Genre: Slice-of-Life, Romance, Family, (Action? Maybe?)

Pairings: KakaIru, Ita/OC?(= Still not sure about that one)

Warnings: The characters may seem a little out of character, that is because they are in a world much more like our own rather than one where they're constantly being trained to know it's kill or be killed. Since the world I've placed them in is less intense than the Narutoverse I decided to do the same with the characters. There will most likely be a little bit o' MAN-SEX.

Give it a try. If you don't like it there's a magical button at the top left of your screen that will send you back in time.

Please enjoy.

Ta-Dah! Our Amazing Life!

Chapter 1: The KKK and Little Kids in White

KKK was certainly not the best named facility in Konoha. It definitely didn't help that people who went in and out of that building with any sort of regularity tended to be wearing all white outfits However in this little locally owned business, it's name was not pronounced "K-K-K" The owner, employees and everyone who knew better called it 'Triple K'.

This people, was what is called a karate dojo.

If you asked what the K's stood for, you would get a very exuberant answer of "KONOHA KARATE FOR KIDS A HOME AWAY FROM HOME FOR CHILDREN WHO STRIVE TO MASTER THE HONORABLE DISCIPLINE OF THE MARTIAL ARTS!" From the small business' owner; Might Gai.

It was here, at the KKK, that Kakashi Hatake had been employed for little over three years. If someone had asked him ten years ago what he saw himself doing right now his answer definitely wouldn't be teaching spoiled brats with too much energy how to beat each other up. But hey, their parents paid him so he couldn't really complain. Kakashi usually taught the older children (which tended to be ages 10-14 years old). But occasionally he'd take over for Kurenai with the younger students (ages 5-9). Asuma looked after the older teens. Gai popped in whenever and wherever he wanted.

"Alright, line up, we're each going to take our turn at the punching bag." Kakashi ordered his students. "First, front kick, then side kick, then switch feet and do the same." He said demonstrating with the designated kicks to the bag with very little effort but nearly toppling the poor thing all the same. He resumed his usual spot, leaning against the one part of the wall not covered by a mirror with his nose buried in a book.

"Ummmm... Sensei?" A small voice asked tentatively. Kakashi closed his book and slipped it into his pocket. He crouched in front of the little girl. 'What's her name again? Hyuga... Hyuga something...'

"Yes Miss Hyuga?"

She blushed. "S-Sensei, there's a man here. I-I think he wants t-to s-see you." 'Hinata! That's her name!' He remembered. 'Wait, a man?' Kakashi looked at the door where indeed a man was standing. He had brown hair tied up into a high ponytail. He wasn't one of the parents. At least not to any of the kids in Kakashi's class. Hinata must have noticed that too. Sometimes she could be unnervingly perceptive for an eleven year old.

"Thank you, Miss Hyuga." Kakashi thanked her and stood "Keep at it, I'll be back in a minute." He said to the children who were looking curiously at him as he headed for the door. "Hello, how may I help you?" Kakashi asked with a smile. He noted the large scar across the man's tan face, his clothing (a light brown, waist-length jacket over a clean white t-shirt and jeans) and overall build and demeanor. He was shorter than Kakashi by maybe an inch and, from what the silver-haired man could tell, in decent physical condition. The way he held himself was relaxed but still with good posture, a sign of either hard work or a good raising. 'Oop, I should stop doing that, he's getting nervous.' Kakashi thought when he noticed the man tensing underneath his scrutiny. "Sorry what was that?" He asked.

"Um, no problem. Can you tell me if you're enrolling new students right now?" He asked with a polite smile and faint blush that lit up his entire face.

"We enroll year round" Kakashi answered."The owner can probably tell you more than I can."

"I tried calling but I never got an answer." The brunette mentioned, a sheepish lopsided smile lit up his face. He probably as the type that didn't enjoy complaining or making a fuss. Kakashi tended like that type of person.'Well what do you know? You're cute.' Kakashi's brain supplied with no small amount of surprise.

Kakashi smiled and scratched his head abashedly. "Eheh, yeah, my boss isn't really one for staying behind a desk all day. You can usually track him down in the training room. It's down the hall first door on your left and down the stairs."

"Alright. Sorry to pull you away from your class. Thank you again." The man went off in the direction Kakashi had instructed him to go. After watching him leave Kakashi returned to his class just in time to see a boy try to show off and do a flying side-kick to the punching bag. The result was the brat falling flat on his butt and the bag wobbling dangerously over him. Kakashi hurried and caught the thing before it could fall on top of him. 'Fu, that was close.' He sighed internally. The kid's were all staring at him with wide eyes and open mouths.

