"Erhm, I don't wanna get up!" whined the younger turtle.

Donatello rolled out of their now shared bed, chuckling. "Mikey, we do this every morning. Really? You'd think you'd get used to it."

Michelangelo groaned dramatically, placing the pillow on his face. "Dude! I'll never get used to something as unnatural as interrupting Mikey's beauty sleep! Seriously!" He threw his legs over the side of the bed, lunging himself forward. A low growl was heard and Donatello shook his head in amusement. "And to add insult to injury! I'm starving!" he cried desperately.

"See, so you should go make breakfast," encouraged the genius as he dressed himself, prepping for the day.

"How sick! How can two things I love so much make me so miserable?!"

"Okay, okay Drama Turtle! Let's go get breakfast started. I'm sure we're not the only ones that are hungry." Donnie led Michelangelo to the entrance and shoved him out of the room.

"Well see, that's the thing. You guys are hungry. I'm starving!" Mikey clarified. Donatello laughed as the two brothers made their way to the kitchen.

Master Splinter, Raphael, and Leonardo all sat at the table. Splinter and Leonardo sipped their tea as Raphael blew on his cooling coffee. There was a tension in the air the two brothers approaching immediately noticed, though Master Splinter seemed completely oblivious.

"Morning Sensei!" Mikey cried cheerfully.

"Ah, Donatello. Michelangelo. Good morning, my sons."

"Good morning, Master Splinter." Mikey began preparing breakfast as Donatello sat at the table.

"So, did you go to awaken your brother?" the wise old rat calmly asked Donatello.

A puzzled look crossed the addressed turtle's face. "I'm sorry?"

"I saw you two come out of Michelangelo's room together," Splinter calmly continued. "Were you waking up your brother?"

A loud crash was heard as the pan slipped out of Michelangelo's hand. Raphael and Leonardo were watching Donatello with eyes round with shock and anxiousness.

Donatello nodded in a dumbfounded manner, as if he had not heard his Sensei correctly. "Right."

"So you were?" he probed casually.

Donatello had by now snapped out of his stupefaction and looked around at his brothers who were all conveniently fascinated by everything else in their kitchen. "Uh, yes Master Splinter, I was," Donatello nodded. "You see Michelangelo, ahem, had a – a long night last night and he needed a –a good kick in the head to get out of bed this morning."

Splinter nodded. "Ah, I see. Michelangelo, be appreciative of your brother for taking the time to help you."

"Uh, right!" Michelangelo waved maniacally to Donatello, as if he was a mile away. "Thanks Donnie!"


"Sorry!" An eggshell flew out of the waving turtle's hand, hitting Leonardo on his head.

"It's alright, no big deal," Leonardo chuckled. He looked to Raphael who in turn nodded and he spoke up. "Master Splinter?" The wise rat nodded for him to proceed. "May Raphael and I speak to you in private after breakfast, Sensei?"

"Oh? Very well, my sons. I have been meaning to speak to the both of you alone anyways."

The four turtles all seemed to freeze. Their hearts were racing and fear cocooned each of them. What did he want to talk to them about?

"Michelangelo, is breakfast almost ready my son?" But Mikey didn't respond. He was too anxious to speak and barely up to the task of making breakfast at this point.

After more burnt eggs and black bacon, breakfast finally was able to begin. The turtles ate surprisingly little – even Michelangelo didn't each much but for a few spoonfuls of egg. "My sons, are you all feeling well?" Master Splinter asked. The four nodded, not looking up from their plates.

What seemed like an eternity passed before the silent breakfast finally ended. Only the sound of silverware against plates was heard in the normally bustling home. Michelangelo lingered by himself in the kitchen cleaning as Donatello swiftly and silently made his way to this lab, the door softly shutting behind him.

The two elders watched as their Sensei stood up, nodding at them to follow him. They nodded in return, getting up and following the old rat. They both had a most somber air about them. They looked discolored and like they were about to be sick. Honestly, they looked like death row inmates walking to their untimely end.

They entered through the sliding doors and the room was closed off behind them.

Outside, Donatello and Michelangelo had been watching the entire time out of the corner of their eyes. They both emerged as they dreadingly looked at the door with anxiousness.

"What do you think's goin' on Donatello?"

"I'm not sure Mikey."

Splinter sat behind the low table in his room. It was simple – not very adorned. It was small but big enough for a small rat and his sons. Now Raphael and Leonardo trudged to the table and knelt before their Master. The wise old rat watched them with a bit of sadness and pit in his heart. Raphael looked angry and apprehensive. Leonardo looked afraid and was almost shaking. Splinter wanted to tell them it was okay; that he loved and accepted them as they were but he didn't want to be too forward.

"Now, what is it you wished to discuss my sons?"

Leonardo swallowed hard, the lump in his throat still present. Raphael cleared his throat, avoiding eye contact with his Sensei. Leonardo nodded and opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Splinter gently lead his son forward. "Are you feeling well, Leonardo?"

The turtle nodded. "Y – yes, Master Splinter. I – I'm well."

"Good, good. Now what did you two wish to talk about?"

Leonardo inhaled sharply and cleared his throat. "Uh, y – you see Master Splinter – uh – I hope you're well this morning and you see Raphael and I started sparring together in the morning sometime back," Splinter nodded knowingly. "Yeah, you know – and see, we – we've really gotten closer you know? Very, very close."

Leonardo looked like he was on the verge of tears. His voice sounded breathless and his arms shook stiffly as he clenched his hands shut, digging his fingers into his glimmering legs.

