I'm sorry to you all who have read my story recently and so kindly followed me, waiting for my next installation. I'm sorry to those of you who have been following me since the beginning and offered me encouraging and kind words. I think about this story often, and I haven't given up on it. But I have decided to mix things up a bit. When I started this story, I was pretty new to the KevEdd world. It was cute and fun and exciting, but I didn't know much about these characters in themselves. Recently, I learned that the creator of these reversed characters actually never had any intentions of Eddward being violent, so I sincerely apologize for misinterpretting him as such, to remedy this I have been going through and adjusting things so that instead of ever hurting Kevin or his friends physically, Edd and his gang mostly come off as intimidating, annoying, or treacherous. I've re-written a few chapters, but I ended up changing a LOT in the beginning, which led to nearly entire story needing to be adjusted to match it. I'm still planning on finishing this one day, but I won't request that you stick around if you don't want to because I can't make any promises on how soon it will be finished. But I just want to thank those of you who have waited, and I promise,


Your patience will be rewarded, soon!

My original intentions were to hold off until I had updated at least 5 chapters and to work my butt off on correcting the rest of these until I catch up with my current point and then continue the story from there. However, I've realized quickly that writing, even rewriting something that's mostly written already, is still pretty difficult and I'm still prone to hours of procrastination and writer's block. So instead of forcing you to wait "X amount of days" I WILL assure you that Re-Vamped chapters 1-3 will be posted this weekend! Hopefully I will have 4 and 5 ready as well, but I don't want to disappoint you if they aren't.

Thank you for all your support! I really appreciate you guys!