"Maa Kiba, you should be more careful." Kakashi commented. They snapped out of it and in seconds his ears were ringing with loud praises "That was amazing Hatake-sensei!" and questions "How did you move so fast!? You were over by the door and then you were like, FWAH! And then you were over here in a flash like, Zaaaa!"

Kakashi sighed and ran a hand over his face, "If you guys work hard maybe some day you'll be able to do it too."

"Teach us how, Sensei!" "Yeah! Yeah! Teach us how to do it!" The kids swarmed around him.

"Sorry but you guys are just learning the basics right now, it's too advanced for the level you're at." Kakashi said, his hands held in front of him.

"AAWWW!" His student's whined almost in union. 'It's... kind of creepy when they do that...'

Kakashi looked at the clock and stifled a sigh of relief, only five minutes until the lesson was over. He liked the little monsters alright but he'd had enough of them today.

"Alright, do three laps around the room and then you guys can head out." Kakashi said, pushing the punching bag back against the wall with little effort. His students grumbled dejectedly as they circled around the edge of the room a dozen pairs of small feet padding along the tatami mats. The parents lingered in the other room waiting and watching through the large ceiling to floor windows that constituted as a single wall.

After the kids finished their laps they dispersed and headed for the door, all except for a young boy with black hair spiked up at the back and a blank expression on his face.

"Sasuke?" Kakashi asked.

"When is Itachi done with class?"

"He should be done in about fifteen minutes." Kakashi answered. "If you want to get changed before we leave you can." Kakashi said setting a hand on the boy's head.

"You should change, it's embarrassing to be seen out in public with a grown man in an outfit like that." Sasuke muttered brushing Kakashi's hand off irritably.

"Ouch, that's a bit harsh." Kakashi said with a chuckle. His laughter stopped when he noted the dark rings underneath the boy's eyes. "Sasuke-"

"What?" Sasuke grunted. He didn't want to talk about it, as usual.

"Nothing. You did well today." Kakashi said with a smile.

Sasuke scowled at the mats on the floor but his eyes looked a little brighter for a moment. "Thanks." He grunted after a short pause.

"How about you go get your stuff and find your brother while I change?" Sasuke nodded and walked off towards the door. Kakashi followed a few paces behind but split off once he was outside of the room so he could grab his bag with a change of clothes and head off to the bathroom.

That was another thing that Kakashi had never guessed would happen. His third cousin, Fugaku Uchiha and his entire family, with the exception of his two sons, perished in a house fire. About a week after the fact Kakashi's phone had rang and he'd been asked to come in and take custody of the boys. Kakashi had been hesitant at first, but the looks in their eyes got to him the moment he saw them. He quit his old job and got a couple newer, safer ones with an average 9-5 schedule, he bought a house to make a better home for the kids than his tiny old apartment could ever have been, and had done his best caring for them ever since. It had been difficult at first. Learning how to take care of them, Itachi contradicting everything that he said, Sasuke's horrible new phobia of fire, the adjustment to a new school since the house Kakashi lived in was just barely in a different district than the one the boys used to live in. That had been three, almost four, years ago. Sasuke was now ten years old and Itachi was about to turn sixteen.

'Huh...' Kakashi hadn't thought about that in a while. The dark rings under Sasuke's eyes must have brought the memories back. Kakashi wondered if the boy was having night terrors again. He'd keep an ear out tonight. He flipped the lock on the bathroom door and began to strip out in the middle of the room, not bothering to try to cram himself into one of those tiny stalls.

"Tch!" He flinched as an unpleasant pain shot through his shoulder when he bent his arm in a way an old wound obviously disliked. He turned and looked at himself in the mirror as if the large, ragged scar across his left shoulder were radiating visible pain. His shirt covered most of the twisted line of flesh, but Kakashi knew well that it was there. Grumbling he began massaging it. Five years after the fact and the damn thing still hurts.' He grumbled in his mind. This time he pulled the jacket of his uniform off more carefully. Underneath his gi he wore a tight, black, sleeveless shirt that extended up his neck to cover his nose and the entire lower half of his face. His left eye was covered by a patch. If someone looked closely they could see a scar peeking out from beneath the small bit of cloth and his own silvery bangs. People were almost always alarmed by his appearance at first. The kids had stopped calling him 'Bandit-sensei' only a couple of weeks ago and the little Hyuga girl had only just stopped looking like she was afraid that he was going to eat her every time he looked in her direction.

Pulling a long-sleeved, battleship grey t-shirt on over his head, he wondered about that man who had walked in just before his class had ended. He hadn't seemed too put off by Kakashi's mask. That wasn't something he saw every day. 'I wonder what kind of people he hangs out with if he can look at me without so much as blinking. That scar too...'

