My first story so go easy. My oc included. I have left out any names also.

EDIT: It gets better at chapter 2/3 please keep reading I was bored when writing this

It was a normal day, Or so I thought.

"COME ON" Michael yelled.

"Yeah, yeah, keep your pants on" I yelled back.

"Well we'll be late" He said

"Don't worry I'm here" I replied

"Finally" Michael said as we boarded the bus to his place.

"You know we still have 5 minutes till the bus starts"

"Yeah well I want to get my laptop started before the bus goes"

"Fine, oh yeah did you see my mlp fim oc I made?"

"No you haven't showed me" he said as we made our way to the back of the bus, getting our laptops out as we sat down.

After about 30 seconds my laptop had started. "hey look" I said.

"cool, what's his name?"

We both looked at the oc I made on my laptop, grey coat Pegasus with a crimson and black mane.

"I named him Silent Moon, cuz of his awesomeness!"

"Dude whatever, hey what's his cutie mark?"

"I can't figure that one out yet" I said

Our chat went on like that for another 30 minutes.

"Hey this is my stop let's go" Michael said.

We departed and started to walk up his drive way which was like 200m long.

Half way up we saw the coolest thing in the distant bush.

"Is that a… Pony?" I said

"Hey, yeah it is!"

"Let's go follow it"

So of we went following the pony, we knew it was probably dangerous but being hard core bronies the curiosity was too much to bare. So we went looking.

About 5 minutes in we decided to go back.

"Whoa!" I heard Michael yell. I turned around to see a vortex.

"What is that?" I said

"Don't know"

We stared at it for a while and without warning we but nothing else were sucked into the vortex.

We woke up a while later with sore heads.

"Dude what happened?" Michael said.

"Umm Michael?"


"You're a Unicorn!"

Please tell me ways I can improve. This is my first fanfics and I am just doing this because I'm bored :3