Carlisle's point of view

The softest of knocks was heard on the front door. It didn't come unexpected. Alice had warned me last week of her upcoming return. In the days that had followed my thoughts had been on her. Almost 15 years had passed, since I'd last seen her. Since her betrayal of my family. Of me. 15 years since I had taken my crest from her, and banned her from the family.

I was alone in the house, after a meeting with Alice and Esme, we thought it was best this way. To talk with her in relative privacy, find out why she was here. I was taking a risk, but I trusted in my experience and strength. If she was here to attack, I would win. Alice had planned a family outing in a way only she could, and came up for an excuse for me. The hospital, of course.

Opening the door, my eyes took in her form. The one that had been my daughter for many years, but had failed me so. Dark curls hang loosely over sweet shoulders, body as beautiful as I remembered. Hands fidgeted with khaki pants, the black blouse opened slightly to reveal a white shirt underneath. Head hanging and eyes to the floor until I opened the door fully and stood waiting. I saw the soft tremble that ran through her body as eyes recognized me. She lifted her eyes up, but couldn't meet mine. White teeth held lower lip captive before she let out an unnecessary breath.

We stood in silence until her voice was heard, ever so gentle "please. May I come in?" I gave a nod, unseen by her and opened the door slightly further taking a step to the side, allowing her in. Hesitantly she moved fingers still fidgeting, radiating nervousness I wasn't used to from her. She had always been so daring, so brass. Still I was on guard, a flare of anger felt as memories flooded back to me. It caused me to follow behind her, not turning my back to her.

A hand brushed wild curls to tuck them behind left ear, the gesture making her look young. She had only been 17 when I turned her, and somehow, it still showed. As we entered the living room, she looked everywhere but to me, standing near the sofa. Her breathing, as unnecessary as it was, was rapid and I watched her for minutes until I had to ask.

"Why did you come back?" I saw her cringe at the question, and the tone in which I had said it. Truthfully, the largest part of me didn't want her here. The betrayal had been too great, the pain too deep. It had taken everything I was to not kill her 15 years ago, and allow her to walk away.

Again her voice was soft, head hanging down again as she studied the floor as if it was the most amazing wooden floor out there. "To see if you will let me try to earn a second chance". Her voice broke at the last words and body trembled visibly as I remained silent. She had chosen her words wisely. Not asking for a second chance. But asking for permission to earn it. I watched her, most of me wanted to say no. and yet, I couldn't make myself say it.

Clasping my hands behind my back, I took one step towards her, moving more into her personal space, needing to see her reaction. It wasn't what I expected. She was always the one to stand her ground, or move forward to show she was not one to intimidate. This time, she cringed again, and took a small step back. If she'd still have the ability to cry, I was sure she would be. Shaking my head slightly, I answered "why would I let you?" I took another step forward, her body almost getting smaller which each step I was taking, trembling and shaking before me. Still, she did not run as she could have.

We stood close, just barely not touching. "Why should I let you? You betrayed me. You went against every rule I had" the hiccupped breath she took in didn't go unnoticed "you betrayed the entire family and you tried to kill my Mate!" I wasn't loud, but my tone held a deep sharp note. I watched her sink to her knees, hands before her face and sobbing tearlessly. The sight tugged at my unbeating heart but I couldn't give in. my family's safety was at stake. And what kind of message would I send out to my children and enemies if I would allow a traitor back into my family?

It took minutes for her to settle down enough to answer "please. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry..please.." the begging came from deep despair. She stayed before me on her knees, apologizing over and over again until she finally stilled. Hands had wrapped themselves around her waist and upper body slightly rocked back and forth. I just watched her, trying to decide what to do. This was genuine. A genuine apology. I felt it in every part of my being. I couldn't trust her. But could I take the risk? As head of the family, it was my responsibility to keep it safe. Even from threats within. What risk was she right now?

Taking a deep breath I finally unclasped my hands from behind me and shoved them in the pockets of my pants to not let her see my fingers had curled in tight fists in the effort to say it. "I will consider your request" her body stilled before me, unmoving until again she hiccupped "thank you"

I turned from her then, giving a nod to the door "come back in two days. The family will be here and we will discuss this more. You will receive my final answer then" Watching her rise, finally she let her eyes move to my face, still not meeting my own. She turned towards the door, opening it slightly until she halted at my clear warning " behave yourself while you are within this area. if you fail me again, this time I will not hesitate" The nod she gave was as clear the whimper that flowed from her throat, until she ran from me at vampire speed into the forest.

Closing the door behind her I sighed deeply and ran a hand through blond locks trying to settle myself. Was this the right decision? She had been such a threat. How would the family react if I would allow her this? How would they react to her? Shaking my head I stared outside, watching the darkness until I eventually heard my family come home.

