xander had even set up a daycare and preschool program because the new slayers came at all ages. Some of them had kids. Hell, some were kids.

"What are you thinking about?" William asked. Xander smiled.

"Just how everything worked out and how happy we are. I just hope I will last." Xander said. William pulled his lover closer.

"This time it will." Spike told him. "So I want to ask you something." The blond said. Xander turned around looking at his lover.


"I was thinking. Do you want to remarry me? You know, in front of all or friend and family." He asked. Xander smiled and pulled the blond in a tight embrace.

"Yes! I would love to." He beamed. "Come on let's go tell the girls. They're going to want to plan the whole thing." He told William. They took each other's hand, picked up Harry, and left for the living room, where their friends were waiting.


Yeah its finished. My first finished story ever. I want to thank you all and special thanks to my beta nightangel99 who was very patient with me and took out the mistakes I made.

Also thanks to:












Kemet's Queen



Kat Riddle

Your reviews kept me going. I'm glad you stood with me and didn't give up on me because it took me really long to update.