AN: Hi... New chapter? Please love me? No? Okay. I'm the worst. I'm not even going to promise you regular updates anymore, 'cause my word is apparently worth nothing! BUT I have actually written out a plan for the rest of the story, we're about half way done! (So it will be all uploaded in like 5 years? I'M KIDDING I PROMISE) Just know this story isn't an abandoned WIP, I will finish it! Even if it kills me.

"River!" Matt called, chasing his curly haired classmate through the busy corridor.

"Hello Sweetie." River said once he had caught up to her.

"I need a favor." Matt puffed, still catching his breath.

"Yes?" River replied, looking mildly interested.

"It's about Cas," Matt paused, "and Dean."

"Ah," River sighed, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "A matchmaking mission?"

Matt nodded, "So will you help me?"

River's grin said it all, and Matt couldn't help but smile back.

Dean, on Matt's advice, had avoided going to see Cas during his stay at the clinic. Matt had said that Cas might feel too crowded if Dean went to see him, which really meant he might freak out at not being able to escape Dean. Thinking that Cas might be afraid of being alone with Dean gave Dean the most uncomfortable sinking feeling in his chest, so Dean hadn't thought about it… until today.

Today was the day Cas was allowed off bed rest, and Dean had decided today was the day he was going to go and talk to him. He had decided to get up early, shower and look nice and really make a proper effort at an apology.

That is what he had decided, until he realized it was almost midday and he was still in bed, not showered and not prepared to talk to Cas.

It took more effort than he thought himself capable of to get out of bed, get dressed, and head towards the clinic. He figured he could probably help Cas with his clothes and stuff; show that he was really trying to be a good friend.

Although he was determined to head straight for the clinic, he found himself anywhere but and he ended up wondering around the school aimlessly.

"Damn." He sighed to himself, as he turned down a corridor of the school he had never actually been down before.
He cursed at himself for being such a selfish coward, and realized he probably didn't deserve a friend like Cas anyway. Cas deserved to be with people like Matt. People who were smart, and had bright futures, not people like Dean.

Dean could just imagine the two of them, traveling around Europe. Taking stupid selfies with famous landmarks and eating pretentious food, laughing and having a fantastic time and… Deans angry daydream was interrupted by a voice coming from around the next corner.

"Ahh. Don't stop!" A girl, who sounded about Dean's age, moaned.

"Hey, what about me." Another girl giggled.

Dean couldn't help but chuckle softly; at least some basted in this school was getting lucky.

He turned to walk back in the direction he came to let the teenagers what little privacy an empty hallway could allow them. He thought that maybe some lunch would calm his nerves and give him to courage to go and try to sort things out with Cas. Dean hadn't taken more than a couple of steps when he paused as the first females voice seductively drifted around the corner.

"Uh, Sammy! I'm so glad we're doing this." She said, voice breathy with lust.

'That was weird.' Dean thought, suddenly realizing the girls voice was surprisingly familiar.

"Me too, Ruby." Dean turned back around and walked all the way around the corner, it wasn't hard to place that voice, that voice he'd heard pretty much everyday of his life.

"Sammy?" Dean said.

"Dean!" Sam replied, quickly pushing the two girls away from him. Dean quickly recognized Ruby and the other girl, Meg, from his English class.

Dean tried not to notice that Ruby's shirt was halfway unbuttoned or the way Sam's hair was ruffled up as though Meg's fingers had been running through it.

Dean honestly didn't know what to say, he just stared at Sam, not quite believing that this was his brother standing in front of him.

"Well, we should go." Ruby cleared her throat, feigning awkwardness, although Dean could tell see from her smile she was enjoying herself.

"I think that would be best." Dean replied, watching the two girls intently as they walked away.

"See you later Sammy." Meg said with a wink, Dean scowled.

"I'm the only one who gets to call him that!" He yelled angrily after the duo, unsurprisingly both girls chose to ignore him.

Once the girls had rounded the corner and were out of earshot Dean moved towards his brother.

"Sammy, what are you doing?" He tried not to sound angry, it didn't work.

"I don't know Dean." Sam replied sounding slightly confused.

"What about Jessica? I thought things between the two of you were going really well?" Dean asked.

"They were! It's just that… I don't know how to explain it…" Sam trailed off.

"Well try."

"I don't know how it happened." Sam finally settled on after a protracted silence.

