This is my FIRST FANFICTION, likeā€¦ EVER. Not too much hate please, I'm BRAND NEW to this stuff. :3 But, I guess all the important stuff goes here, like, how Team Fortress 2 is NOT mine. It's the beautiful company VALVe's. It'll get more interesting as it goes on, I hope.

But please, please, PLEASE review. It's greatly appreciated, and well looked into. So yeesh! Go on and do what you were here to do, READ!

The day started like any other, the mechanical doors swung open and out ran the REDs. Explosions boomed in every which way, slamming into the face of an unsuspecting medic, just to be thrown back into the base. The BLUs ran forward, pushing the REDs back from where they came, shouting out their profanities and ignoring all violence as they kept pushing. No cart would be shoved forward today. While the Demo set his stickys, and the Sniper aimed down his scope, the BLUs had nothing to worry about. Engineers slammed their wrenches with precision; the Medic refueled the Heavy's spirit as he stood his stance plowing down the REDs. Spy was nowhere to be seen, and the Soldier fired at every living thing, including the small lizard that had made the unfortunate decision to meander its way around the REDs base in the dusty desert of Badwater Basin. The Pyro just stood there. Thinking of who might come out and play next, for the RED team was within their base, considering their next move. Scout was anxiously bouncing on his toes, waiting for someone, anyone to come out of the base. His legs were twitchy and his palms sweaty as he stood, bat in hand, just out of sight of the big metal doors. But nothing.

There was nothing coming from REDs base. No noise, no movement. Sniper stood at his post, looking for anything that signaled a response from the opposite team. The longer he stood there, however, the less confident he began to feel. And as the BLUs waited for their chance to strike at the unappealing REDs, their confidence, too, began to dwindle. Demo pulled out his alcohol and gathered another swig, Heavy grunted in confusion, Medic reassured him, Pyro thought playtime was over but stayed alert just as his allies seemed to be doing. Scout yawned and shouted more profanities at the seemingly imaginary REDs, while the Engineer began tweaking the mechanics on his hand, and the Soldier stood confident still.

There was then a yell somewhere within the base, an exclamation of terror. And as the BLUs jumped to their alert stance, the yells and shouts grew louder. A door slid open then immediately shut. No figure seemed to walk through the doors, but not an instance later, a BLU Spy materialized before them."Ze deed is done, gentlemen." He smirked at his team mates and began walking back to their base. Eight pairs of eyes followed him in awe. He had just assassinated the whole enemy team. Just then, the sound of the administrator announced, yet again, the BLUs victory. The scout was the first to react to the whole ordeal verbally. "Aye! What took so long in there? I'm freakin' starvin'!" His feet pattered against the dusted ground as he ran back to the base. Everyone soon followed, most were disappointed they didn't get to join in any of the action. Though this was just another normal, boring day for the BLU team, a day of pushing back the REDs, and massacring them without effort. As the BLUs clambered into their base, yet again, REDs sat in their own base traumatized.

RED team was starting to get awfully tired of the crap they were put through every battle. Putting up with the pain of respawn, only to have to go through with it again. It was exhausting. The Administrator didn't help their spirits either. Sounding disappointed in them and such, bringing REDs self confidence down to a speckle of their happiness. The only good times they'd have were those of long nights in the mess hall. Throwing hats and laughing at each other's drunkenness. But only to be shot down the next morning with anguish and terror as they tried to push their cart up over the hill and beyond. They never really did get far, before the damned BLUs mowed them down. No one really had any idea what the cart was for anyways, not that it mattered. All that was important to both teams was to compete, and win, against the other. REDs Medic, after a day of tiredly healing his comrades gathered up his Medi-Gun and was off to his, laboratory, of sorts. Soldier strutted to the combat chamber, where he would practice more defense strategies with the Pyro, who would eventually get bored of his tactics and go to bed early. Sniper along with, Scout, Demoman, Spy and Engineer headed off to the mess hall to discuss the time being, and what they might do to lessen the dullness of absolute loss. A situation, which would lead into an argument that would lead into an agreement, would come out to solve a problem. To better help the REDs, to gain a small, but definable advantage on the BLUs.

Another team member.

The indisputable choice was decided that day. And Engineer took it upon himself to ask for the favor. Taking the chance he could when Soldier was conversing into the microphone that would be sent directly to The Administrator herself, he explained the horrid situation. One of which she already knew of, and hadn't planned to do anything about. But, with being how bored she was prior to the situation, and of RED Engineers Texan accent, she haphazardly agreed. Loosely explaining that the new member would arrive at REDs base sometime in the future. The Administrator took a drag of her cigarette and rolled her head back onto her chair. Recrossing her legs, she unplugged herself from the REDs transmitter. Calling out to Mrs. Pauling, she demanded the list of available recruits, only to hear Mrs. Pauling's nervous shaking voice explain that there was only one available. A Single member who would soon join this horrid RED team, she thought. Shouting at Mrs. Pauling to send them to Badwater immediately. Her response was one of fear and anxiety. "But, Ma'am! There's something about this one-!" Cut off by the Administrators bark to do as she says. Quite frankly, she doesn't care whatever is about that one, she's got a stake dinner to eat with a certain handsome man.

Weeks went by, and nothing was heard about the new team member. RED was disappointed, yet again. The weekend was one without fights, where both teams had time to re-cooperate. So there sat RED team, waiting for someone who'd never come. But then there was a clash, clank, and the honk of a horn at the front gate. In response the whole team ran as fast as they could to see what, or hopefully who, was there.

RED had no idea what class would be standing there, being one of each class already , but all had dreamed of having their own so there would finally be someone that one could relate to in such a dreary place. As they grew closer to the main gate, the more anxious they became. Already thinking of ways an extra member could help. Medic was the first one to arrive, as his lab was closest to the gate. And when it clanked, gears rolling it quickly open, his smile was cut short, hopes deprived, for what he saw standing there was a small, thin, weak looking, scout.

While the whole team arrived in false hopes, this scout kept their head down, wrapped hand grasping their own elbow. Standing there awkwardly. Engineer was the first to break the silence. "Welcome to RED base, this is where you'll be servin' us here folks." Smiling he motioned for the scout to come inside. Though REDs Scout rushed forward and shouted in excitement. Another scout! "C'mon, what's the hold up? This 'ere is your new place, It's like a palace really! A dumb old palace, but ey'-watch it there pal-anyways I'm your friend here now, so, uh, you can count on me an' stuff!" Scout stood there smiling, while the rest of the team looked at him annoyed at his fast talking, sometimes incomprehensible, speech. Engineer speaks again, apologizing for Scouts big mouth, which he takes offence too, explaining what its like around their base. Who the people are and where they eat, meet and talk.

"You don't talk much, do ya'?" Engineer glanced at the short scout as they walked the halls of the base. Shortest recruit he'd ever seen, must have only been 5 feet tall, at most. Shaking their head the scout pointed to their throat. Saddened, he took a good long look at the scout before him. "You're mute then?" a curt nod was all it took for the Engineer to realize just how sick the Administrator was. Recruiting a mute, child looking scout into war, then sending them off to a lost cause in a base full of dying team members.

We're all going to hell for sending the poor scout to it's death.

Go on, tell me what you think.

I'll try updating as much as I can!