06/25/13 - Unknown

Blossom and Piedmon looked at each other with different expressions but with the same intents. Blossom had the feelings of anger, while Piedmon had the feelings of someone who felt like everything was going to plan. Blossom started walking to her left slowly while Piedmon started walking left as well.

"What do you want from me?" Blossom asked with no sense of hesitation to do anything still remained in her.

"It's not what I want from you, it's what I want you to do. You see, sweetie...I want you to just die. Die quickly and then your sisters follow suit so me and my boss can take over both the real world and the digital world." Piedmon said with a huge smile on his face. Blossom suddenly had a surprised look on her face.

"The digital world? Could that be the world the voice in my dream was talking about?" Blossom thought in her head. She totally forgot about the dream she had before coming to this world. Maybe she was getting closer to finding out what that voice in her head was talking about. "Well, you stupid excuse for an entertainment act...to kill me, you're going to have to do alot better than what you've been doing. I can't believe we've been able to hold you off so far! If you guys really were something as powerful as the "dark masters" then surely you can do better than this!"

Blossom's plan was working. Piedmon was getting angry. Blossom didn't want answers at this point, all she knew was that she wanted to beat the crap out of this clown.

"Honey, you haven't seen anything yet" Piedmon said.

"Let's settle it then" Blossom replied.

And in a flash, Blossom and Piedmon went at it. Blossom went on the heavy offense with punches and kicks, while Piedmon went on defense blocking every punch and kick that Blossom had to throw at him. He then pulled out a dagger and with the right timing, shoved it right into Blossom's right hand. She screamed in pain while Piedmon laughed hysterically at her pain. He then charged up a punch and with one blow sent her right into the walls of the cage they were in. Blossom was then shocked by huge amounts of volts by the wall of the cage and for some reason, she couldn't get off of it. It was like her body was a magnetic force that was being pulled to the wall. With every second that she spent being electrocuted, she was growing weaker and weaker. She then forgot about her body being friend inside and looked at the dagger. She remembered that beforehand, she touched the walls but she didn't get pulled in, so maybe the dagger had something to do with it. She reached for the dagger, and with all the strength she had left, pulled it out and fell down from the wall. She barely had any strength left to move while Piedmon looked down on her with nothing but hysteria in his mind.

"Oh god, this is too hysterical! You talked one of the biggest games i've ever seen a human or a digimon talk, then you're lying on the ground helpless without one hit on me! I'm dying of laughter here!" Piedmon said in a loud voice. Blossom's right hand was useless. Her entire body damaged. She tried to think of a way to turn this battle around while at the same time asking herself "Why am I not strong here? Why am I so weak?". She finally had the strength to get back up with blood on some of skirt and her right hand almost dark red. She then thought to herself "maybe my powers still work..." and without hesitation, fired her laser beams while Piedmon was distracted laughing. Piedmon was then shot right in the face with her laser beams and now he was the one screaming in agony. With him blind, Blossom took the opportunity and delivered a 32 hit combo on him while finishing with a kick right into the jaw and kicking some of Piedmon's teeth out then punching him with a heavy uppercut to send him flying to the ceiling and breaking it. She could see a tiny crack on the ceiling with a bright light coming out from it. She knew that that was her ticket out of here, and started to fly towards it, but Piedmon's quick recovery let him grab ahold of Blossom's leg and swing her right into the electric cage wall again.

"You...are...not...going...anywhere! You will DIE here in cold blood and I, Piedmon of the Dark Masters, will see this world rot in darkness!" Piedmon yelled. Blossom got right back up and, after looking up towards Piedmon, revealed a dark and serious look. One that someone who was looking for strict revenge would give. She walked toward Piedmon while raising her right arm and popping the knuckles on her right hand. She didn't care anymore. She knew he had to be killed. She didn't know him at all. She didn't even know this world that she was in. Though she knew one was for certain...

"No, Piedmon...YOU will die here"

And in that moment, Blossom shoved Piedmon's own dagger right through his stomach. Piedmon looked down to see him starting to bleed, but Blossom did not stop there. She pulled it out and stabbed him again. Piedmon could feel every stab in his stomach while Blossom continued to stab him over and over. Piedmon fell to his knees while Blossom decided to deliver the final blow and stab him right in the throat. She had never, EVER killed someone but it was either kill or be killed here. She cried watching Piedmon die, but not for him, for her. She started to feel her personality change with every moment. As Piedmon stopped moving and blood flowed on the ground, Blossom flew toward and broke the ceiling crack, flying up and hoping that it lead somewhere back to her sister and the Digidestined.