Hello and welcome to the sequel of Fate's Intertwined! I hope all of you enjoy the new adventures our heroes will find themselves in :)

J'onn J'onzz ran through the darkened streets, adrenaline pulsing through his veins as he chased down the perp. Being a detective was dangerous work; but without this job he would have gone insane in the last six months. None of his friends on the League, except for Wally, seemed to realize how much Wildfire…Tegan's death had affected him. And even Wally was on too much of a high from having Selene back in his life to realize that J'onn was still suffering.

Only Selene, Tegan's former best friend, seemed to know what J'onn was going through. But the Martian could not burden his new friend with his troubled sentiments. She had enough on her plate. The perp turned down an alley way and J'onn followed. As he entered the darkened corridor, J'onn's Justice League com went off in his ear. Batman's gruff voice came through.

"J'onn are you there."

With a sigh, J'onn cornered the perp and touched a hand to his ear. "Yes Bruce, but I am rather busy at the moment." He knocked the perp over who had decided to foolishly try and hit J'onn with a cardboard box.

Batman remained silent for a moment before saying stiffly, "I just thought you'd like to know that at around six a.m. the fire at the Wildfire Memorial went out."

The perp attempted to stand but J'onn kicked him in the shoulder and stepped on his chest. "What do you mean it went out?" his usual calm voice demanding.

"I'm not sure what happened," Batman admitted. "But it's gone out….I've been going through security footage and I think you should look at it. I'm in the WatchTower."

J'onn hand cuffed the criminal at his feet and replied grimly, "I will soon be there."

"Selene…what the hell is that?"

An exhausted Selene looked up at her close friend Wally from where she sat sprawled on the couch with a baby on her lap. After leaving the hospital, Selene had gone straight back to Wally's apartment where she had placed a thick blanket on the floor and after laying little Edan on it, she had surrounded him with all the pillows she could find. She had then left to go purchase some items at a 24 hour superstore, her nerves frayed wondering if she had made the right decision.

She should never have listened to Tegan. The moment Selene saw her she should have contacted J'onn and Wally. She had cursed herself in five different ways as she had returned back to the apartment with a car seat, diapers, formula, and other miscellaneous items. She had gone straight to where she had left Edan and found him sleeping silently. Panic had washed over her as she had lifted the newborn in order to put some clothing on him. She was an only child, she knew close to nothing about babies. What if something happened to him before Tegan returned?

After an awkward attempt to feed Edan, Selene had fallen asleep holding him until the familiar voice of Wally had broken through. Now she stared up at the flabbergasted redhead. Sleepily she whispered, "He's a baby…obviously."

Wally looked slightly terrified as he leaned over to peer at sleeping Edan's face. "I can see it's a baby. Where did you get the baby from?"

With a slight frown Selene reached out with her mind to read Wally's thoughts and then burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of his theories. The laughter startled Edan awake who let out a wail. "Oh sh…I mean, crap! Uhh…." She glared at Wally as she gathered the baby close to her and cuddled him. "Shhh….it's alright," Selene crooned to Edan. "Your Uncle Wally was just being a fathead."

"I wasn't being a fathead!" Wally protested loudly before looking at the Selene guiltily when the baby let out another little cry. "I mean," he continued in a whisper, "I have a right to be confused at this moment. There's a baby in my apartment!"

Just be quiet, Selene admonished him mentally. If he falls asleep I don't want him to wake up again.

Wally pressed his lips together but nodded and sat down beside her. Fine. Will you explain now what the hell is going on?

Nervously, Selene shifted her eyes away. God, he was going to be pissed. Silently she cursed Tegan before turning back towards Wally. In halting words she explained briefly to him what happened. The redhead's expression changed from shocked, to stunned, to baffled, and to outraged, to furious. Selene cringed as she finished her explanations and stifled a gasp as Wally suddenly blinked out of existence.

A moment later he reappeared, a solemn expression on his face. "She's not at the hospital anymore." Wally said without preamble. "She's nowhere in the general city area…" he paused; a hesitant expression on his face. "I don't know how to tell you this but the fire is back on at the memorial."

Tegan was strapped down to a table. She tried feebly to move but it was no use, the bonds were too tight. Briefly she remembered the last time she had been strapped to a table. Those days felt like so long ago. Movement to her left alerted the woman to the fact that she was not alone in the room. Tegan turned her head and found herself staring at a man in a dark suit. His features were clean cut and in another life Tegan might have found herself attracted to him. The man's lips turned upwards into a smile.

