Epilogue –mini sequel

Basically I don't think I could write a whole sequel and I would love to carry this story on but I feel if anything else happened to them it would be going a bit too far fetched. I hope you all don't hate me too much! The epilogue will be a little jumpy from place to place etc as I don't want to just focus on one thing in their future. Hope you enjoy it and don't get too sad for it ending.

Five years later

The 'L' word was used a lot from that day on, but it never lost its meaning and it never got old. Each time it would be spoken felt like a new explosion within me, new fireworks, new stomach flips, it felt as new and special as it had that night in his cramped truck with his mom banging on the window as it did this morning before he left for work, or when he rang me on his lunch break to tell me. I grinned as I looked over the photos pinned to our fridge door. A scrambled collage of faces, the pack, my dad, even a few of the Cullens who had become like family since the whole Jacob/Renesmee thing. I focused in on one, Embry and I in a sea of confetti as we ran from the church on the damp La Push day last year. My simple but gorgeous dress splattered in rain drops and Embry's mop of hair stuck to his face as we battled the wind and rain. I giggled at the memories, the food fight that broke out between pack members, how ill Claire got after Paul fed her undercooked chicken because he thought like steak you could have it rare, and how Embry's mom got drunk with my dad and we found them two hours later trying to force feed ham to the pig that lived in the church's back yard. They didn't understand why it was basically cannibalism.

"NO give it back to me I had it first" Claire's voice screeched through the little house Embry had found for us, we were fairly close to Sam and Emily's, off the main roads and away from other people but close enough to our friends and family. We moved in shortly before our wedding last year. It was only a small house, one level and only two bedrooms. But Embry and a few of the others guys were planning on extending it when work calmed down. They all worked together at Jacob's garage and did building and home maintenance jobs around La Push so they knew how to build things. I stayed still, waiting for the kids to work out their own issue but a scream erupted and a loud bang which sent me flying from the kitchen toward the now 9 year old Claire and my 4 year old niece. Rachel and Paul had gone away for the night and so Embry and I were left in charge of her, then Emily got sick and I got landed with Claire and their son's Jordan who was 3 and Maxi who was 1.

"Your mean and I'm telling my daddy" The little call of Dakota erupted now and I fell into the living room to see Claire sat on top of the 4 year old pinning her down while Jordan cheered her on and Maxi just sat chewing on the TV remote.

"Yeah well my uncle will kick your daddy's butt" Claire yelled back and Dakota gasped at her 'naughty' word butt and began crying for me as she saw me come in. Her little face was turning slightly purple as Claire's much bigger body pinned down on her lungs and ribs, it was like she couldn't breathe.

"Claire get off her" I yelled a little too harshly and Claire jumped and fell to the floor and began crying about how I always took Dakota's side because she was my niece. I pulled Dakota up to her feet and brushed her off, making sure Claire hadn't broken her little ribs or something. Both girls were now in fits of tears and Jordan was continuing to make loud cheering noises from his place sat on the dining table. How he got up there was beyond me but he had and it was making me nervous as he edged closer to the edge of the table and the fairly big drop to the wooden floor.

"I WANT UNCLE EMBRY RIGHT NOW" Claire starting kicking her feet into the wooden floor and I reached out to grab her but she side stepped and missed my grab. Little shit. She had gotten this attitude that although she had when she was a kid, it was now ten times worse. I just fell down to my own ass as she starting stamping her feet into the floor and screamed. Dakota sat herself in my lap and continued to scream at the top of her lungs while little Maxi got spooked by all the yelling and began his own screaming fit. I wasn't even paying attention to Jordan until the almighty smash made me turn around and I saw my glass fruit bowl now smashed to the floor in a million tiny pieces and Jordan sat on the edge of the table with a wicked grin on his mini Sam Uley face. Little shits. I hate kids. I knew I wasn't a kid person. Which was a bit too late to realise now. Crap what have I got myself into.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Claire began screaming all over again and Maxi got even more startled by the smashing and had began making a fairly quick paced crawl for the door. Dakota stood up and I now realised she had stripped down to her underwear. Why she always did this was beyond me, every time I saw her within 5 minutes her clothes were off.

"Daddy daddy DADDDYYY I WANT MY DADDY" She began jumping up and down on the spot in front of me and Claire copied her rhythm. If we had neighbours I was sure they would think I was murdering the kids.

"Your a spilt brat Dakota my Uncle Sam said so" Claire turned and shrieked at Dakota and i had to double take her, I wasn't certain Sam would have actually said that, it was more likely Emily that would have said it but still. Claire came out with some stuff.