Dean didn't buy it for a minute, no one just accidently falls into a semipublic almost threesome with two of the sluttiest girls in the school.

"Look Sam, if you are feeling stressed, or need to talk to someone…" Dean started, trying not to sound angry.

"I'm fine Dean." Sam retorted, cutting his brother off.

"Then get it together man," Dean replied, failing at his attempts to stay calm. "Jess is actually a really great girl and she doesn't deserve this."

Sure, Dean knew that Jess could be a bit of a pretentious bitch sometimes, but he didn't want to see her get hurt and at the end of the day she always had his brothers best interests at heart.

"Look, I don't know what to say Dean, I'm sorry?"

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." Dean snapped.

"I should probably get back to my room." Sam sighed.

Dean let his brother walk past him; at least satisfied he was walking in the direction of their dorms.

"Sam?" Dean called, not bothering to turn around.

"Yeah Dean?" He heard Sam sigh from behind him.

"I hope you're…" Dean trailed off, unsure of what he actually wanted to say. "Just, don't do anything stupid."

Dean heard Sam sigh and walk away. He stood in the empty corridor for a moment before turning and heading back to towards the dorms as well.

He tried to imagine Sam juggling good grades, a girlfriend and apparently two mistresses. He sighed, wondering how his dorky brother had somehow managed to become a player when Dean couldn't even talk to his best friend.

He let himself into his room and crawled under the covers. He decided to spend the rest of the afternoon streaming Game of Thrones on his laptop, because if he was really being honest with himself, he was never going to go talk to Cas today anyway, he just didn't have the courage.

As he hurried back towards his dorm room Sam tried to pinpoint the exact moment where his innocent trip to the great hall for a sandwich had turned into a steamy make-out session with two girls he barley even knew.

He had been barricaded up in his room, wondering what time Cas was going to get back from the clinic, when he decided he just had to go and get some lunch. He hadn't eaten since breakfast the day before and he couldn't stand it any longer.

Of course, he hadn't eaten for good reason. Not because he wasn't hungry, but rather because he knew there had to be something wrong with him.

It wasn't like he was sick, not really, he had just been having these weird… urges. It had all started on the day Cas was beaten up by Luci's thugs.

Cas and Sam had wondered down to breakfast like any other morning, until Meg and Ruby came over to their table. They had only said good morning and ask Sam how he was feeling, but even since that morning he had wanted nothing more than to pick up either girl (or both) and swing them over his shoulder and carry them straight to his bed.

It didn't help that everywhere he seemed to go in the school they were there, he had tried avoiding them but the pair seemed to be waiting whenever he left his room. So by Friday morning he just stopped leaving his room.

He had decided that he would be fine for the weekend, and then during the week he could just make sure he was always around someone else, that way nothing would happen. It seemed like a great plan, until his stomach started rumbling in protest and he realized that eating was kind of a basic human need, even if Sherlock would state otherwise.

He honestly though he could do it, just one quick dash to the kitchen and then back to his room again, no harm done. Of course that all changed when he saw Meg and Ruby leaning suggestively against the wall of a deserted corridor on his way, and all thoughts of a sandwich left his mind completely.

Sam didn't want to imagine what would have happened if Dean hadn't ran into them, he just couldn't understand what was wrong with him! He kept thinking about Jess, what she would do if he told her, how disappointed she would be, how angry she would sound.

"Sam!" Jess said, sounding more concerned and angry.

It took Sam a moment to realize that Jess's voice wasn't actually coming from inside his head. He looked up to see his girlfriend coming towards him from

"Jess. Hi." He stuttered.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you since yesterday morning? Why haven't you been answering me texts?" She really did sound concerned, but Sam could definitely hear the angry starting to seep through.

"I'm sorry Jess I haven't charged my phone and I've just been feeling kind of sick you know."

She smiled sympathetically and Sam really did feel sick.

"My poor baby," She teased sweetly, "Do you want me to get anything for you?"

"No that's okay." Sam said.

"Are you sure there is… nothing… I could do for you…" Jess cooed, leaning in very close to Sam, so close he could feel her breath on his neck but all he could think about was the way Ruby's lips had kissed him in that exact spot barley a few minutes ago.

"I'm fine." He said, harsher than he meant to.

"I'm sorry I only want to help." Jess said, obviously hurt.

"I have to go." Sam mumbled, turning away and quickly walking towards his room.

