Leonardo was in the training room, his personal dojo at this time of day. He always awoke earlier than everyone to get more training in and have more time for meditation. A good leader always trained harder and worked for a level head. His training was drawing to a conclusion this morning, and was about to settle down to meditate as he went through his last set of sequences when he sensed someone in the doorway. Immediately he turned around in a fighting stance, ready to attack. "Damn Leo, even in your own home you're ready ta fight," came Raphael's voice, as he walked in. "Makes me wonder if ya see us as your enemies sometimes." Leonardo laughed uneasily. It hadn't been that long since Raphael had attacked him and been the cause of his capture. That of course was water under the bridge but it always astonished Leonardo to see just how much psychological trauma that had implanted in him. Everyone is capable of betrayal… even your own family.

He looked at Raphael, now a mere few feet from him. "What're you doing up so early Raph?" he asked as easily as he could. Raphael shuffled his feet and looked around the room, avoiding his glance.

"I don't know. Was kinda wonderin' if ya needed some company durin' yer meditation," he said stretching. Leonardo gave him a disbelieving look.


"Yeah, you're always off by yerself made me wonder if ya wanted some company," Raphael said, still not looking at his brother. Leonardo nodded.

"Uhm, sure Raph. Yeah! That'd be great!" he smiled. He grabbed Raphael's shoulder, making the bashful hothead look at him. Leonardo's smile was so genuine it made Raphael blush.

"Ok, so ugh, let's get this show on the road..." Raphael cleared his throat. Leonardo smiled as he led his brother to the middle of the dojo. They sat down and Leonardo lit the candles. Ever since their fight on the rooftop he and Raphael have tried their best to work out their problems without violence and to clear the air as soon as possible. Leonardo knew that Raphael was sorry and he wanted to clear the air with his brother.

As they meditated, Leonardo snuck at peak at Raphael. His eyes were shut tight, almost too tight. His breathing was regulated, as if he was concentrating hard on breathing calmly. Beads of sweat began to form around his forehead and his muscles began to tense. Leonardo smiled tenderly at his brother, he was trying so hard to make things right. Leonardo knew it ate at Raphael whenever it crossed his mind, which is to say often. But Leonardo had forgiven him. He loved Raphael; loved him very dearly.

He reached out to grab Raphael's hands and placed them in his. Raphael's eyes popped open instantly and looked at Leonardo who had shut his eyes. "ugh, Leo?" Raphael asked.

"Ssh, you're too tense my brother. Please tell me. What is bothering you at this very moment?"

Raphael looked at Leonardo in a surprised and confused way. "Right now it's that you're holdin' hands wit me bro," he said in his thick Brooklyn accent. His accent always got thicker when he was feeling awkward or bashful. Leonardo opened one eye and smiled tenderly at him.

"Other than that smart ass," he closed his eye again and kept holding his hands. Raphael smiled awkwardly.

"I hurt you." Leonardo's smile vanished.

He opened his eyes and looked at Raphael. Raphael's gaze moved across the room until finally landing on Leonardo. He felt ashamed as those hazel brown eyes looked into his soul. He felt so vulnerable under Leonardo's watchful and piercing gaze. "I abandoned you," he replied, smiling tenderly at his hotheaded brother. "Please don't feel bad. It's alright Raph. Really."

Raphael took hold of his brother's hands and looked at him intensely. Suddenly Leo didn't feel very much in control of the situation and he slinked back from those watchful and piercing beautiful golden eyes. "I want us to be friends Leo. I don't want anything like before to evah happen again." Leonardo smiled at him.

"We are friends Raph. The best of friends," he nodded. He put his hands on his shoulders and gently squeezed. "I want us to be friends too Raphael."

Raphael nodded and smiled. "Good, den I guess we're in agreement huh?"

Leonardo chuckled. "Yes, we are. Is there anything else you wanna talk about?" Raphael shrugged and looked around a bit awkwardly. "Raph, we're friends. If we are going to be friends, I want us to be the kind of friends that can share secrets with each other and talk to each other when we feel lost or the need to talk," Raph nodded. "So, if ever you need to talk, I want to be there for you. And if I need to talk.."

"I'm here for ya bro. always. So… you got somethin' you wanna get off yer shell?" he smirked.