"EmEm" Jordan's quivering cry came from behind me and I peered up at the table, his lip was quivering as he watched the two girls throw a tantrum and I could tell what was coming. And sure enough he let out a long cry that sounded like a howl. It was the worst sound in the world. Damn it. I was never babysitting without Embry again.

I crouched over, burying my head in my lap as I listened to the nonstop screaming erupt around me. I should have stayed in the kitchen; I should have just let Dakota be sat on.

"Woah" The front door slammed shut and the loud voice called out over the crying. My head snapped up, Embry. He was here. I flew to my feet and ran into the hallway leaping over Maxi as I went and before he could even say hi to me I threw myself into Embry's arms and buried my throbbing head into his chest.

"Save me, they are out to kill me" I grumbled and he began laughing. "I'm serious" His laughing stopped and he frowned, peering behind me at the little 1 year old sat watching us with a face of pure seriousness that was far too old for his little face.

"Kid freaks me out" Embry mumbled and I realised they were having a staring match. Maxi was a strange baby, he had gotten into staring matches from the age of 5 months with all the guys and he just had seriousness about him, kind of like Sam. Whereas Jordan was just a little shit and couldn't even sit still for more than a minute.

"Give it back" Claire yelled out again against the screams I Embry broke his stare from the baby to the living room door.

"No I want it and daddy said I can have whatever I want so give it to me" Dakota screamed louder than Claire had I snorted in laughter at how spoilt she was by Paul. She could be a nice kid, but that guy spoilt her so much that this little situation right here happened almost every day.

"See your a pampered princess" Claire yelled back, the same jealousy in her voice as she had the day Dakota was born. Claire was used to being the only little girl in the pack and being spoilt with attention from the guys, then Dakota came along and she felt a little pushed out. Embry began walking, pushing me along with him and as we went I swooped down and picked Maxi up from the floor.

The girls were once again wrestling on the floor and Embry ran to break them apart but got booted in the face by Jordan as he dropped himself from the table right into the middle of the wrestling. Well, he was a fearless little thing. Embry looked at me for support as he tried pulling all three kids off each other but I just shrugged and walked back to the kitchen with the now quiet Maxi. I had dealt with that lot all evening, it was Embry's turn.


"Goodnight Jordan" I called into the dark room as I shut the door, he grunted back and a snore from Maxi told me that he was already asleep. I turned to Embry as he came out of our bedroom, tip-toeing as if trying not to make a sound. As we saw one another we both made shh-ing noises and continued to tip toe down the hallway. I stopped as we passed the bathroom, the floor was covered in clothes and water and the bath was full of stuff that shouldn't be in the bath, such as Embry's phone which was now bobbing along the top of the cold water obviously broken. Bath time had been full on world war 3.

I leaned in and shut the door, trying to ignore the mess for the night, I was far too exhausted to clean up. Carrying on down the creaky corridor I stopped as Embry shut the kitchen door and shook his head at me.

"Don't look in there" He warned and I took notice of the smeared bolognaise that lay dried on the door behind him. I really didn't want to look inside if that was what was on the outside of the door. He took my hand, his warmth spreading through me and within a second he had scooped me into his big muscled arms and kissed my neck. He walked me backwards into the living room and pressed me against the door as he shut it. His kisses on my neck moved to my jaw and finally to my mouth. Pressing harshly but sweetly against my lips the sparkle of his skin on mine spread through me and my body set alight.

"I love you Jade, but no kids please, I can't handle them" He whispered as he wrapped my legs around his hips and walked to the sofa. My stomach flipped and I felt myself blush as he took me in with his eyes, still after all this time together I couldn't handle him when he was like this. He was too damn sexy and too unbelievably loving.

"I love you too Embry" I gasped as he lowered me to the sofa and lay himself on top, a digging fell into my back and I sat up from the sharp pain. Embry reached behind me, pulling out one of Maxi's red plastic trucks and it made a broom noise as Embry pushed the little button down. I looked at my boy and saw the tired and stressed look on his face that the kids had caused and I couldn't hold in my laughter. We were so not ready for kids, even babysitting them. We were screwed in terms of kids. I 100% did not want kids until I was like 30. "No kids"


8 months later

"Are you ready?" Emily nudged me lightly and smirked as she watched me staring at myself in the mirror. At 8 months pregnant, being in this stupid bridesmaid dress and high heels was something I did not want to be doing. At 8 months pregnant all I wanted to be doing was led in bed wrapped in my man, not walking down an aisle and trying not to wince every time the little shit in my stomach kicked my ribs. Ok, so it wasn't a little shit it was my baby and I loved it with everything I had but right now as it prodded my bladder, it was a little shit.

