The original drabble for this story appeared on the labyfic community on Livejournal in May 2013. The rest follows from that idea. This story is complete in 13 chapters, all drabbles, for a total of exactly 1300 words.

Labyrinth belongs to Henson & Co. I just play in their sandbox.


We arrange our memories to suit ourselves. That's what the doctor tells us about Sarah.

She was glowing when we came home that night. She told us what happened: she was angry with her brother for crying, and wished him away to the goblins, but she rescued him and her friends who helped her had just left. She said it with such conviction, I wanted to believe.

But how could I trust such a fantastic tale? I ran to his room, and that's when we found out the truth.

Sarah was angry with my baby boy, and now he's dead.