Chapter 30-

(Carter) I'm standing by the buffet table sampling horderves and making small talk with a dignitary when Armando sweeps past in his waiter uniform and tray expertly balanced on one hand. I can't help but notice how hot he looks all dressed up. He takes a minute to collect the empty platters from the table and whispers in my ear, "Kitchen. FIve minutes."

Five minutes later, I excuse myself from the ballroom and my stimulating conversation with the dignitary with the excuse that I need to use the bathroom. As soon as I'm out of the ballroom, the loud conversations and music drop out. The orchestra fades into the background and the laughter grows dim. As I walk to up the kitchen, it is slowly replaced with slamming dishes and people yelling in Spanish.

Armando grabs my arm before I reach the kitchen and leads me wordlessly up a secret back passageway to one of the unused bedrooms upstairs. My heart is pounding out of my chest. I can almost taste how badly I want him. From the second I saw him serving at the party, all I wanted was for us to be alone.

He closes the door behind us and looks me over, shaking his head ever so slightly. "You look amazing."

I blush. "Thanks."

He drops his lips to my collarbone and trails kisses up my neck. I roll my head back and close my eyes as I forget how to breathe. When his lips meet mine, it's hot and rushed and almost desperate. He pushes up my shirt with one hand while using the other to push me up against the wall. He pins my hands up over my head while his tongue explores the inside of my mouth. Then without warning, he whips out a length of rope and knots it around my wrists.

"What the-" I start to ask, but his fist swings out of my peripheral vision into my jaw, my head snaps to the side and everything goes dark.