A/N: I don't own Glee nor the characters within. Well, this is another collection of 100 word drabbles. I've finally collected enough to warrant one for this ship, so here you go! XD Anyway, prompt from e-xhibitionist; Sam and Puck, morning after they first have sex. Thanks!

Sam's watching the sunlight playing across the tan back in front of him. His own blanket pushed down to his waist, he's on his side, his hand a hairsbreadth from the skin he wants to stroke.

He's surprised Puck's still there.

Muscles stretch and bunch as Puck wakes up, groggily slapping the phone vibrating on the bedside table. "Dudeā€¦" he mutters, leaning up to look at the text message, "What time is it?"

Sam sits up. "After ten," he answers, barely glancing at the clock.

Shrugging, Puck tosses his phone back down. "Awesome," he yawns, turning to Sam, "Got food?"