This is my new story, it properly won't get updated as often as my other two do but I wanted to get this first chapter up, see what everyone thinks of it. I want to say a big thank you to GeorgeAndrews for being giving me inspiration to write this story and also being helpful and supportive!

'It's everything you wanted, it's everything you don't
It's one door swinging open and one door swinging closed
Some prayers find an answer
Some prayers never know
We're holding on and letting go'

(Holding on and letting go by Ross Copperman)

Danny slammed his hands against the steering wheel of the Avalanche, how could he of been so stupid to have done It again, he could understand why he had the first time 3 years ago, he had had a lot on his mind back then, He had just married Lindsay and she was heavily pregnant in Montana. But he had no excuse for why had forgotten his vest today, he was sure he had packed it but it wasn't in the truck he had looked multiple times. So again he was made to wait in the car while Flack and Hawkes went to get the suspect.

He was honestly quite happy to sit in the car and wait, sure he was annoyed he couldn't be in there helping the other two, but he couldn't risk going in there without a vest. He realised soon after the last time it happened when he was cleaning the blood off his hands how reckless he had been, seeing the blood on his wedding ring and Lindsay's name came up on his phone made him realise how much he would be leaving behind if something had happened to him. There was no way now that he would leave Lindsay as a widow and Lucy without a father, they both meant much more to him that his job ever would.

He sat with his police radio on watching the abandoned factory that Flack and Hawkes had entered less that 10 minutes ago, he hadn't heard a thing yet. No speaking, no gunshots, nothing. He hoped that it meant it was going well inside, they obviously hadn't been spotted by the suspect yet, shots would have definitely been fired if they had. Edward Rogers, the suspect was a loose cannon; they had been after him for a week now, but the case had gone on much longer. It was only because he had left his print at a crime scene that they finally managed to track down who had been on the murder spree.

For the past week they had been trying to track down all his last known addresses, last place of work, parent's address all had come to a dead end, he had just seemed to of vanished. Thankfully though he had been arrested before for a DUI so his picture was on the database and Adam being the genius that he was had managed to spot him on one of the security cameras about an hour ago. Flack Danny and Hawkes had headed out to find him, With Adam keeping a watch on him from the security cameras back at the lab he had been able to lead the other three to the abandoned factory where Edward had ended up.

Danny sighed resting his head back on the headrest, Time was passing slowly, he just wanted some sort of conformation that everything was going okay inside. No news was good news though. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his wallet, opening it up he smiled at the picture of Lucy that sat inside, she was sat on the grass in her lilac summer dress, smiling up at the camera, her honey blonde hair up in two high pigtails and her blue eyes shining. He ran his finger over her face, taking in all her little features even though he already knew them all like the back of his hand. He closed the wallet, slipping it back into his trouser pocket.

Danny rubbed his hands over his face, still annoyed at himself for forgetting his vest; he knew he would be in trouble when Mac found out. He was tempted to get his phone out and call Mac now letting him know what had happened, it wouldn't help the situation though, so he decided to wait till they got back to the lab to tell him. He checked his watch; 16 minutes had now passed since they had entered the factory. Danny had expected it to take a while to track Edward down, the factory was huge. Thankfully there was a couple of security cameras around, so Adam was still back at the lab watching, making sure that he didn't escape from the back of the factory.

Danny started to tap his foot; he had never been good at the whole waiting thing, Lindsay told him he was worse than Lucy when it ever came to waiting for anything like dinner or a film to start. He hoped Lindsay hadn't found his vest, sometimes she would go into his locker to leave him little notes or to borrow some shampoo if she had run out or forgotten hers. If she went in today and saw his vest sat there she would panic, she had heard about the last time, he told her as soon as she arrived back from Montana as he had promised himself he would never keep secrets from her again. Not after the last time when he had slept with Rikki, he knew that she knew he had cheated on her but neither of them had ever been willing to bring that up, so now it was just something that wasn't spoken about but since then he never kept anything from her.

He didn't want Lindsay to worry about him; he picked up his phone, sending her a quick text: I know my vest is in my locker, I'm sat in the car, haven't gone in. I love you xx He knew that if she hadn't of been in his locker, that if she was at the lab she would be headed there now, checking for his vest, Not that she didn't trust him, it was just something she did just to confirm for herself that it was there hanging up. He loved her so much, her and Lucy were his entire world, he never thought he would fall in love, but now he couldn't imagine not being in love with Lindsay, he didn't want to even think about a life without her in it.

His phone beeped, he smiled when he saw it was from Lindsay: can't believe you've done it again! Mac's not gonna be happy with you : P I love you too xx he knew she wouldn't tell Mac, she would never rat him out for something like that, she would leave it for him to do, he swore she loved standing just outside the door watching him squirm when he had to tell Mac something he had done wrong.

Not that he did a lot of things wrong; it was just sometimes he did things Danny's way rather than the NYPD way. Like when he had beaten up Michael Elgers after his racial comments to Hawkes, which had made his blood boil, No one spoke to someone he cared about like that. He completely lost it and ending up getting a two week suspension. Even though that meant he got two weeks off to spend with Lindsay before Lucy came along, Lindsay hadn't been happy that he had got himself two weeks unpaid suspension so close to the arrival of their daughter.

Danny took another look at his watch 25 minutes had now passed and he had still not heard a thing. He couldn't even radio them to ask if they were okay as it would draw unwanted attention to the two of them. He was bored of sitting in the car, so he got out taking the radio with him he took a little stroll around the Avalanche just to stretch his legs. Danny wasn't one to just sit down and do nothing. He was always up doing something whether it was chasing criminals, working on evidence at the lab or playing with Lucy. The only time he did sit down and do nothing was when a baseball game was on the TV, but he still liked to class that as doing something as he was watching the game.

He leant against the side of the bonnet, watching the factory. There had still been nothing to suggest that any activity was going on inside, he hadn't heard anything from Adam either which meant the suspect was still in there. It was a windy day and he only had on his vest and a white shirt over the top, he shivered slightly as a cold gust hit him. He decided he was probably better off sitting inside the car.

Settling back into the driver's seat, he fiddled with his wedding ring, sliding it up and down his finger never fully taking it off though; he would never do that again. He looked up when he heard a gunshot. He knew that Flack and Hawkes had spotted the suspect or he had spotted them. More shots were fired, he tried to keep count of how many, 6 or 7 he couldn't be quite sure. Then there was silence, no noise, nothing for about thirty seconds then more shots sounded, more this time he counted 12 altogether. His hand came to rest on the gun at his side, he was itching to get in there but looking down at his left hand which was still on the steering wheel and seeing his wedding band, he knew he wasn't going anywhere.

The silence was longer this time; he waited, waiting for more shots to sound or for Flack to come over the radio to say the suspect had been caught. Nothing came. Then after 2 minutes a single shot sounded then more silence, he hated the silence. The radio then came to life, but it wasn't Flack voice who spoke like he had expected, it was Hawkes who came across the radio "We have an officer down at the old abandoned sweet factory; we need a bus here ASAP"

Danny knew that meant Flack, Flack his best friend was injured. He needed to be there, without even thinking he got out the avalanche and ran towards the factory, towards Flack, towards the suspect who was still armed with his gun in the building.