Growls of anger were heard as my children entered the house, and I heard Jaspers voice clearly talking to Edward, already planning an attack. They knew she was close by, smelling and recognizing her scent. "We'll track her down and kill her" he sounded confident as he walked in, Edward en Emmett following behind. Rosalie was outraged, talking to Alice about how she –dared- to even return. I didn't hear Alice answer. Nor did I hear my Esme. I could hear Bella asking questions and Renesmee's and Jacob's heart racing in nervousness at the unfamiliarity of the situation.

"we need to have a family discussion". My voice was at a normal volume but still it made every head in the room turn to me. I could feel the anger radiating off Jasper, and it fueled my own. I recognized it and gave a nod "Jasper, I would appreciate it if you kept the emotions to yourself as much as possible" after acknowledging my statement he sat down, waiting for the room to settle and for me to continue.

I waited until the room was quiet, Esme by my side. Rosalie stood glaring at me, next to a seated Emmett who looked at me with expectation in his topaz colored eyes. Alice gave a soft smile as my eyes moved to her, sitting in the loveseat with Jasper. I was still undecided, so she too looked to me expectantly. Bella was near Edward of course, Renesmee finding the comfort to sit between her mother and Jacob.

I sighed slightly, it was time to explain. As most of you realized by now, Cassidy has returned. "I'll kill her" sternly I looked to Rosalie, who had made the comment, causing Renesmee to shiver in slight fear and Jacob protectively wrapped his arm around her. Shaking my head ever so slightly. "as tempting as that once was, she didn't come here to fight. She came to beg for a chance to earn a second chance".

The room all but exploded after my words. Strong words as "no, she'll never get that from us" to "I'll kill her if she's in sight" were mingled together until a soft voice made it stop. "let him finish" it was Esme, who rose and moved to stand beside me, trusting and open as always. Huffs and grunts were heard, but the room remained silent to hear me out.

"I told her I would consider her request." My fingers gently squeezed Esme's hand, before I continued. "she offered me a genuine, sincere apology" the snort Alice made was out of character, but I let it be. "She realizes an apology enough will not suffice. She is willing to work for even the slightest hope for a second chance". It will be my decision to give it to her or not, but I would appreciate all of your input. "It would help if I knew what was going on…."the mumble came from Bella, and looking to her I knew she was right.

"Around 1940, Emmett had just joined us" I began, giving them the basic story. Details would follow I was sure, but now was not the time "I turned Cassidy Davies, a young girl at 17. She was dying after a gunshot wound, shot by men who were discussing the war in Europe a bit too violently. She was my -our- daughter in every sense of the word. A part of the family. Having a warm and gentle side, eager to learn the new ways of living as a vampire. "I sighed as I remembered her like that, like she was in those days. Yet my mind pushed on to where the betrayal had started and I clenched my jaws in anger "in the years that followed Alice and Jasper joined us as you all know" Renesmee tightly held onto Jacob and I struggled to give her a reassuring smile before continuing.

"we all worked well together. Or so I thought." Sighing deeply I held onto the hand of Esme, keeping me grounded in my anger and hurt "yet 15 years ago it seemed we had missed how she had grown unhappy. She had been feeding off people every now and again in secrecy, disappearing for days on end, enjoying it more and more. She had joined two others, Kathryn and David, and they hunted together. Her loyalty shifted, and she made the decision to betray us. Giving them information about us, on how to defeat us all. They wanted to take over the area. And what better way than to kill the coven who lived inside it."

I turned sharply towards the gasp Bella gave, my eyes on hers "she called Esme and asked if she and myself would come to a clearing in the woods. Basically calling us to the trap that was laid out. They had been clever, making decisions as they went along, knowing Alice's capability. But they hadn't counted on the fact that once they let Cassidy be present at the fight, Alice would see that decision as it involved a family member"

I sighed heavily. "It was an ugly fight. There were others, friends of theirs. We killed them all. Cassidy didn't fight. As we killed the last one she tried to run, but Esme grabbed her. Before we knew it, Cassidy attacked and slammed Esme's head into a large bolder and turned to run." I felt the shiver that ran through the room as we all remembered, the body of my wife pressing against my own, looking down to her I could see her closed eyes.

I could still hear the yells and screams of my family as we saw, Edward and Jasper only barely in time to keep Cassidy from disappearing. "Edward and Jasper were on her almost immediately, beating her, holding her for me, waiting for me to give the order to kill her. It took everything I had not to rip her head off as she had attacked my Mate just seconds before. Instead I took back my crest and spoke clearly. She was banned from our family, and she was never again to use the name Cullen again. I let her live, giving her one chance to run".

The room was silent after I finished, everyone in the room lost in their own thoughts.

"and now this girl has returned. Begging for a chance."