Magister Negi Magi is owned by Ken Akamatsu and Kodansha Ltd. Tokyo in Japan, and by Funimation and Kodansha USA in the United States, NOT by me.

Other characters are also the property of their respective creators and owners, not me.

Even since finishing up Ala Alba in the World of Magic I haven't been idle, at least not completely. Over the years between then and now, fellow author kafka'sdragon and I have talked back and forth, helping each other with various story-related things, as well as trading one-or-two sentence silliness, more developed bits several paragraphs long, or full-fledged stories back and forth that were almost fully developed chapters describing a future only hinted at in both our main stories.

Covering a period of time extending roughly from volume eighteen of the official manga to the time mentioned in my story 'Chao Lingshen: Coming Home;' these fragments of conversations, ficlets, and stories have come to fall under the broad title 'Mage War.' They cover the lives of many familiar characters, as well as new characters who become directly or indirectly involved with people like Negi, Phillip Markham Jr., Emily Sevensheep and Hiro Sasuki during their life's travels.

Over one-hundred documents exist for 'Mage War,' in the various sizes mentioned above.

To the extent possible, they have finally been collected and organized well enough to make it worth-while to start publishing them.

Due to the need to finalize the organization of each chapter before its release, by combining several documents in some cases, or the need to more fully develop what has been written in a particular chapter, updates may be a bit irregular.

Beginning with Anya Cocolova after she graduates from high school at Mahora Academy, (Saint Ursula's Girls High School,) I now present 'Ala Alba and Markham Chronicles Negima: Mage War.'


"She was walking, singing a song
About a grey steppe eagle,
About her true love,
Whose letters she was keeping…

-Katusya, Russian Folk Song

Mage War

Chapter One: Anya and Victor


(Vladivostok Railway Station, Russian Far East, Sunday, July 08th, 2007)

"Trans-Siberian Railway service between Vladivostok and Moscow; Rossiya Train Number 1, is now boarding."

Having presented her passport and finished with customs and security, Anya Cocolova absent-mindedly made her way towards the loading platform for the Trans-Siberian Railway passenger service.

Even though she knew Negi would probably wind up with someone else when she'd confessed after the trip to the Mundus Magicus in 2003, seeing him respond to the confession of another person after Class-A's high school graduation still hurt… If she was honest with herself though; seeing the shocked looks on half-a-dozen or so other faces had provided a selfish, grim kind of satisfaction… at least she wasn't alone in how she felt.

She had intended to depart right after graduation, but Phillip Markham inviting her to his wedding to Madoka Kugimiya had provided one reason to stay beyond that. Dean Konoe Konoemon soon provided another; saying there was a need for a mage friendly to Mahora and its allies at a university in Central Russia. If Anya was willing to accept the position; then all the arrangements for visas and such would need to be made.

Even though accepting the assignment meant one more step on her own path towards possibly becoming a Magister Magi, Professor Markham's invitation probably would have been enough to get her to stay. After all; she and the American had become 'comrades in arms,' after a fashion; with her fortune telling and his visions of the future backing each other up on more than one occasion.

Still hurting over Negi though, Anya had decided to travel the long-slow way across Russia instead of flying. After reaching Moscow, she intended to take a side-trip to her father's home city in Belarus before returning to Novosibirsk and her assignment at Novosibirsk State University. At least; that was her intention…

Considering the meltdown at Chernobyl in the eighties had messed up Pripiyat and everything else for miles around though… doing so might not be possible…

In any case; she hoped the novelty and solitude provided by such a trip would serve to provide emotional healing, allowing her to finally look somewhere else for a life companion…

…what she'd do if it didn't work… that would be something to figure out when the time came.

As safe as it should be; traveling thousands of miles alone by train across Russia, the Ukraine and Belarus was a bit unusual for a still physically slight, normal fourteen year-old girl… however Anya knew she wasn't exactly a 'normal girl.'

Beyond her already being a high school graduate; woe-betide anyone foolish enough to try to do anything to harm her. If all the experience she'd gained in the Mundus Magicus hadn't done the trick; the attack on Mahora and the years afterwards had made her a hardened, capable scrapper.

In order to avoid making anyone curious; her regular mage staff was packed away in the luggage car with all the personal belongings that weren't needed for the trip.

Taking a page from Negi's experiences, she'd asked for; and with Evangeline McDowell's help; had acquired a ring which would permit the casting of spells without a staff or wand. Not only that; the ring was capable of holding several easily released pre-cast spells. Should something happen which prevented her from speaking; it would still be possible to cast the spells with just a thought.