"Yes, my son, I have noticed how your bond as brothers has better and matured. I am very proud." Splinter smiled.

Leonardo smiled an anxious and sick thing, creeping on his face. "Y – yes, w – we really have and I – him – we – Raphael and me – R – Raphael and I! Raphael and I! We – we kind of got even closer and uhm we really care about each other and – " He stopped, sweat dripped from his face and he looked pale with fear.

Raphael, who had been watching his beloved brother the whole time, felt his heart shrink with pity. Leonardo was so afraid of rejection from Master Splinter. He was so lost. Leonardo was no longer the fearless leader that had taken them into battle all those times against evils so great! He wasn't the same turtle that stood his ground in the face of death. Right now, he was a scared little boy – confused and afraid of his father.

"May I speak?" came a thick Brooklyn accent.

Leonardo's head snapped in Raphael's direction, a determined look on his face. Splinter nodded and Raphael took a breath.

"Leo and I, Sensei, we love each other," Raphael confidently stated. "Der ain't two ways 'bout dat. And it ain't like the love yer thinking." He moved closer to Leonardo, who only looked at him with unbelieving eyes.

"Raphael . . . "

"I'm here for you Leo." He turned back to Splinter. "It ain't dishonorable or dirty or nothin' like dat. But it ain't like other love." Raphael took Leonardo's shaking sweaty palm in his, firmly and assuredly. "I'm in love wit Leo," he breath heavily, eyes never once leaving that of his Sensei – showing him he is sure and proud of this love he was proclaiming.

"I see," Splinter smiled.

"And I am in love with Raphael," Leonardo choked out, the nerves were overwhelming him.

Splinter nodded, looking at his sons with pride and love. He stood up and walked over to sit directly in front of them. Leonardo avoided his gaze, looking instead at the ground before him. "Leonardo. Look at me my son." Leonardo slowly lifted his gaze to meet that of his smiling father. He leaned forward and took them both into his arms in a loving embrace.

"I know my sons. I have wanted to tell you but was waiting for you to decide when the right time was. Waiting for you and Raphael as a couple and brothers to decide." The two turtles looked at their Sensei in shock. "I have seen your relationship strengthen and our family become stronger and united. I am very proud of you two and Donatello and Michelangelo."

"B – but I – "

"Do not worry Leonardo, I am not angry. I commend you both for having the trust and confidence in yourselves and each other to tell me – together."

"So . . . ya don't mind dat we're together together?"

Splinter smiled, chuckling. "I welcome peace and tranquility in my family. I only want you all to be happy, as any father does, however it may be."

Leonardo felt a tear run down his face and he embraced his wise sensei in elation. "Father, thank you so much!" Raphael smiled and bowed to him.

"Of course my son. Now, to get Donatello and Michelangelo to come forth. I would like there to be no more secrets among our family."

Raphael and Leonardo exited Splinter's room like new turtles and men. They felt revived and like a new life force had been pumped into their muscular body. They glowed with joy and smiled at each other like they never had before because now, they were not a secret.

"Hey guys! Get out here!" Raphael called to his younger brothers.

Donatello and Michelangelo emerged from the lab. "Do you have anything to say to me, my sons?" Splinter inquired with a knowing, mischievous smile.

"Uh, like what?"

"Give it up Mikey," Raphael aughed.

"Yeah. The jig is up guys. Master Splinter knows."

Donatello erupted in a blush, clearing his throat. Michelangelo simply laughed, loudly and nonstop.

"I am interested to see where our family will go from here but at least I know we will go together. I am also a bit shocked at the pairings. But I see it has worked out thus far."

"Shell yeah! Donnie needs someone like me to teach him how to have fun and let loose!" Michelangelo cried, jumping onto Donatello's back.

"Easy Mikey! I still need to use that!"

There was an air of freedom and honesty in the lair. There were no more secrets and it had all turned out better than they had expected. Splinter looked at his happy family with pride but frowned when he noticed a puzzled look on Donatello's face.

"What bothers you Donatello?"

The three brothers looked at him in curiosity. "Well, I was just wondering Sensei. How did you figure it out?"

"Yeah, how did you figure it out?"

"Duh! Master Splinter has kick butt mind reading powers and can – Ow!"

"Shad up Mikey!"

Michelangelo laughed. "Alright. But seriously Master Splinter, how did you find out?"

The old rat chuckled looking at the four of his sons. "My sons, you all are not the quietest." A moment passed before they understood what he was referring to.

The turtles erupted in a blush as they coughed and cleared their throats in an attempt to brush it off. Splinter only laughed more. "Please go out and fetch me a good pair of ear plugs so I may sleep well again."

The four turtles were gone before he finished that statement, headed by a blushing Raphael. "Be right back Sensei!" Master Splinter laughed turning to the kitchen to prepare himself some tea.

Topside the turtles cheered and ran to their heart's content, a feeling of flight taking them over. They felt blessed at having such a wise and loving father. The turtles paired off with their significant other – a smile shining on each of their faces as they went in search of the best set of ear plugs in New York city.

Alright! Final chapter guys! Thank you, all my wonderful readers, for your support. Thank you for your patience with me and sticking through to the end! I hope you guys like the ending. Please read and review, really. I appreciate any kind of feed back. I do intend to write other TMNT fics so don't worry, they're going to happen I'm just juggling a lot of writing projects so please bear with me.

Once again thank you guys so much and I love you all and I appreciate you! Feel free to PM me, I will respond :D

Until next fic!