Leonardo smiled. Yes. "I'm good for now Raph."

They smiled and Leonardo put his hands in his lap again, as did Raphael. They closed their eyes and returned to their meditation. They breathed in unison and exhaled in unison. They zoned in on each other's energy and built their spiritual relationship together. With each breath they grew more and more aware of each other and their presence. Leonardo could sense the flex of Raphael's neck muscles. Raphael could sense his brother's heart beating and could swear he sensed his brother's lungs expanding. They sat there meditating and increasing their awareness of each other.

At first it was a bit awkward to walk in on Leonardo's training. Raphael felt like he was invading his brother's personal space and time. It felt almost like an intrusion on a sacred ritual he wasn't welcome in. But after sensing this Leonardo assured the red ninja that he was always welcome wherever he was present.

The early rising began as meditation exclusively but slowly became rising to train early as well. It was their brotherly time, alone and private. Nobody really knew that Raphael was waking up to train with Leonardo now; that is aside from Master Splinter. He walked in on one of their morning sparring sessions. It was early and they had just begun. For some reason that day they had decided to start training at 4:45 versus the usual 5:00. They were both up and both pumped. After some getting used to Raphael didn't even notice the time or lack of sleep… by four hours. It just became normal. That day Master Splinter walked in and was openly surprised at seeing Leonardo training with his brother.

"Leonardo, Raphael. I did not realize you were both training in here together." The two brothers looked at each other and Raphael shuffled awkwardly as their father looked at them both in surprise. There was nothing wrong with what they were doing but it had been their secret; having someone know about their morning training sessions, even if it was Master Splinter, was like having someone walk in while they were doing something much more intimate.

"Uh sorry Master Splinter," Raphael said, bowing. "We didn't realize you wanted ta train with Leo today. I'll go upstairs." He bowed to them both and made his way out of the dojo. Splinter noticed a somewhat hurt look come across both his sons' faces, as if he had interrupted something very special between them.

"No, Raphael. You will stay. I shall go. I am besides the one that interrupted this training session," he turned to leave.

"No Master, it's alright," Leonardo called as he walked to him.

"No, Leonardo. I rather you train with your brother. This way you two fight as one on the battlefield and know each other better," he looked at them both. "I am proud to see you two training together and working together. It gives great happiness to see you two getting along so well." He looked at them both lovingly. He knew something they didn't. "I will return to my room and meditate. I will see you both at breakfast." He turned and walked out.

They both looked at each other, feeling a bit bashful over the compliment that Master Splinter bestowed upon them. "Well wasn't that nice of Master Splinter," Leonardo said, retaking his stance.

"Yeah well he didn't havta do dat. I coulda gone back ta my room. Sides, it's been a while since I've slept well," he chuckled. Leonardo stopped and looked at him.

"Oh well if you don't want to wake up this early Raphael I understand. You don't have to," he said smiling, but it was a sad smile. Leonardo hated feeling that his brother didn't want to wake up and train with him out of love but out of obligation.

"No! Leo! I meant it wouldn't of been a big deal if you and Splinter trained today. I mean we train together everyday. It wouldn'ta been a big deal ya know?"

"Yeah," Leonardo said, still sounding a bit down. They resumed their training, but it wasn't the same. Raphael felt a sadness coming from his training partner and brother, and he didn't like it.

When they were meditating Raphael spoke up. They would usually talk over things that had been bothering them during this time. It was kind of their alone time to talk about whatever they wanted. "Leo, I didn't mean I don' t like trainin' with ya," Raphael said, not opening his eyes, but shutting them tighter. His mouth began to clench and unclench, Leonardo could see the distress his beloved brother was in. "Jus if Masta Splinter decided he wanted ta train with ya, I wasn't gonna stand in da way ya know?" his accent thickening. Leonardo looked at his brother with loving eyes. "I don't wancha thinkin' I don't like trainin' with ya. Cuz if I didn't I wouldn't have been up every day to train wicha and I do enjoy it and.." Leonardo cut his brother off as he took his hands. Raphael's fists tightened as Leonardo took them in his palms and looked at his smoldering golden eyes.

"Raph, it's ok. I get it. I'm sorry I was sensitive about it." He smiled at Raphael who blushed under the tender gaze and looked away. They resumed their positions and continued their meditation. But Leonardo spoke before they finished. "So, you don't have to wake up so early anymore if you don't want to," he started.

