The foot steps echoed threw the ally way, first a single set then a crowd of heavier ones.

I'm almost there, almost to the tunnels. Jenny thought as she ran from the gang that was chasing her.

She turned the corner and grinned when she saw the opening to the tunnels. This was her escape the newest section of the London underground. She dogged the workers and made her way down into the tunnels. She didn't get very far when there was a high pitched scream. Soon there were men screaming, jenny went to turn back bit saw one of the men chasing her coming around the corner. What ever was in the tunnel would be better than what they had in mind for her.

A man in a bow tie came running from the depths, he was way to clean to be a worker. He saw Jenny and ran towards her.

"Hello! What are you doing down here? Your a woman. You should be cleaning or something. Anything but down here!" He looked at Jenny confused.

"Sir, no questions. I have to go." Jenny made to run past the man when he grabbed onto her arm and pulled her towards him. "Don't go down there. Bad things down there." He warned her.

"Sir! Run!" Jenny grabbed the mans hand and dragged him into the tunnel with her. Running from the gang that wanted her dead and soiled.

"That is my line!" The man told Jenny "This is also a very bad idea! There is something down there that will." Jenny pulled him into a caved out section in the side of the wall and put a finger to his lip. She held her breath as the gang ran by. A moment later she heard them screaming bloody murder.

"She's closer." The mans face grew pale.

"Sir, what is that? And who are you? You seem too clean to be a worker."

"That is a sulairian. And I'm the Doctor."

"Doctor, funny name if you ask me." Jenny told the man, he seemed slightly offended by her response but Jenny didn't notice, she was to buzy trying to hear if anyone was coming.

"Stay here. And don't wonder off." He left her there and walked farther into the tunnel, leaving her there alone.

Jenny waited for a minute and wondered if the man who called himself the Doctor had gotten himself killed by what ever a Siluran was. She suddenly felt a hand wrap around her throat and pin her to the wall raising her off the ground.

"Vastra!" The man from earlier came running up. "Put the girl down. Now." He pointed a glowing object at the person holding Jenny to the wall .

"Why?" The figure hissed.

"She's innocent! She came down here to escape from people you have eaten. She's just a girl Vastra." The Doctor brought his light closer to the figures face and for the first time Jenny saw what was pinning her to the wall.

There was no skin, or any skin the Jenny could see. It was all scales, green scales covering the face. There was no hair to be seen, and there was a crown of the scales on her head making deep cuts into her head. She was covered in dust and dirt.

"Please Vastra. Spare one life. Don't be like these people who have killed your family." Jenny felt her vision going as the lizzard fought inner demons.

Before she blacked out she was released and hit the ground, hard. The Doctor ran over and helped her to her feet. The smell of blood filled Jenny's nose and she stared at the lizard.

"Vastra, I'm sure you aren't done with your revenge yet. Go finish and meet me outside. I want a word." The Doctor picked Jenny up and carried her out side.

When they reached the fresh air The Doctor turned to Jenny. "What is your name?" He looked up to the sky.

"Jennifer Flint sir." Jenny replied.

"Why where those men chasing you?"

Jenny bit her lip, should she tell the truth of why she was running for her life. "I was given to them by my parents after they found out about my" Jenny paused. "Preferences in companionship."

The Doctor looked over at Jenny. "That's terrible, do you have a job?"

"I used to be a macth girl but my parents put and end to it."

"Would you be interested in a job Miss Flint?"

"Depends." Jenny raised an eyebrow.

"I need someone who can keep a lizard woman from the dawn of time in check. You seem perfect."

That began the rest of Jenny's life as , a house maid, a friend, and eventually the wife of the lizard woman from the dawn of time.