Han had wanted to take Atsuko out the next day but Sean advised against it, he didn't want to come a crossed as needy after all. In truth, Sean wasn't all that sure how to feel about Han's seemingly new found feelings for the waitress, it was the first time he had ever seen his friend so interested in a girl and he was somewhat concerned. It wasn't that he didn't want his friend to be happy he was just concerned about what would happen to Atsuko if he ever got bored of her, Han had a rather long track record with girls and he didn't want her to become another notch on the mans bed post.

After a little bit of convincing Han agreed to wait, choosing instead to visit her teahouse the next week. He ordered his usual and she brought it out to him with a smile, he couldn't help but reciprocate with a grin of his own, her happiness was contagious. He had planned on saying something witty to ask her out but found that his mind went blank as soon as he was in her presence, so instead of some clever quip all he ended up managing was a simple "Would you care to join me for lunch this Saturday?"

He inwardly cringed, that had to be the worst pickup line he had ever uttered. However it seemed that Atsuko didn't mind his lack of tact at all, instead her smile seemed to widen until it looked as if her face would split in two.

"I would love to, where and when?"

At that moment Han was sure that his smile mimicked her own, he was sure that she had just made him the happiest man alive. Immediately he thought out a romantic date, he decided that they would have a picnic for two and he would make some of his favorite foods from America to share with her. In some ways he was trying to introduce her to Dom and his other friends that he had made while in the States. He knew that they would probably never actually meet in person and so he hoped that by including her in a practice that he had only ever partook in with his old family would include her in some way. It was also a way for him to keep the feeling of family alive. Even though he had Sean and the others he still felt somewhat lonely at times, he would always miss the old days of racing and outsmarting the cops. The police in America never seemed willing to give up a chase and while he had found the Japanese cops lack of interest amusing at first, it had quickly become boring.

"How does a picnic this Saturday sound? I'll pick you up at around 11 and we can go somewhere with a nice view."

She nodded and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading off to tend to her other guests. He watched her go before leaving a rather generous tip on the table and leaving. He immediately drove back to his shop/loft where he sought out Sean. He wanted help in deciding what to bring for the picnic and he figured that since Sean was born and raised in the US he would be the best person to ask for advice. The young man was more than happy to give his input and after about an hour of debating back and forth they decided on some baked chicken, a simple caesar salad, some fresh fruit, and some ice tea.

The week flew by and before they knew it Saturday had arrived. Atsuko had been up since 7 going back and forth on what she wanted to wear, part of her wanted to dress casual and the other half felt that she should wear something cute to catch Han's eye. In the end she had decided to settle on something in between. She wore a simple light blue dress with tan wedges and a white bow to hold back her hair, she knew that the bow was a somewhat childish addition but she had always liked how it made her look. Han picked her up exactly at 11 in one of his expensive racing cars, she got in and before she knew it they were off. He made sure not to drive too fast so as not to scare her. Still they made ti to their picnic spot in record time. As Atsuko got out of the car she realized that they had been there before, it was where Han had taken her on their first "date".

She smiled softly to herself; Han could be a true romantic when he wanted to be. While she was checking out the view Han pulled a picnic basket and checkered blanket out of the trunk. He found the whole thing a little cliché but figured that she would find it endearing. He laid out the blanket and set up the food before motioning for her to join him.

"Lunch, is served." His posh accent made her giggle and he couldn't help but feel a bit accomplished from eliciting such an adorable response. The made small talk for a few more minutes before digging in, he told her about Dom and the others, about his old thieving days, and about the Yakuza. He was surprised when she didn't seem at all surprised, that is until she let him in on a secret of her own, her uncle was one of the most influential Yakuza bosses in Japan. When it first registered in his mind that she was directly related to the people he was stealing from, and as such could alert them to his theft, made him regret telling her in the first place. It seemed as if she read his mind because the next thing he knew she rested her hand on his shoulder in an assuring manner.

"Don't worry, I won't tell. If anything it's good for them to get knocked down a few pegs every now and then."

Han was astounded; she had to be an angel because he couldn't think of any other way to describe someone so perfect. The rest of the date went smoothly and before they knew it the sun was setting. They had spent the entire day talking and goofing around. It was the first time in a long time that Han had let his guard completely drop and it made him realize that he needed to do whatever he had to to hold onto her.

Unfortunately the date eventually had to end and all too soon he was driving her back to her house. She leaned over and gave him a peck on the lips before moving to get out of the car. It was then, as he watched her get out of the car, that he had a spontaneous thought and before he even knew what he was doing he had opened his mouth to speak.

"Would you like to see my loft?"

And that's the end of the second bit, I guess I'm gonna split this up into three or four parts and make it a short story instead of a oneshot. Thanks to everyone who favorited or followed this story I greatly appreciate it. I am hoping that they make a Fast and Furious 7 even if it won't be the same without Paul Walker. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter please let me know what you thought.