"Ok Leo, I get it. But I don't wanna. I wanna keep gettin' up to train wichu alright?" he chuckled. "Now can ya please stop talkin' and let me meditate?" he asked.

Leonardo smiled, "Well I wouldn't think that you would ever ask me to let you meditate my darling brother," he chuckled. Raphael cleared his throat but refused to open his eyes.

Breakfast came too soon for either of them. Mikey was up and cooking when Leonardo and Raphael came into the kitchen. They came in in close proximity of the other. "Dudes! You're up! Breakfast time!"

Raphael shrugged. "I'll eat cereal Mikey, thanks." He pulled the milk out of the fridge and Leonardo got him a bowl. "Thanks," he said. Mikey eyed them suspiciously.

"You two have been quiet. No fighting!" Mikey cried out smiling. Raphael shrugged and Leonardo just smiled. Master Splinter walked in.

"Good morning my sons! What a lovely morning is it not!" He went to sit at the table and nodded knowingly. The peace on his face was unmatched and Leonardo and Raphael looked at each other warmly.

"Whoa, Master Splinter you're in a good mood!" Michelangelo laughed, putting the platter of pancakes on the table. "Dig in bros!"

Everyone waited for Master Splinter to get his share and Leonardo and Donatello served themselves. When Michelangelo didn't serve himself they looked at him worryingly. "No breakfast Mikey?" Leonardo asked. "Are you feeling ok?"

"Sure am! This is my plate!" He pulled a plate out of the oven with pancakes piled so high they thought it would fall over.

"Of course. Count on Mikey ta get his giant servin'" Raphael laughed. "You gotta stop eatin' dat much Mikey or you'll get all flabby."

He chuckled. "No flab here bro!" Mikey cried, flexing his arms.

Donatello and Leonardo laughed a little. "It's amazing isn't it to be together as a family once more!" Splinter cried. Everyone nodded but only Raphael and Leonardo really understood what he meant by that. They knew he was referring to their new friendship and relationship that they were building.

That day Raphael and Leonardo decided to watch a movie together as well. Nobody said anything, since nobody really dared cross Raphael but that didn't mean much to the young joker! "Aww! Aren't you two a cute couple!" He laughed. Leonardo and Raphael suddenly became awkward with each other and

Raphael went into a rage. "Shaddup Mikey! Whado you know!" he stalked over to the young turtle in orange who simply feasted on his older brother's temper.

"I know you guys are super cute together. What's next? You gonna hold hands? Awwww!" Michelangelo ran as Raphael charged at his brother. They raced through the lair as Raphael nearly caught but missed him multiple times while Mikey sang "Raph and Leo kissin in a tree… f-u-" Raphael hit his brother so hard across the lair he fell silent on the floor.

"Raph!" Leonardo ran to Mikey and gently shook his younger brother.

He groaned painfully. "Wow, okay that was a little harder than I thought he'd hit me."

Leonardo stood up. "Raphael! What is the matter with you?!"

He stopped. He couldn't move. Master Splinter had said the same thing to him when he had fought with Leonardo and he had gotten upset. He looked down at Mikey and turned, running from the lair. Leonardo looked after his brother, hurt visible in his face. Michelangel woke up and stood. "He takes himself way too seriously," Mikey said. "Kinda like you Leo. You guys gotta have some fun." He hobbled over to the sofa and collapsed. Leonardo shook his head.

Donatello came out of his lab. "What's with all the commotion?" he asked.

"Mikey messing with raph, as usual," Leonardo said with a shrug. Donatello could see something was bothering the leader.

"Something wrong Leo?" Leonardo shrugged.

"Raph just left. He looked sad and angry at what I said." Leonardo shook his head disapprovingly, more at himself than anybody else.

Donatello smiled at Leonardo. "It's alright what you're feeling Leo," he said.

"Well yea. I mean I feel bad. I didn't want to upset him. I mean he's already upset enough as it is."

Donatello put his hand on his brother's shoulder. "I meant the other feeling," he whispered. Leonardo's eyes shot wide open and looked at his brother almost in fear. Donnie nodded knowingly. He touched his forehead to his brother's cheek and went back into the lab.