Heeey... I said in my last note that I would have the rewrite up in November. Well... it would've been posted in November... the last day of the month (Still November) but the first chapter was deleted... so I had to retype it from memory... I cursed like a sailor when that happened.

The first chapter is finished, but some stuff got in the way. I'll post it later on today.

Anyway, this is only a sneak peek. It's the least I can do.

A sharp yell pierced through the silence in the jungle. Birds fled the trees in a panic; monkeys hissed and screeched, their fur bristling in aggravation before leaping across the tree tops and away from the intruding sound; and any other animal within the area followed their example, putting as much distance between them and the source of the horrid sound as possible.

Just as a chameleon vanished from sight on a tree branch, the bushes surrounding the tree began to rustle.

There was a sudden grunt, followed by a low curse, before the slow movement of the clump of shrubs increased.

But after a few seconds passed, the rapid shaking of the leaves came to a halt.

Light from the full moon bathed the muddy ground in a soft glow. If one were watching close enough, they would've notice a red shoe step out from the bushes and into the small clearing. And they would've also seen another red shoe follow it's example. But really, they would've seen the owner of these shoes step into the moonlight, now that they were no longer concealed in the shadows of the jungle for the time being.

In the moonlight, stood what appeared to be a male anthropomorphic blue hedgehog with nothing but a pair of gloves, socks, and red running shoes on.

He would've stood in that position for a little longer... if exhaustion hadn't already claimed him, that is.

With a low groan, the hedgehog collapsed on the ground in a tired heap.

The moment he hit the ground, his sore body stilled and it began to relax. His breathing, although ragged, slowed and his muscles softened ever so slowly. True, the ground was muddy and wet, but it oddly felt comfortable under his aching body. His eyelids started to lower. Maybe a small nap wouldn't hurt...


His eyes shot open with a start.

He couldn't fall asleep. Not when he was vulnerable to any incoming attacks. If there was one thing his siblings and Chuck drilled in his head throughout the years, it was that falling asleep with untreated wounds was a big NO NO. Especially, if there was a blood loss. Which he fortunately didn't have...

That's all, folks.