"No I look like a whale" I moaned and tried desperately to breathe in my swollen stomach but that was so not going to work. I looked awful. The dress wasn't tight, it was knee length and flowing but I felt like a hot air balloon and like I was about to take off any minute.

"I am so not going to feel sorry for you. If you remember correctly I was a week overdue at yours and Embry's wedding and you still made me walk down the aisle so pfft" Emily teased and I giggled at the memory. She had been overdue; Sam had to carry her around all day because her feet were so swollen.

She winked at me before turning away to finish Claire's hair, Renesmee was sat with Kim talking, Nessie was 5 but due to her fast growth she looked around 14 now, she had a proper teenage sass about her, an attitude that was challenging Jacob in ways he thought he would never be challenged, it was hilarious. Dakota was spinning in circles around Rachel who was also pregnant and Rachel was beginning to look dizzy. She was only 5 months though and was only showing slightly. I on the other hand was huge.

"Come on guys its time" Sue called out from the doorway, her eyes full of tears and her hands shaking with nerves. "The bride is ready" She shook and her tears spilled down her cheek. I had to look away, my hormones would mean that it wouldn't be long until I cried and so I put my head down and walked past Sue into the bridal room.

We all crowded around and waiting as the door to the bathroom opened and in a beautiful white dress Leah stepped out, her smile was bigger than I had ever seen it before and her long hair was in curls around her shoulders. She stopped phasing just over a year ago and so she had been able to grow her hair out, her muscled arms had become less defined and she looked more feminine than before. She was beautiful. Her dress was corset tight at the top with soft gems and diamonds in swirling patterns and the bottom was loose and flowing, she lifted her train up to show off her high heels that she had finally been able to put on because she seemed to shrink from 6ft to 5'8 and so she was no longer taller than Jason when she wore them.

It was too much for me and I started sniffling into my hands. Leah and Jason, it was worse than me and Embry at first. She refused to let herself fall into the imprint stuff, she had once told me and Jacob that she wished she could imprint just to escape Sam. But when she did she had trouble letting go, and Jason was convinced it was wrong. He didn't want to be a wolf, and he was convinced it was just another shitty wolf thing out the ruin his life. It took them 5 months to even talk, then another 6 months to go on a date and after 14 months of us trying to stop them fighting and ignoring one another, they finally gave in. It had been a nightmare. But now they were as happy as could be and were getting ready to move away from La Push. Jason was trying to stop phasing because he simply wasn't interested in the wolf stuff and he had taken a job in Seattle where Leah was going to begin college. They were happy.

She walked straight for me as the others got into position to walk through to the church and Seth came bounding happily through the door ready to walk her down to aisle. I smiled at her as she stopped next to me.

"Any advice?" She whispered a hint of nerves in her shaking voice. I smiled, my mind trying to find something to tell her to calm her but I couldn't think of anything. I still got nervous around Embry and we were married, living together with a baby on the way.

"Use condoms" I replied smugly and Leah began laughing as if I was joking but stopped as she saw the serious look on my face. I wasn't joking. One time without protection and BAM an unplanned baby on the way. I blame Emily and Rachel. If we didn't have their violent children that night then we would have been able to sleep in our own bedroom rather than the sofa and would have had the correct equipment and I wouldn't have been surprised on a trip to the doctors to get a new pack of pills and we wouldn't have had to push forward the extension on the house and I wouldn't be stood here like a balloon.

"Oh" She squeaked and the music started, Seth took her hand in his and I winked before falling into walk alongside my pregnant sister.

As we walked down the aisle I glanced up, Jason was smiling at me from his place at the altar, we were still best friends and it was me who took him ring shopping and me who had to run to his house right before he proposed to cook the dinner for him and Leah, she had come home early and he had made me hide in the bedroom closet, so I was forced to see the proposal first hand, and the celebration afterwards. I cringed at the memory. My life with the pack was anything but boring and normal.

Jason glanced beside him and I followed his gaze, my heart stopping as my eyes snapped locked on my own husbands. He looked just as beautiful as he had on our day, his crisp tux making him look like a native American James Bond and the heat rose in my cheeks as our baby began kicking excitedly from inside my stomach.

