Chapter 13

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters in Twilight. The only ones I own are the ones I created which are Thomas and Matthew. I know what I said, yall. I'll explain how I messed up the schedule after this chapter.


Today is the first day of highschool and I'm not gonna lie I am excited as hell. I get up and dress my best, without Aunt Ali's help, I might add. I know I'm going to meet Matthew today. I wonder what he looks like.

"Bella, lets go!" said Aunt Ali. Mom and Dad arent going to high school this time because I thought it would be weird for them to go while I'm going. "Love you, baby. Have a good day", said mama.

"Lets go, honeybun" "Coming, Aunt Ali. Wish me luck guys"

~SKIP: AT FORKS HIGH Yall honestly I am kind of over this story, so Im skipping to where she sees and meets Matthew~

Today was going great. I meet a few girls who are pretty cool. I was talking with Amelia, she's my favorite out of the 3 girls I met today. That's when I looked up and saw him coming down the hallway. Matthew. My mate.


Another day in this hell hole. I hate it here, but I don't have anything or anybody left. My mom died giving birth to me and my dad passed away last year… he had cancer. Hell, I'm glad I was 18 when he passed. At least I got to keep the house and this way I could stay with him, in a way. I miss him everyday. He would always tell me that I was gonna be great and that I would have a love like he and mom had. He would tell me stories about her every night, even when I got angry at him and yelled at him.

He would still come up to my room and tell me a story about her. The last story he told me was the day he died. I begged him not to. I begged him to just rest, but he told me that he promised my mother that I would never forget her. I keep a necklace with her picture in it around my neck, now dad's picture is in it too. My dad was a great man, a great doctor too. My mom was a teacher, my dad would tell me all the time how she wanted a classroom full of children. How happy they were when they found out I was coming.

She died before she could raise me, before she could watch me become a man. I hope you're looking at me, mama. I know you and daddy are together now. That's the only thing keeping me sane. The fact that I know you are both happy together, wherever you are. I gave up on love a long time ago. I'm so afraid of losing people. It's a way of life everyone has to die eventually. Everyone has to leave eventually. I remember dad was so mad at me when I dropped out of school last year to help him, but I knew that he needed me. He had taken care of me, it was my turn to take care of him. Ok, Matt. Enough of the sappy shit. It's time to get this last year over with and get the hell out of Forks, Washington. Forks High School, another day at this dump! I've been hearing a lot of chatter about this new family in town.

I'm heading down the hallway on the way to Ms. James class, fucking science I hate that shit. I did not inherit my dad's doctor brain. I looked up and I saw the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on, staring at me. Before I knew it my dumb ass had done said… "Damn". She just smiled at me and then the bell rang. Now, I'm late for class. Awww, shit. She is in my class and sitting at my damn desk. I look at her and walk over to sit in my seat.


He saw meeee! OMG! He said damn when he looked at me. OOH yesssss. Thank you mama for this body, hunny! He is in my class. This is fucking faith. I'm going to say something to him…

"Hi! I'm Bella" "Hey, Bella. I'm Matthew. How are you liking Forks?"

"It's nice. I was actually born here, so it's good to come home, I guess" "Wow. That's great. It's not much to see or do here though."

"I'm sure, I'll find something to do" "I bet you will."

He smiled at me! Bruh, I have fucking hearts floating around my head.

"Ok, class. Let's begin. First off, I hope you like who you are sitting by because they will be your partner for the rest of the school year. As partners, for the year you all should get to know each other. Project time. Find some things out about your partner. Where are they from? What do they want to do with their lives? Interesting facts about them. And lastly, because this is science class, what is their favorite or least favorite thing about science? This is due next class, so you all have the rest of this class to work some things out. Also, make a presentation or poster about them. Make it look nice, make them feel special. You never know after this project, you may have earned a forever friend" said Ms. James.

"Well, Bella. Looks like we have to get to know each other" "Would you like to come over to my house after school?" "Sure". The bell rings. "See ya later, Bell." "Bye!"

Before I knew, Aunt Alice had attacked me in the hallway. "Aunt Alice. What are you doing?!" "OOH, honeybun! You found your mate! I'm soo happy for you!"

"Thank you, Aunt Ali. How should I tell mama and daddy?" "Well baby. I've seen two outcomes. If you don't tell them before he comes over your father is going to blow a damn fuse. If you do tell them, your dad will be a little apprehensive, but Rose will be able to calm him down by the time we get home"

"Thanks Aunt Ali. I'm going to go to the car and call them"


"Hello" "Hey, mama. I need to talk to you and daddy" "What's up, baby? We're here."

"Ok, so I want you both to listen to me before you ask questions. I found my mate today at school and before you ask how I know. I felt a weird sensation as soon as I looked at him. My hands got real sweaty and it was like this big rope was pulling me towards him and I think he felt it too. I saw his eyes when he looked at me , he looked confused but in awe at the same time. I also I've been having dreams about him for a while now. I could never see his face, but I would see his hands holding mine and I knew his name. Mama, daddy. This boy has those same hands and the same name".

"Ok, baby. We believe you. What is his name?" "Matthew" I heard a big crash over the phone. "Mama!" It's ok, hunny. Your father is having a little meltdown. You're his baby girl. I'm going to talk to him, but I'm happy for you baby. I can't wait to meet him".

Well that went better than expected. The school day zoomed past and before I knew it I was seeing Matthew again. "Hi, Matthew" "Hey, Bell. Do you want me to follow you to your house?" "Yeah. Bell?" "Oh. I'm sorry. I should have asked you if I could call you that." "No, I like it" "Cool". Aww, shit. He smiled at me again.

"Matthew. I have a pretty big family, so don't be alarmed, ok." "Ok, it's cool. I'm sure they are wonderful." "Great! Just follow the yellow car" Whew! Let this madness begin.

A/N: OK Guys! I know what I said. And honestly I have no explanation. The only thing that I can say is that Auntie Rona caught me off guard. With that being said, this story doesn't have a schedule anymore. I'm just gonna write when I feel like it and I'll finish it when I think I'm done with Matthew and Bella's story. SO, you all can expect more chapters to come. Have a great day!

With love,

Cstina Nicole