Chapter 1

There was nothing, just pain. Thoughts that weren't his own pierced his mind - fear, awe, rage, jealousy, love - it was all too much. He shut down.

'Why won't he wake up?, Uhura was frustrated. Too exhausted to stand, she perched on the edge of her seat watching for signs he was ok. She silently pleaded, 'wake up'. McCoy paced around sickbay, desperately trying to think of a way to revive his friend. He was scared. Kirk was never that still. The sound of the monitor mirrored the captain's heartbeat. Looking at Uhura, McCoy was uncertain how she was still functioning. He placed his hand on her shoulder 'You need to rest', he saw that a bruise that had developed above her right eye. She shuddered and wondered about Spock. 'I need to see him', as she struggled to stand up, her legs gave way and she descended into darkness.

Three days earlier...

'Captain, there is a message from Starfleet'. Uhura was bored; it had been a quiet couple of weeks.

'Good day Captain Kirk, I trust all is well?' Admiral Kincade offered up a breezy greeting. He was well over 7 feet tall, and as red as the cadets' uniform at the Academy. 'We have received intel from a passing Igosian vessel about a vaccine that could cure Klingon neuron disease. I want the Enterprise to investigate the situation'. Chekov spoke, 'Captain we are being directed to planet Theytan'. Kincade interrupted impatiently, 'If the Federation were to get hold of a cure, we would gain a bargaining chip against the Klingons'. He proceeded to tell the bridge crew about inhabitants with telepathic abilities, who like the humans, had been through upheaval before peace reigned. Technologically advanced, they had rejected calls to join the Federation, and cut off all communication. He admitted that the intel was sketchy at best. Kirk seated in the Captain's chair chimed in, 'If our intel is lacking, how do we know the Theytans are willing to accommodate a visit from the Federation?'. The Admiral was surprised by this insightful question. Kirk was the youngest Captain serving in fleet; many had thought his promotion was premature, even though his heroics had saved Earth from Nero. Kirk patiently waited for a response. 'There is no evidence to suggest the Theytans would be unwelcoming. Please keep me abreast of the outcome, Kincade out'.

The screen went blank. Spock appeared beside Kirk, 'Captain, I believe my telepathy would benefit the away team on this occasion. 'Already ahead of you Spock', Kirk jumped out his seat, and stood to attention staring at the main screen. He could rarely sit still, and sometimes, it could be very distracting. 'Spock, Uhura and McCoy you're with me'. The disembodied voice of McCoy rung around the bridge. He was in sick bay, and had not heard the information from Kincade. Kirk summarised the mission. 'No offence Captain, but unless you're anticipating a medical emergency why do you need me?' McCoy's dislike of the transporter was well known. He allowed his mind to run through the horrible, life ending scenarios. An involuntary shiver went through him. 'Damned contraption', he thought to himself. Kirk flashed his smile and tilted his head slightly to indicate his next comment might not be appropriate. 'Bones, they have a vaccine we need, and your expertise is needed to ensure we don't come back with a container of tic tacs. Put on your big boy panties and enjoy the ride. Kirk out'.

Remembering Uhura, he turned to face her and gave his most mischievous smile. She rolled her eyes expecting an equally inappropriate comment. Kirk knew Uhura and Spock were bonded. He had found out witnessing the lingering kiss she gave Spock just before they transported to Nero's ship. He found them to be an odd couple, but like the other crew members on the Enterprise he took interest in their relationship. There were other reasons for his interest, but he kept those to himself. Whilst he and Spock were friends, the Vulcan revealed nothing that would compromise his standing. Uhura would never tell him anything, so he loved nothing more than teasing her about her love life. McCoy has warned it was like jabbing a bear with a stick. Still he took his chances.

He remembered the last time his teasing had gone too far, the reaction was totally unexpected. Seven months earlier, they had been the only two sharing a turbo lift. He turned, and stared down intently at her, blue eyes into brown. Jovially he had asked 'when will you accept your attraction to me?' Expecting her usual withering put down, he was unexpectedly caught out when the atmosphere suddenly changed, it became charged. He then had push her up against the wall, crushed himself against her. His right hand had stroked her face. She leaned into his touch. He then gently stroked her lips. She in turn raised her left arm to pull him even closer, and could feel his erection against her stomach. She sighed in anticipation, and looked up directly into his eyes. He swore he could hear her say 'kiss me', she was even leant in for a kiss. Then just as quickly, the mood changed back and he was caught totally unawares when she slapped him hard. Startled, he stumbled back grasping his right cheek. Uhura looked aghast, and quickly ran out of the turbo lift. Kirk had no idea what had happened, and redirected the turbolift to sick bay. Something must have been wrong with him. McCoy asked about his face - noticing a hand shaped welt, Kirk refused to elaborate and merely stated 'Uhura'. McCoy gave a knowing smirk, and lectured about how he was lucky she didn't do worse. They had proceeded to avoid one another for a week, only speaking during official meetings. Later she had found him in the mess hall and apologised. He also apologised, however, the fierceness of her reaction threw him. After that, he vowed never to be alone with her in a turbolift.

Their interactions tended to be fiery; she was not shy about criticising what she called stupid decisions. Yet she respected his rank and knew when to step back. He considered her a friend, a very beautiful friend. That was what he had noticed in that bar all those years ago. Over time her integrity, intelligence and bravery had also stood out, more so. A thought passed through his mind; if the situation at the bar had ended differently maybe they could have been more. He banished that thought from his head; he knew she was in love with Spock.

Officer Singh, a new recruit to the Enterprise, was not familiar with the Captain's inappropriate prying of Uhura's love life. He had overheard Singh question Uhura about it. Second guessing himself, and not having meant to cause Uhura any distress he listened intently. Uhura simply said 'He's harmless, and knows I have no interest being another notch on his bedpost. However, and my feminist ideals will die a little, there is something nice about being on his radar'. He smiled at the memory, and realised had been staring at her, for the first time he noticed an unspoken question in her eyes. 'Right, lets punch it! I'm keen to meet with the Theytans and sell the benefits of our happy Federation family'. After passing control of the bridge to Spock, Kirk leaned over to pick up his PADD, and walked off in the direction of his ready room.