"Well, it seems like you've finally woken up. How are you feeling Ms. Santiago? Fatigued?" He walked over to where she lay and continued talking. "That's to be expected since you just gave birth." He ambled slowly around the table and Tegan felt her body tense. "You made a grave mistake giving your son away Ms. Santiago. He's a special child and the government likes to keep an eye on special."

Tegan cleared her throat and replied weakly, "The only mistake I made was going to a hospital to have a baby. Now let me go."

The man chuckled softly. "It seems as though you don't have the full picture of how this is going to work. You forfeited your rights the moment you went against this government. You are now officially an enemy of this wonderful country." He paused to lean over, his eyes growing flinty. "All bets are off Santigo. I have permission to use whatever means necessary to get the information I need from you."

"I wouldn't be so cocky…" Tegan replied. Her eyes met the man's and he took an involuntary step backwards as she continued in a stronger tone. "You put one hand on me and you're going to regret ever laying eyes on me"

In his human disguise, J'onn walked up the stairs leading to Wally's apartment. He needed to see Selene and inform her of what had happened. After receiving the message from Batman, the Martian had gone straight to the Watch Tower where he had viewed the security footage at the memorial. It didn't show much, the fire flickered out and then several moments later a pregnant woman was seen ambling into view to sit on one of the benches. A second woman appeared several minutes later and then they were gone. Batman had used one of his devices to create another fire to keep the public from discovering the missing flames. In the meantime he promised J'onn to look into who the two women were.

With a heavy sigh, J'onn reached his friend's door and knocked. He hoped that Selene was still here on her visit. He had attempted calling her cellular device but it had gone straight to her voicemail. The door opened and a frazzled looking Wally appeared. The redheaded man whispered, "J'onn! What are you doing here?" His eyes flickered around nervously.

A frown spread across J'onn's face. "I am here seeking Selene. Something has occurred and I need to speak with her."

"Well…uh…" Wally thrust a hand back through his hair. "She's a little occupied at the moment."

Before J'onn could ask with what, a baby's wail sounded out from behind Wally. The speedster's eyes widened comically and the Martian felt a beat of apprehension. "Why do you have a child within," he asked slowly. "Has something happened?"

Wally's shoulders slumped slightly, "In a matter of speaking…" he sighed dramatically and opened the apartment door wide. "C'mon in. We were trying to figure out a way to tell you but I guess this works."

"Tell me what?" J'onn asked sharply. He followed Wally through the short hall that led to the living room where a half asleep Selene reclined on the couch with a bundle in her arms. Her eyes met J'onn's and her face paled.

She stood up and asked, "J'onn! what are you doing here?"

J'onn took a step closer. "I came to find you…something has happened at the memorial…" his voice trailed off as another baby noise came from the bundle in Selene's arm. "Are the two of you partaking in the earth custom of looking after another couple's child?"

Selene's looked at Wally and said nervously. "In, ah, a manner or speaking."

Wally appeared beside Selene and gently took the baby from her arms. Turning the baby to face J'onn the speedster said cheerfully, "We're babysitting for you dude. Meet Edan, your brand new baby son!"

Screams echoed through the corridor as Amanda Waller rushed down it. "What is going on here? I gave strict instructions for that woman to be constrained!"

"It's not our fault!" exclaimed the aide at her side. "She was tied to a table and was in the process of being water boarded when things got…" the young man's voice trailed off as they reached the door where the screams had been coming from.

At least there used to be a door. The door was a melted, semi hardened puddle of steel on the floor. Down the hall, in the opposite direction that Amanda had come from, where scorch marks on the walls and floor. Inside the room were four bodies; the official interrogator lay sprawled across the floor, his body smoking, clothes burned in some places. One man, lay inside the giant barrel of water. The water was a deep red color. Amanda entered the room and immediately her hair stood on end. She paused and scowled. "What on earth? Why is this room full of static?" a fierce expression came over the woman's face. "And where," she snarled. "Is this suspect?"

The aide stayed on the other side of the door and replied nervously, "I….I'm not sure."

Amanda peered at all the bodies and sighed in frustration. "This makes no sense; we knew the suspect's primary source of power was fire which is why we took precautions to keep her in a cool room and use water…" she looked at the aide. "Why do these men look as though they've been electrocuted? Did we miss something in our preliminary report?"

"I'll look into it Ms. Waller." The aide replied, pulling out a small notebook.

"See that you do," Amanda replied as she walked out of the room, pulling her gun of its holster. If you wanted something done right you had to do it yourself. Turning to look at the aid she continued coolly, "And see that you get someone down here to clean up this mess." She walked down the hall following the trail of burn marks.

