I haven't really thought about how old Kagome is turning in this story. Probably sixteen or seventeen.

Thank you for reading. :)

I don't own Inuyasha.

Birthday Presents

"I can't help it!" giggled Kagome sheepishly in response to her friends' indulgent, bemused expressions. "I love birthdays and the fact that I get to home for this one makes it extra special."

"What do you get to do, Kagome?" asked Shippou from his perch on Miroku's shoulder.

"Well, I get presents for one thing! But that's not my favourite part... birthdays are almost like a festival in my house. Mama makes nice food, everyone is in a good mood, and there's a nice kind of togetherness, which I love."

Just as she finished speaking, Kagome caught fleeting snatches of wistfulness in the eyes of her friends. With slight dismay, she realized that none of them could ever have that "nice kind of togetherness" with their own families again.

Quickly making a decision, she added, "And I know that this birthday is going to be my best one yet!"

"Why is that, Kagome-chan?" asked Sango with a smile.

"I get to spend my birthday with both my families!"

Laughing at the confused expressions that faced her, Kagome said pointedly, "That's you guys."

"Why, we're honoured that you consider us so, Kagome-sama. What exactly are your plans, might I ask?" asked Miroku.

"I'm going to spend the day with Mama, Souta and Grandpa, but I'll spend the evening with you!"

"Kagome-chan!" protested Sango, "That wasn't your original plan. We can't rob you of time with your family. It's perfectly fine if you come only the next day. "

"Indeed. Please don't feel obligated." said Miroku, looking a little concerned.

"Obligated? Pooh! I just want two parties!" winked Kagome.

Rolling her eyes at their skeptical expressions, Kagome said, "I want to, okay? I love all of you and want to spend my birthday with you too. I'll bring extra food with me, and it'll be great."

Relenting, Sango, Miroku and Shippou resumed their usual banter with Kagome and nobody seemed to notice that Inuyasha had said scarcely a word during the entire discussion. Following the group silently, Inuyasha struggled to maintain his facade of normalcy. His throat felt like it was filled with sawdust and he was suddenly very aware of his heart beats.

Kagome's words had brought about a realization that hit him like a punch to the stomach. Words like "family" and "love" were not ones he used lightly. They had highly treasured connotations and memories attached to them. He was so used to guarding these words so jealously that when Kagome called them all her family, he realized that it was, indeed, true. This motley band that he griped so much about had become indispensable to his everyday life. And he did love them. Who would have thought.

Love. He rolled the word around in his head, testing it. His eyes then rested on Kagome. The word suddenly felt warmer, more comfortable. Pulling the feeling around himself like a blanket, he continued to follow his friends- his family- to Kaede's village.