Remembering Itachi and Sasuke were probably waiting on him. He hurried to change into a pair of dark jeans before quickly leaving the bathroom. He was in such a hurry that he bumped into someone. Whoever they were, they stumbled back due to the force of the impact, Kakashi recovered soon enough to grab them by the shoulders and steady them. "Whoops, sorry about that." Kakashi said shooting them an apologetic grin before getting a good look at who they were. 'Oh, it's that ponytail guy from before.' "Oh, Hi there." Kakashi said after a good ten seconds of just staring at the poor man. He mentally rolled his eyes at himself. "You alright?" He tried again finally releasing the Pony-tailed man's shoulders.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going as well." The man said, scratching at his scar. He looked a little nervous and a slight blush tinted his cheeks.

"Maa, it's not a problem. So did you find him alright Mr...?" Kakashi asked hoping for a name to put with that smile he had seen earlier.

"Oh! Umino Iruka, Yes I did find him, thank you."

"Dolphin?" Kakashi asked. He saw the beginnings of a frown on the man's face. "My name's Hatake Kakashi, I'm one of the instructors here. Pleased to meet you Umino-san." Kakashi said bowing his head.

"The feeling's mutual, Hatake Sensei." Iruka stated bowing his head slightly.

"So, are you interested in joining the adult classes?" Kakashi asked.

"Oh no, not me. My son wants to join." He answered. 'Ah well.' Kakashi sighed mentally.

"I see, how old is your son?" Kakashi asked with a smile.

"He's eleven." 'Same age as Sasuke, hell, maybe he won't scare this one off.'

"Ah, excellent, he'd be entering my class then. My own son's in there too." Well, Sasuke was legally Kakashi's adopted son.

Iruka's face brightened. "Wonderful, I hope they become friends." Kakashi smiled back and agreed before saying his goodbyes and hurrying off in the direction of Asuma's classroom where, with any luck Itachi and Sasuke would still be.

As he walked down the hallway Kakashi spotted Sasuke standing just outside of the doorway looking inside with an almost reverent expression on his face. Kakashi walked up behind him. "He's improved even more." Sasuke murmured. His voice was a mix of awe and frustration. His large black eyes were focused on his older brother who was at that moment artfully assassinating an imaginary foe. It actually was quite amazing to watch.

"Yes, he has..." Kakashi agreed. Sasuke scowled. Sometimes the boy could be so transparent no matter how hard he tried. Kakashi set a hand on his ward's shoulder. "But you've improved just as much. Keep working hard and I know you'll catch up in no time" He said squeezing the small shoulder briefly. Sasuke looked up at him and Kakashi looked straight back. The boy was scanning what little of Kakashi's face he could see for any sign that the man was ingenuine. Which was, in Kakashi's opinion, ridiculous since he was usually quite up front with his criticisms.

"Speaking of which, do you think you're ready for the next set?" Kakashi asked.

Sasuke nodded.

"Good. I'll let Gai know."


A few minutes pass and Itachi finished his graceful slaughter of invisible enemies. He headed off to change into street clothes before they left.

"Kakashi," Itachi started. Kakashi had a good idea of what the kid was going to ask.

"Hm?" He asked anyway.

"Mind if I borrow the car tonight?" Itachi inquired without hesitation. 'That's Itachi for you.'

"Sure, but basic rules apply; no drinking and driving, no sex in my car-"

Itachi cleared his throat and Kakashi could just picture the teen glowering at him and flicking his eyes back and forth between the man and the young boy in the back seat. 'Oh come on, ever since Sasuke got his hands on an Icha Icha novel when he was seven there's no use dodging around the 'S' word.'

"And I need the car by tomorrow morning for work." Kakashi finished as if Itachi hadn't interrupted.

"Tomorrow's Sunday." Itachi said leaning back into his seat.

"Right." Kakashi muttered. His mind felt foggy for a moment. "Nevermind then, but have it back by noon tomorrow please. Sasuke needs more underwear."

"Kakashi!" Sasuke hissed kicking the back of Kakashi's seat. Smirking internally Kakashi could sense the boy's embarrassment.

"Are you alright, Kakashi?" Itachi asked.

"Yeah." He answered shaking away the fog that had suddenly filled his head. "Just tired."

He felt Itachi's piercing gaze on the side of his skull.

To be continued...

Okay, there's chapter 1! I personally believe that my writing on this is a bit sloppy. This is the first Naruto fiction that I've published. I accept constructive criticism. Flames will be considered, ridiculed, then ignored. Please do review, it would be very nice to know that someone is reading my stuff. The next chapter should be up in a couple of days. I'll try to delve into Iruka's life a little.