Reaching the train platform, Anya showed the conductor waiting just inside the door her ticket. Unexpectedly, the man's eyes went wide. "Is something wrong?"

Looking decidedly upset, the conductor glanced about for a few seconds before finally giving a resigned sigh. "I'm sorry Miss Cocolova; I know you paid to occupy a compartment by yourself, but we've had to place another passenger with you. His father is rather influential; and your compartment was the only one with an available berth. Hopefully something will become available later so he can be moved out, but if it doesn't; then I'll write a recommendation that you receive an appropriate refund when we reach Moscow."

Though her eyes widened for a moment, Anya quickly calmed down. Even if she had to share it, the compartment should still have plenty of space for her to relax.

Besides; if the person turned out to be as boorish as his intrusion on her privacy suggested, she could always petrify him in his sleep, then reverse the process when the trip was over! "Very well… which way is my compartment?"


When the door to the compartment opened, Leytenant Viktor Ramius quickly stood and removed his uniform cap. Expecting someone older, since 'Anya' made him think of a motherly babushka wearing a kerchief and a shawl around her shoulders, he was momentarily at a loss until his gaze lowered slightly and met the eyes of a quite pretty, but obviously angry young red-haired girl. "Miss Cocolova… Forgive me for intruding into your compartment. My father insisted I take leave from my unit to come see him in Moscow, but refused to provide any information other than a train pass for me to do so."

Looking up at the trim, handsomely blonde young man in a Russian Army uniform, Anya felt a bit of her anger melt away. She'd have to wait until she knew him better to be sure, but it might not be such a bad trip after-all. "Just so you know; I get to pick a bunk first."

Relived that the young girl seemed to have relaxed, Viktor donned his cap again and stepped aside. "Of course; this was to be your compartment originally anyway."

As the young army officer moved to help with the luggage of his companion, the conductor sighed and turned to go deal with his other passengers. At least the two hadn't started tearing into each other immediately, much to his relief; and now Miss Cocolova had someone with her in the compartment. Even though the Trans-Siberian Railroad was just as safe as any other passenger railroad; he'd not been too happy about someone so young traveling alone. Having a companion in the compartment with her; especially a soldier; made it less likely the riff-raff who did occasionally ride the train would try something unfortunate.


Ignoring Anya; Victor lay down in his berth as soon as the train left Vladivostok.

Before the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the Soviet Army had been an army of conscripts, led by a core of professional officers and a relatively small cadre of long-service lower ranks. Non-commissioned officers were chosen simply for perceived ability, and were given slightly more training than regular troops. Lower-ranking officers, as a consequence, had to shoulder most of the burden handled by professional non-commissioned ranks in most Western armies.

As a result; such officers were notoriously over-worked, and under-rested.

Given the chance, since just about anything was better than an army barracks or the cab of the mobile rocket-launcher he was used to; Viktor stretched out and promptly fell asleep.

Happy to be left alone, Anya changed her berth into its couch mode, then sat back and turned to watch through the window as the miles began to slide by; taking her further and further away from the boy she once hoped to spend her life with…


Fully awake after opening his eyes, Viktor stared at the ceiling in his darkened berth…

Unusually; he could remember what he'd been dreaming about…

…a world filled with blood and fire; consuming itself in a paroxysm of destruction brought on by a war whose causes hadn't been revealed…

Dreams about the end of the world might or might not be normal for missilers; but the one just finished hadn't made any sense…

War-game scenarios he'd been through had always focused on the Americans and NATO; or perhaps the Chinese or Indians; but that hadn't seemed the case this time… no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't figure out who the enemy might have been…

Heading the call of nature; he rose up and made his way down to the restroom at the end of the car.

Returning and opening the door, Viktor could see in the faint light coming in from the lowered lights in the night darkened hallway that his berth companion had fallen asleep leaning up against the wall. Shaking his head, he quietly shut the door then knocked softly on the trim. "Miss Cocolova… if you don't lie down, you'll get neck cramps…"

When nothing happened, Victor went over and was about to gently shake Anya's shoulder when she suddenly woke up and seized his wrist in a painfully tight grip.

"What do you want?"

Noticing the tear-tracks on Anya's face in the faint light, Viktor did his best to ignore them while trying to look non-threatening. "Excuse me; Miss Cocolova… If you don't fix your berth and lie down properly; you'll get neck cramps…"

Releasing the hold she had on Viktor's wrist, Anya nodded. "I… I'm sorry… I didn't hurt you did I?"