J'onn took a step back in surprise and shock as he stared at the baby in Wally's arms. It was clearly Martian in origin but how could it be his child? "What is this madness you're speaking Wally? It is impossible for me to have a child. Where did this one come from? Have the two of you discovered another Martian?"

After exchanging glances, Selene recounted her story to J'onn in halting tones. Immediately J'onn shook his head. "No, this is a lie. It is impossible for a Martian and a human to have a child together."

"Well apparently not dude," Wally said handing Edan back to Selene. "So what are you going to do?"

J'onn's lips thinned and he phased back into his Martian form. He reached his hand out and touched a finger to the child's forehead. He stumbled backwards at the visions that filled his mind, images that confirmed what Selene had just told him. Without a word he turned on his heel and walked back towards the door.

Wally zipped in front of him. "Whoa dude, you can't just leave! What about Edan?" He propped his hands on his hips. "You can't just abandon your kid dude."

Lips pressed down into a thin line J'onn said coolly, "I will be back for my son once I have retrieved his mother." Then, he was gone.

"Jason, you cannot spend your days sulking. It has become a nuisance." Starfire's voice tugged Jason's eyes away from the video he was watching.

He turned around from his computer monitor and let out a growl. "I'm not sulking. I'm watching something."

Starfire scowled at her friend and floated over to him. Pointing at the computer screen she snapped, "Watching videos of adorable earth animals is not a suitable past time! It is time to return to us. We need you." She reached down and knocking his hand of the mouse, moved the cursor and paused the video.

At these words Jason stiffened and looked away from his friend. "Damian needed me." He replied shortly. "And now he's dead." He reached up and rubbed a hand over his thick beard; the last time he shaved was a long forgotten memory. Jason continued shortly, "Selene needed me and she got kidnapped."

"That was not your fault." Starfire countered fiercely. She placed a hand on Jason's cheek and said in a more gentle tone, "It could not be helped that you were knocked unconscious for several days. She would understand this."

Pain shown in Jason's eyes but he did not allow himself to be comforted by his friend's words. He turned away and said flatly, "She understood so much that she went back to the red head." He pressed play.

"You know that is a lie!" Starfire snapped as she paused the video once more. "She has been looking for you and out of loyalty to you I have not said anything to her but it is enough Jason. If you do not reach out to her, I will take matters into my own hands!" She finished her declaration with a huff and flew out of the room.

Jason turned back to the video but saw nothing through his haze of pain and anger.

Selene set a sleeping Edan down on the nest of blankets she had made for him and tiptoed out of the room. With a relieved sigh that he did not awaken, she returned to the living room area and discovered a snoozing Wally. She smacked him lightly on the arm. "Hey! What are you sleeping for?"

Wally's eyes popped open and he gave her an offended look. "I was napping! Taking care of a baby is exhausting."

Settling down beside him Selene grumbled, "Oh be quiet! You didn't even do anything but hold him for a few minutes. I'm the one changing the diapers and feeding him…" her voice trailed off and she leaned back against the cushions of the couch. "I've never seen J'onn look so angry." She rubbed her eyes and continued sleepily, "I should have never listened to Tegan and called him right away."

Wally slid his arm around Selene's shoulders and pulled her against him. As she leaned her head against his shoulder he asked, "Did Tegan ever say why she didn't want to tell J'onn?"

"No," Selene yawned. A pang of worry went through her. "I hope to God nothing's happened to her. I should have stayed with her." she groaned and pulled away from Wally. "I made so many stupid mistakes…"

Immediately Wally was kneeling in front of her, hands touching her face. "Hey, don't beat yourself up. This is a crazy situation; you're doing the best you can."

Selene met Wally's eyes and her face turned red. After the events of the Central City battle, she had kept her distance emotionally from him. She loved him but there was no way Selene could enter into a permanent relationship with Wally until she found Jason. But having him there…and it had been so long…Selene pushed aside all her misgivings and leaned forward. Her lips touched Wally's and the Speedster's mouth dropped open. Selene took advantage of the moment to take the kiss up a notch. Wally's hands fluttered nervously for a moment before sliding into her hair and tugging her closer.

Waves of confusion and desire slammed into Selene and she pulled back with a gasp. Breathing heavily it took her a moment to realize that the emotions were Wally's. The speedster's face was pink and he stared at her in confused silence. Selene smiled softly and reached for him again just as Edan let out a wail. She groaned and fell back against the couch. "Oh God, not again."

Wally grinned at her and said, "Go ahead and lie down. I'll take care of the little guy." He disappeared and Selene touched a hand to her mouth her eyes closing as she fell asleep.

