A/N: Okay I have no clue where this came from and I am pretty sure it is complete crap but no one has ever paired this two together and I think they would be cute together.

Sebastian was completely happy at this moment in time. Yea parts of his life kind of suck, like how his parents were divorced or that he was accused of using steroids or that he will never get to do one of the only things that made him happy. But right now laying on a blanket on the beach in California, he was completely happy.

"Hey Bass," Sebastian's best friend sense he started at Dalton Academy, Jeff Sterling had plopped down in the sand next to him.

"Hey Jeffy, isn't this just fantastic?" Sebastian said closing his eyes again and just feeling the warm sun beat down on his bare chest.

"Yea it is pretty fantastic, beats Ohio any day. By the way, don't look but there is this sexy brunette hanging over to your left with some other guys who cannot stop checking you out."

"Seriously? How sexy?"

"Um here sit up and look at me. The best thing about aviators is that they are super reflective." So Sebastian did just that and looked at the boy who supposedly checking him out.

"Which one, there are like three brunettes over there?" Sebastian said trying really hard to not just turn around.

"The tallest one with all the muscle and the great hair."

"Are you sure he was checking me out? He seems pretty engrossed in the conversation he is having with the blonde.

"I am freaking positive Bass. He looked once therefore he was curious, when he looked twice he was interested and he has looked over like five times, he wants your attention. Oh my God he is coming over here, I am out of here love you." With that Jeff ran off to go play in the water with most of the other Warblers.

"Hey," the sexy guy said as he walked over to where Sebastian was sitting.

"Hey," Sebastian shot back with a flirty smile "I couldn't help but notice that you keep looking over here. Can I help you with something?"

"Oh no I didn't mean to freak you out or anything but you are just too cute there was no way I could not come over here and introduce myself. I am James, James Diamond of Big Time Rush."

"I am Sebastian Smythe and sorry but should I know what that is?"

"We are a boy band. Me, my best friend Kendall who is kind of our leader, Logan who is a freaking genius and Carlos who is…well I don't know to explain Carlos he is like the crazy one."

"Oh and which one are you?"

"Why don't you guess?"

"I would have to go with the super sexy one." Sebastian said with a wink.

"Are you from around here?" James said while flashing Sebastian his cocky superstar smile.

"No me and the idiots causing a ruckus over there," Sebastian says pointing to where most of the Warblers are "are from Ohio. We should be getting ready for the show choir nationals but we got kicked out of competing by one of our rival show choirs. They preformed Gangam style at Sectionals and so of course they lost but didn't want to own up to the fact that they sucked so they accused us of being on steroids even though only one of us was and none of us even knew about it but him. I am sorry I am completely ranting, you don't want to hear about my boring life."

"Boring? That is a lot more exciting then what is going on around here."

"How so? You just said that you are in a boy band that has to be exciting. I bet girls just throw themselves at you."

"Were you not listening when I came over and called you cute? The opposite gender holds no appeal to me but you on the other hand…"

"It would really suck right now if I wasn't gay, because I am pretty you would have just gotten punched in the face." James laughed and threw his head.

"Yea you are probably right. Do you want me to put sunscreen on you back for you? You are starting to look a little red."

"Sure." Sebastian said grabbing the sun block out of his bag and rolling over onto his stomach, "just be careful with my shoulder. I have a lacrosse injury that is still healing." James grabbed the sun block from Sebastian and once he was settled on his stomach he sat down of the boy's upper thighs, smacking Sebastian's butt before sitting before starting to rub in the thick liquid.

"So lacrosse huh? I used to play hockey back in Minnesota but I haven't really gotten on the ice much sense we moved here." James continued to rub in the sun screen while talking about hockey, Minnesota and his family back home which consists of just James' divorced parents. Then Sebastian started telling James, a complete stranger, things he had only ever told Jeff. He told him about his parents and how they got divorced as well, he told him about his little sister and lastly he told him about the Warblers and all of the crazy stuff they do together. But all too soon the sun started to fall below the horizon making the most beautiful sunset Sebastian had ever seen.

"Sebastian would you like to come over to my apartment with me? Or maybe back to you hotel room? Don't get me wrong, I am not offering a one night stand I know that you have trouble with relationships but I really like you Sebastian. So what do you say?"

"You apartment would probably be smarter, I am sharing my hotel room with Jeff and there is no way he will let us have to room to ourselves tonight."

"Okay," James said with a wink getting up and offering Sebastian his hand "I will just suggest to Kendall that he should go have a movie night with Jo and not come back till tomorrow."

The ride back to James' was pretty uneventful. The most exciting and funny thing being that when Sebastian text Jeff to tell him and the rest of the Warblers that he would be back at the hotel and they shouldn't worry. They all sent him text messages back saying things like "get some Smythe" and "Have fun" or from Trent "Be Safe". That one had both James and Sebastian laughing quite hard. Pulling up to the Palm Woods was defiantly not something Sebastian had expected. What was even more impressive was the Palm Woods pool that James had stopped at to talk to a couple of people on their way up to James' apartment. Apartment 2J was exactly like Sebastian would expect an apartment for four hockey playing/singing teenage guys would look.

"Come on my room is this way." James said pulling Sebastian down one of the hallways to a door that had K & J painted on it. When James opened the door Sebastian noticed that one the room was a lot cleaner than he expected and two that he James were not quite alone yet. Laying on one of the beds was a blonde guy in gray skinny jeans, a blue flannel, and a gray beanie.

"Hey Kenny." James said trying to get the guys attention.

"Sup Jaime." The guy who Sebastian was just going to guess was Kendall; the guy didn't even look up from his phone.

"Kendall, dude look at me when you talk to me." James snapped at Kendall.

"Dude what is so….oh…OH. Do you want me to go?" Kendall asked finally looking up and seeing Sebastian standing next to James. "Hi I am Kendall."

"Hey I'm Sebastian."

"Right so I am going to go hang out with Jo." Kendall said getting off of his bed and leaving Sebastian and James in the room alone. James shut the door after Kendall was gone and led Sebastian over to his bed, gently pushing the boy down.

"You are in for one hell of a night Sebastian." James growled in Sebastian's ear as he lightly bit the lobe

A/N: Please tell me if you liked it or if you hated it or even if you want more.


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