Shaking his head; Viktor sat down as Anya got up to make her berth. "Not at all; I've been hurt worse falling out of a tractor cabin."

Finishing her task, Anya quickly crawled under the blankets.

That was that; so Viktor did the same. Eventually sensing that the girl with the flame-colored hair was once more asleep, he turned to face her.

Such a reaction was not that of a young girl… it was more like that of someone who'd been under intense stress… someone who had seen combat; if the testimonials of the few Afghanistan veterans still in the army meant anything…

How intriguing…

He might never get the chance to meet Anya Cocolova again… it might prove useful to chat her up a bit… perhaps he might even find out where someone like her had found it necessary to have to fight…


(Trans-Siberian Railway service between Vladivostok and Moscow; Rossiya Train Number 1, nearing Irkutsk)

As the berth door closed behind Leytenant Ramius, Anya stood up and began to undress…

…surprisingly; the handsome young officer had proven over the last several days that he was every bit 'An Officer and a Gentleman' as the saying went. She didn't think all men were wolves, as some girls she knew thought, but she had encountered enough of that type to make her wary…

Blushing, she had to admit the attention he'd been giving her; his seemingly genuine interest in 'Anya Cocolova' the person, was nice… if anything; that was the reason she'd agreed to sit with him tonight in the dinning ca…!

With a clack, the door to the berth opened, and Viktor stepped partially inside.

"Miss Cocolova; I forgot to ask what you'd like to… eat…"

Anya Yurievna Cocolova saw a young man and a military officer who suddenly blushed and at the same time looked ashamed, apologetic, and interestingly enough; admiring without being lustful… it still didn't stop her instinctive reaction…

Viktor Ramius saw an almost completely unclothed young woman who flushed to the tips of her ears, seemed justifiably upset, and interestingly enough… had a right hook that would have done his close-combat instructor proud…

Walking down the car passageway, the conductor saw an officer who suddenly hit the wall outside a compartment and slipped to the floor. Immediately after followed the slamming of a berth door; and shouting in several languages he didn't quite understand, (except for the last one,) but whose meaning he could guess by the tone used… Smiling and shaking his head, he turned and walked back in the other direction.


Reaching up to feel his sore face to make sure nothing was broken, Viktor Ramius felt something crumble under his fingertips, and realized his eyebrows were singed… eyes widening in surprise and realization, he stood up and politely knocked on the berth's door. "Miss Cocolova… Please forgive me. It's entirely my fault for not knocking before I opened the door."

Much to Viktor's relief, there wasn't any more shouting, and the only sounds seemed to be the rustling of cloth.

A short time later, the door to the berth opened, and a blushing Anya stood there, dressed in what seemed to be a recently purchased three-piece woman's business-ensemble with a knee-length skirt and modest shoes.

"You're buying dinner tonight. Understand?"

Stepping aside so Anya could come out, Viktor bowed slightly and nodded. "Of course; I had intended to do so anyway, but it is more than necessary now, considering my unfortunate gaff."

An angry blush slowly changing to something different, Anya watched Viktor for a moment, looking for any sign of insincerity…

When she saw none, she relaxed her expression, then turned and led the way towards the dining car.


Author's Notes:

Of course; Anya and everyone else in this chapter are in all likelihood actually speaking in Russian!

For anyone whose recognizes the reference, 'Anya and Victor' presumes many events related to a certain Russian submarine commander had different outcomes than what has been recorded elsewhere in another story.

Missilers: Somewhat simplistically; military personnel responsible for the maintenance and use of ballistic missiles.

Leytenant: Russian version of the English 'Lieutenant.'

Presuming such things haven't changed since they were looked up, the departure of the Trans-Siberian Anya boarded is the actual train used for the date mentioned.

Anya's insults are; 'Pervert!' (Romanized Japanese.) 'Stupid!' (Latin.) 'Enemy of Women!' (Welsh.) and 'Idiot!' (Romanized Russian.)

As mentioned earlier, there is no firm release schedule for the next chapter, though I will do my best to make sure it is in weeks, instead of months.

Kafka'sdragon and I are effectively co-authors of everything which makes up 'Mage War.'

Be sure to take a look at my other stories, as well as to visit kafka'sdragon's profile page for the link to his main story, 'Markham Chronicles Negima,' as well to the other stories he has written!