You enjoyed it. You enjoyed hurting those people.

The voice filled Tegan's mind as she stumbled blindly down the hallway. "No," she growled outloud. "I didn't enjoy it. I didn't."

Lies are so unbecoming.

Tegan felt tears prick her eyes as her legs gave out from under her and she fell. She didn't know how much time had passed since she had escaped from that room but she couldn't go on much further. She needed to rest. The tears fell down her cheeks as she thought of the men in the room. She didn't like it. This wasn't her.

It could be you if you just let go like you did earlier. I could make better use of this body than you. Until we find Edan. He will make an excellent vessel. The son of two worlds. So much potential.

"Shut…up!" Tegan hissed. She touched a trembling hand to her forehead. "Shut up and go away! This is my body! I won't allow you to use it to hurt my baby. Go. AWAY."

But it didn't go away. The voice continued, taunting her, and Tegan gripped her head in desperation. How could she return to Edan like this? How could she face J'onn like this? How could she be near anyone with…her train of thought was interrupted by the sound of a cold voice from behind her.

"So I've finally found you. You move pretty fast for someone who's given birth." Tegan looked up and found herself staring at an attractive woman pointing a gun at her. The woman smiled coolly. "Don't look so surprised. You didn't really think you'd escape did you?"

Tegan got to her feet shakily and said weakly, "Look…" her eyes flickered to the badge hanging from the lady's front pocket. "Amanda. You can't keep me here and torture me. I'm not giving you my son. Let me go."

"That's Ms. Waller to you!" Amanda Waller snapped. "I have had enough of this nonsense, put your hands up and get in front of me."

With a soft groan Tegan raised her arms. "I am just barely holding on," she whispered. "If you don't leave me alone I can't promise that no one else will die."

Amanda snorted and motioned with her gun for Tegan to move. "Your threats won't work on me. Now move before I shoot you!"

Tegan moved one foot forward and as she did so a strange expression came over her face. Lowering her arms she laughed and Amanda took a step backwards. "Your threats," Tegan said calmly, "Won't work on me either." She raised a hand and it crackled with electricity. Taking a step forward Tegan continued, "You should have listened to her; now I'm going to have to kill you." The electricity shot out of Tegan's hand at Amanda and the other woman gasped.

Dodging to her left, Amanda barely managed to avoid getting hit by the attack. Letting out a yell she squeezed the trigger and shot the gun at Tegan. However, instead of slamming into her target, it hit the wide green chest of the Martian Manhunter appeared out of where. Amanada let out a gasp as the bullet fell to the floor crumpled. She took a step backwards but bumped into the wall as he loomed over her. The Martian Manhunter took the gun from her and crumpled the weapon easily with his hands.

He turned his back to her and Amanda watched as he calmly walked over to Tegan. The woman launched herself at him but suddenly crumpled to the ground. The Martian leaned down and gently scooped the woman up in his arms before disappearing, leaving a furious Amanda Waller behind.

Selene awoke several hours later the sound of Wally yelling and Edan screaming. She fell off the couch as she scrambled up and it took her several moments to orient herself. In what seemed like the longest minutes of her life, Selene made her way to the room and stopped short in the doorway. She gasped as she took in the sight of Wally, hands and arms burned, yellowing over a screaming fireball on the floor. "What the hell happened to him!"

"I don't know!" Wally yelled back as his body began to heal. "I picked him and suddenly he went all human torch on me!"

In horror Selene watched as the fire began to spread out from the burning baby. "Wally, he's going to burn the entire apartment down!" the words had barely gotten out of her mouth when suddenly it felt like a blast of air hit Selene. Hair flying wildly she blinked as the scene transformed from one of chaos to one of order. Other than a black mark on the floor it looked as if nothing had happened.

A sniffling Edan, wrapped in a sweater, whimpered in Wally's arms. He held the baby gingerly. "J'onn better hurry up with finding Tegan because I don't think my landlord would be cool with a spontaneously combusting baby living in my apartment."

Tegan's eyes cracked open and she felt a stab of pain as light hit her. Groaning she shut her eyes tightly and yanked the sheet over her head. Suddenly her eyes popped open. A sheet? She shoved the blanket down and forced her eyes open. She let out a stunned gasp as she recognized the contents of J'onn's bedroom. Panic set in and Tegan slid out of bed and walk walked, half dragged herself to the bathroom.

Her stomach growled loudly and as Tegan slammed the door shut and locked it she was thankful to be alone.

Not anymore.