His lips moved to mouth 'I love you' and my heart skipped a few beats and Rachel pulled harder on my hand. I had slowed down in awe of him and the bridal music had started behind me. I smiled again at Embry and rushed to where I was supposed to be but my eyes never moved from his, I didn't even hear the vows I just stared at my man and remembered our own day and our own vows. How he had started crying and got ribbed by the guys for it. I was so lost in thought I didn't notice as everyone began leaving, or that as the church emptied the kicking in my stomach stopped. I only noticed anything when something snapped within me and my heart stopped in horror.

"You ok?" Embry asked as he stood in front of me waiting for me to go with him. He frowned as I failed to answer and I glanced down for confirmation. Rachel and Kim were stood behind him waiting with Paul and Jared, we were all sharing lifts to the reception well we were supposed to.

"Umm don't freak out" I squeaked, my own feelings edging closer to becoming hysterical and they all frowned at me as if I was crazy. "My water broke"

"You can do it" Embry cooed in my ear as my body writhed around in pain, I was clutching onto his hand and for once he actually winced at my hold. I was hurting an invincible wolf. But I couldn't bathe too long in the happiness of the thought as a new contraction started and I screamed out in pain again. I could see my dad wheeling around outside, his shadow passing by the door every other second. "You're ok" Embry went on and my anger peaked.

"Do I freaking look ok you moron?" I screamed out and he jumped, the nurse started giggling to herself as she sat on my other side offering me woman to woman comfort that Embry just could not do.

"I uhh" He stumbled around with his words and the doctor waved his hand signalling for me to push and so I did. I hated this. I would never have another kid again.

"You are never...touching...me...again you bastard" I gasped as I finished pushing and still no baby appeared. This was taking ages. It had been 7 hours, the wedding finished and the whole pack were apparently in the waiting room eating leftover food and generally pissing off the staff. Embry's mom was somewhere nearby but she had gotten so nervous she passed out.

"Ok" Embry agreed, he looked sheepish and the doctor began chuckling from down near my private area. I had to physically refrain from kicking him in the face. I hate men. Men should not be around when you're in labour.

"I can see the head, one more push Mrs Call" The doctor smiled up at me and Embry started jumping around beside me. I squeezed down on his hand and he winced again while the nurse who had my other hand started squeaking curse words as her hand clicked under my hold.

I gave it all I could and ten seconds later the sound of hysterical crying erupted in the room. I fell back against my pillow panting as Embry placed kisses all over my face and whispered that he loved me. I paid no attention all I could do was keep myself from crying at the pain that still throbbed all over my body.

"It's a boy" The midwife smiled at me as she handed me a little bundle wrapped tightly in a blanket. And that was me gone, I started crying hysterically as I held the little baby to my chest and Embry squished the little baby cheeks before kissing me and running for the door. Everyone in the room stopped to watch as my husband ran from the room and within seconds all we could hear was him yelling it's a boy and an eruption of cheers and wolf whistles from the waiting room. What an idiot.

"And that idiot is your daddy" I cooed down at the sleeping bundle in my arms and I couldn't help but smile, the pain faded away and all I could see was my sleeping son and all I could hear was Embry coming running back in. My family that was all I could think of.


One year later

"He definitely looks like me" Embry cooed as we stared at our 1 year old son in his cot. He was snoring ever so lightly and he was adorable.

"Nope he is far too cute, he looks like me" I teased in whisper and Embry nodded in agreement before picking me up bridal style and turning from the room. He walked down our much longer hallway, the extension was finished and we now had 4 bedrooms, an office and two bathrooms. It was ridiculous how even with just one baby our house was a complete war zone. Toys and clothes were everywhere and Embry tripped over a box of train toys as he carried me to our room.

It was crazy, two years ago I would have downright refused to believe that I would be in this life, married, with a kid and completely happy. It was never really my dream but now it was all I needed. Embry dropped me to my feet as we entered our room and I looked onto the bed and laughed at the site. Even our own room wasn't safe from the clutches of little Mikey, he got everywhere. Embry started piling the toys and clothes onto the floor and shot me a look.

"I think we need to ban baby stuff from our room" He was serious and I couldn't help but smirk at him, he had no idea how hard that would be. "What?" He asked taking in my smirk and my hand instinctively fell to my stomach.

"Baby stuff gets everywhere" I replied as if it were nothing and he nodded, not noticing my hand on my stomach. He was so dumb sometimes. I threw a sick covered blanket at him an he caught it in disgust. "Put it in the wash basket" I said simply and he nodded, walking to our en suite. I waited, knowing what he would find on the counter top in there. Sure enough he came bounding through the door, pregnancy test in one hand, sick blanket in the other. The frown over his face was deep and I could see him trying to work it out in his head as he stared at the positive test.

