
A handsome boy, fifteen years of age, stared at the television set. It was a hot afternoon and he has to spend every second of his precious vacation. It just sucked that they are going to study in Japan next school year and that school years is basically next week. School ends at April in the Philippines and school starts at April in Japan. Awesome right? The boy flipped through the channels and a certain channel caught his attention.

"Interhigh Championship league Seirin High School vs. Toou High School."


"What is it nii-tan?"

"Your favourite basketball team is playing! Come here!"

The girl hurriedly went to watch with a cup of milkshake in her hands.

Chapter 1

A certain black haired girl barely made it to school today. She woke up late and she didn't even have anything prepared for school. It was such a busy morning.

That girl ran to school and got there five minutes before homeroom. She was instructed to go to the teachers' office for she was a transferee. Not just an ordinary transferee, but a transferee in the middle of the school year. Her family owned that school, so there isn't much hassle for her transfer. The reason why she transferred was kinda simple, her father is needed in Japan for business matters and her mother decided to stay in Japan for the better. She liked the idea of getting admitted to Seirin High School, even though it was sad to leave her friends in the Philippines. As if she had real friends though, her classmates would just befriend her because of three reasons: first, her family is wealthy, second, she is very intelligent and lastly, her older sister was a member of a well-known pop girl group. She thought it was the best for her to go to Seirin, for her ultimate crush is enrolled there, a certain bluenette named Kuroko Tetsuya.

That girl knocked at the door of the teachers' office, only to be greeted by a bluenette.

OMO! It's Kuroko Tetsuya!

"Um… Good morning!"

"Good morning… I presume you are Kanda Yuri?"

"Uhm… Yes. I am. H-how did you know?"

"I'm Kuroko Tetsuya. I will be your guide. You are in my class too."

In his class?! Oh goodness gracious!

Kuroko snapped his fingers in front of the girl's face for she was staring at space.


"Ah! Sorry. And just call me Yuri."

"Sure. Follow me. We'll head to our classroom."


"Everyone, I'd like you to meet your new classmate. " The teacher turned to the girl. "Please introduce yourself."

"Hai. I am Kanda Yuri. I came from the Philippines. Nice to meet you."

"Eh? You came from the Philippines but you are Japanese. Why is that so?" One of Yuri's classmates asked.

"My father is Japanese while my mother is half Filipino and half Japanese. We stayed in the Philippines because my parents needed to tend to our business in the Philippines."

"Your name sounds familiar… I think my father mentioned you once." Fujiwara Aira, the queen bee of the class said.

"Oh.. I know you. You are Fujiwara Aira right? I saw you at an acquaintance party before. Our parents our business partners."

Her eyebrows twitched. Aira sensed that something's bad is going to happen.

"I heard earlier at the faulty room that Kanda is the daughter of the owner of this school."

"Wow! Her family is definitely rich!"

"And she's very pretty too."

"Way prettier than Aira."

"She will be the most popular girl here in school in no time!"

Aira heard her classmates' murmurs and she suddenly stood up. She glared at her classmates. The teacher noticed this too and took immediate action.

"Class, settle down. The class will start. Kanda-san, take the vacant seat beside Kuroko."


The bell rang signalling the students that it is already time for lunch.


"Hey, Kuroko-kun."

"EH?! You noticed this guy even if you're not paying attention?!" The read head blabbered.

"Of course."

"Why is that so?"

"You are Kagami Taiga, right?"

"How did you know?"

"You're quite popular. The Seirin Basketball Team actually."

"But you said earlier that you came from the Philippines? There's no way we are popular there."

"Uhm… How should I say this… I'm a fan."

"A fan?!" Kuroko asked curiously.

"WE HAVE A FAN?!" Kagami exclaimed as he nearly choked on his burger.

"Of course. I know all of you. You are number ten, Kagami Taiga. The ace player and the power forward. You are known for your super jumps." Yuri turned to Kuroko. "Number eleven, Kuroko Tetsuya. You are specialized in doing passes."


"I've done some research and I watched your past games thoroughly and took notes of the things you need to improve in order to beat the Generation of Miracles."

"You can be our manager, Yuri-san."

"YOSH! Let's go to Coach Aida! You can be a great help for the team!."

Eh? This fast?

Kagami held her wrist and dragged her to Riko's classroom. Kuroko just followed.


Aida Riko was sipping her milk happily. She got the highest score in their exams a while ago, and she thought of the best thing to cheer up the team.

"COACH!" A tiger was heard, calling her attention.

"What is it Kagami-kun, Kuroko-kun? Oh… Who is this cute maiden here?"

"Uhm… I'm Kanda Yuri."

"Coach, Kagami-kun and I think that Yuri-san is best suited to be our manager."

"Eh? Oh. Okay. Come to practice later. Nice to meet you Kanda-san."


"Who is this pretty maiden here?' Hyuuga asked.

"Is she your girlfriend, Kagami?" Furihata asked.

Coach Aida blew her whistle.

"Okay team, this is Kanda Yuri. Kagami came to me this lunch break and told me about Kanda-san. He told me Kanda-san is suited to be our manager."

"A manager? Sounds good." Izuki said.

"What can you do for the team?"

Yuri didn't say anything and gave them a pink notebook.

"What is this?"

"Read the cover, Bakagami."

"Seirin Basketball Team Members' Profile and Strategies."

Coach Aida grabbed the notebook from Hyuuga and started to read it.

"Sugoi." Coach Aida commented.

"This contains detailed strategies for every match against the GoM."

"The data written there might be obsolete, though. I made this from past games and anyone could improve."

"You're a good observer, Kanda-san."

"Alright, Kanda-san, would you like to be our manager?"

"Of course, the pleasure is mine."

"Welcome to the team!" Everyone said in chorus.

"Uhm.. Don't call me with my surname… It sounds awkward."

"Should we call you Yuri-chan from now on?" Kiyoshi asked.

"Of course, I'll be your imouto."


Everyone looked at the direction where the sound came from. Yuri's eyes twinkled and Kagami hid inside the stock room.


The team chuckled.

"Our imouto is very cute." Hyuuga said.

"No, Yuri-chan is very pretty." Kuroko said and the others stared at him.