He didn't want to leave Jess standing there, he was confused and wanted nothing more than to talk to her about it, but he knew that it could only hurt her. Hurt her more than he was hurting her by walking away. Sam knew he would have to deal with reality eventually but right now he wanted nothing better than to curl up in bed and pretend that the world wasn't there.

He quickly reached his dorm room and pushed inside, closing the door behind him. He leaned back against the door and sighed deeply before sliding down into a seated position. He buried his head in his hands.

'Why does my life have to be such a mess?' He thought.

His thoughts, however, were interrupted by a crisp knock at the door. Sighing he stood up to open the door and was surprised to see Cas standing there, looking slightly awkward.

"Cas, you know this is your room too you don't have to knock." Sam said, slightly amused.

"I thought I heard voices, I wasn't sure who was around." Cas sounded almost embarrassed.

"It was just me; talking to myself." Sam sighed, "Dean hasn't come to see you yet?"

Cas shook his head slightly, looking extremely uncomfortable, Sam moved out of the door way quickly realized Cas probably didn't want to keep standing in the hallway.

The shorter boy moved into the room and sat down on his bed. Sam could see he looked kind of sad, maybe a little lost. Even though they had been roommates for almost two years Sam realized he didn't actually know Cas that well, he'd always seemed to be better friends with Dean, it was almost like they had some kind of profound bond.

"I could go get him for you, if you want, so you could… talk?" Sam suggested.

"That's fine Sam, I think I'm still quite tired so I might just sleep a little longer." Cas replied, lying down and turning away from Sam.

Sam could tell Cas wasn't really tired, but decided it was probably best not to push him anymore. So the two of them stayed like that, both avoiding the outside world, until the evening came and they really were tired enough to go to sleep.

John felt that Sherlock was avoiding him. They had barley said two words to each other since the events of the previous weekend and Sherlock was always out until John went to sleep and gone again before John woke up. This pattern had gone on all week and after class on Friday Sherlock had disappeared once again, leaving John to his own devices. John was determined to stay awake and force Sherlock to talk to him but eventually the teenager had fallen asleep and was distressed to find that Sherlock was still missing when he woke up the next morning.

He dressed quickly before deciding he was going to find the troublesome teen, even if it was the last thing he did. John was just about to walk out the door when it opened and Sherlock appeared.

"John! I have found some vital information on the case!" Sherlock said excitedly.

"Sherlock!" John almost yelled, trying to calm his friend. "Where have you been?"

This question, probably combined with the note of concern in Johns voice 'caused Sherlock to stop bouncing off the walls and look at John. John felt slightly uncomfortable under the taller boys gaze.

"I feel like I haven't even spoken to you all week." John said, keeping his eyes on the floor.

He suddenly realized Sherlock had approached him, but he still didn't look up until he felt the other boy's hand under his chin.

"John," Sherlock started as their eyes met, "I apologize, I thought, maybe you didn't want to spend time around me, after…" Sherlock trailed off.

John was stunned; he didn't think he'd ever actually hear Sherlock apologize to anyone before.

"Why wouldn't I want to spend time with you?" John asked.

"You seem to have an adverse reaction to our contact on Saturday evening." Sherlock stated, dropping his had from John's chin and turning away.

The lack of contact seemed to make John's brain start working again, and he quickly put the pieces together.

"You know, for a genius, you're actually kind of an idiot." John said.

Sherlock turned around and John couldn't help but laugh at the completely scandalized look on the taller boys face.

"John? Why are you laughing?" Sherlock asked.

"I was having a bad reaction to the alcohol, not our 'contact'!" John said through laughter.

Sherlock cocked his head, as if he was trying to understand what was happening in front of him. John gain control of his laughter for long enough to walk up to the taller boy and say something he'd wanted to say for a long time.

"Sherlock, I've wanted to kiss you from the moment I met you, and I can assure you, I wasn't disappointed." John smiled.

"I'm not sure I understand why." Sherlock sighed.

"You honestly don't see it? You're brilliant, how could I not want to be around you every second of my life." John explained.

"I think I'd very much like to kiss you again then, if that's okay with you." Sherlock replied after a moment of thought, even though he still looked confused.

John felt a kiss was an adequate response, and the smile he could feel on Sherlock's lips confirmed his suspicions. Sure, they had a lot to work out, but right now John was just content to kiss is best friend; he didn't want to question it just yet.