She ignored the voice and stared at herself in the mirror. Tegan reached a hand up and blinked back tears at how hideous she appeared. A large tshirt, J'onn's she noted absently, hung off of her thin frame. Thin everywhere except her stomach. She shuddered in disgust and moved her eyes away. Tegan's normally tanned skin seemed pale and her hair…every inch of hair on her body was gone. The tears spilled down cheeks as she touched her bald head. Tegan had loved her hair and now it was gone. And her face. Without her eyebrows and eyelashes she appeared skeletal.

The self loathing was put to an end as J'onn's voice filled the room on the other side of the door. "Tegan? Where are you?"

With a moan Tegan sank to the ground and rested her face against her knees. She couldn't let J'onn see her like this. Her stomach growled loudly a second time, betraying her presence in the bathroom. There was a knock on the door but Tegan ignored it, huddling further into herself. Suddenly there were hands on her arms and she felt herself being hauled up. Tegan let out a squeak of surprise as J'onn flung open the bathroom door and pulled her out.

Before she could say anything J'onn pushed her towards the bed and once she was seated he said firmly, "You will not speak; you will listen for now."

Tegan blinked large eyes at him and shivered as the voice whispered Well someone's feisty this morning…You're disgusting for being turned on by this. Tegan felt a flush of guilt rise on her face. J'onn was currently in his human disguise and he wore nothing but a pair of faded sweatpants slung low on his hips. A thin wisp of smoke rose up from her hands.

Turning his back to her J'onn said in a low voice, "You are perhaps the most selfish person I have ever encountered on this planet." Tegan cringed as he turned back to her with a look of anger on his face. She had never seen him angry. His hands tightened into fists. "How can you think it is alright to constantly push me away? After Selene died…during the battle…and now I have to discover that you have returned not from you, but from someone else?"

"J'onn I…" Tegan's voice trailed off as J'onn hit the wall. The sound of breaking drywall filled the silence.

Looking at her J'onn said flatly, "I have asked you not to speak. Or are you incapable of following simple instructions?" When she looked meekly down at her hands clenched tightly in her lap he continued coldly, "But the worst, the worst thing you have done is to not inform me that we have a son together."

As if on cue a baby's wail echoed down the hall. Equal parts horror and longing filled Tegan as her head jerked towards the sound. Inside she felt the voice rise up and she forced it down. She couldn't let it happen. She couldn't let Edan be taken. "J'onn you don't understand, I was-" Her voice was cut off by the yelling in her head. YOU THINK YOU CAN HOLD ME HERE? I will be freed and I will have your son.

There was a blinding pain in Tegan's head and she let out a cry of surprise. Not again. No, it wasn't going to happen again; she wasn't weak anymore. Her hands touched her face Tegan forced the pain down and she growled out, "…NO. I'm stronger now. You. Will. Not. COME OUT AGAIN." Her eyes closed and she found herself staring at the disembodied face of Electro Master.

Starfire waited twenty four hours but when it was clear that Jason would not be removing himself from his room anytime soon she threw on her most earth friendly outfit and left their hideout. How had things become so twisted? She could still see her mind the events of the Central City battle as if it had just occurred. Jason coming down the street holding onto a distraught Selene and Roy following behind grimly. And then utter chaos. Electro Master had captured Wildfire and had set off down the street with his possessed army and had encountered the trio. Within minutes his people had trussed up Roy and Selene like Christmas turkeys and were in the process of doing the same to Jason when Starfire had finally freed herself of the battle with Giganta. She had stopped them from taken Jason but had been powerless to save Selene or Roy.

And then she had been faced with a terrible decision. Go after Roy and Selene or help Jason. Her friend had been bleeding profusely from a deep cut on his head and closer inspection had revealed that they had broken an arm and cracked several ribs. She could not leave him. Trembling she had picked her friend up and with tears trickling down her face, Starfire had taken Jason to a hospital for his wounds to be healed. Praise all the gods Roy, through a tracking device in her shoe, had found them. Smelling strongly of smoke, her lover had not been able to find their friend Selene but Starfire had stopped worrying.

Selene was fine, she could feel it deep down. Starfire was proved correct a few days later when her friend was shown on a news program standing in front of the burning fire in Central City. Certain that they would be reunited soon she and Roy spent the next few days tending to their unconscious friend. When Jason finally awoke Starfire was proved wrong. The young man was broken. He refused to see anyone and forbade her and Roy from contacting Selene. Afraid that going against him would harm his health Starfire and Roy had complied.

But six months had passed and Starfire had had enough. It was time for Jason to be pulled back to the world of the living and there was only one way to do so. It was time to find Selene.

And there you have it! The first chapter of A Touch of Fate! Please leave a review!