"Are you?" He whispered, looking up his eyes landed on my stomach where my hand still lay before climbing to meet my eyes. I nodded, unsure of whether he would be happy, we struggled enough with one and two would seriously be a nightmare but I actually felt happy, another piece of Embry in my life was exactly what I wanted. His face fell into shock but just as quickly lifted into a glowing smile, his eyes on fire with the same look he had when we found out about Mikey.

"Are you serious?" He ran at me, scooping me into his embrace and he kissed me firmly on the lips as he started chuckling.

"You happy?" I whispered still scared that he wouldn't be. His double took me, looking at me as if I was an idiot.

"Unbelievably" He chuckled, spinning me in circles as he placed kissing all over my neck and face. I laughed as he jumped around in excitement.

Two kids couldn't be that bad surely? I mean Emily was pregnant with her third plus she had Claire so that had to mean it wasn't that hectic? And Rachel was on two now...Kim had twins on the way. It would be fine. Right?

5 years later

Wrong. I was so unbelievably wrong. I leant against the door frame to the children's room, watching as they wrestled around with their father. The house had never recovered from baby number one. Now on baby number 4 it looked more like day care centre than a house. But it was our house, our family. So no matter how hard it was it was totally worth it.

I watched as Embry surrendered against his three boys and chucked them all into their beds, a now 7 year old Mikey on the top bunk, 5 year old Benjamin on the bottom and little Isaac in his cot. He was only 20 months but he was a little bruiser. He could wrestle just as good as his brothers and his dad. I smiled as Embry began telling the usual story of a wolf who saved a princess from an evil man, the boys began howling like wolves and I couldn't help but laugh. They did this every night. It never got old hearing them.

A sharp cry came from down the hall and I shot Embry a smile before making my way to our little girl's room. She was 5 months old, and we agreed our last. We couldn't deal with any more. Our lives were hectic enough. I pushed my way through the door with her name carved on it, Tahlia. Her little cries stopped as she saw me, instead a soft smile covered her face and I bent down to kiss her cheek. I flicked the music box on that Jacob had made her at Christmas. He made one for his daughter, Sarah who was the same age as Tahlia but now looked around 1. She got that from her mom, but he made one for Tahlia at the same time. She couldn't sleep without it. It played old Quileute tunes and had a wolf dancing around the centre of it. As soon as the music rang out through the room her eyes began drooping and I stayed where I was until her soft snore filled her cot.

I turned her fairy lights on and turned the main light off before leaving the room. I crept down to the kitchen as Embry crept from the boy's rooms, their chatter still audible; they never went to bed when told to. They were nightmares. My daily life revolved around poop, which car toy was better, more poop, food, crying, solving arguments and answering the same questions over and over again.

Embry took my hand, leading me to the kitchen and I sat myself up on the counter as he moved around preparing dinner. I glanced back at the fridge, it was like the story of my life by now. Embry flicked the stereo on, the old CD he played me when we were younger rang out and our song drifted through the kitchen as I stared at the fridge. Beneath your beautiful, we danced to it at our wedding.

The pictures went from when we were 16 and just starting out, to our first anniversary of being a couple, the day Embry got me to let him teach me to drive, the day I passed my test, to our engagement, to our wedding, to our first baby, our second and so on until last week at the monthly pack bonfire. The guys were beginning to stop phasing, leaving the younger ones and Quil in charge, Quil would phase for longer because of Claire and the others wouldn't stop until needed or until they found their imprints. We still had our bonfires though, it was tradition now. I smiled at the last picture. The whole pack, including children, Embry's mom knew now about the wolf stuff, she took it badly but got over it eventually. She was sat next to Billy, the boys climbing over both of them and my dad was turning blue in the picture as little Isaac strangled him. I looked over it as Paul and Rachel stood with their three kids, two girls and a boy. Emily and Sam with Claire and their three kids, Kim and Jared stopped after the twins, Kim had a dramatic birth and Jared was too distressed to go through it again. Jacob and Nessie had just had their first baby and got married a few months ago while Leah and Jason were living happily in Seattle with their two girls. Claire was a little woman now, she was 12 going on 21 and she was driving everyone up the wall, including Quil. He didn't know how to handle her growing up but he was doing ok.

Everything had changed so much since the first picture. Embry and I were still nightmares, we were still the only couple who got into blazing arguments but it made us stronger I thought, we were real. No relationship could be perfect, we were perfect but real. We still had drama filled lives, a couple years back Nathan had made a short reappearance in Forks and had stupidly come to La Push with his new little girlfriend who looked like a porn star. He ran into Embry, Paul and Jacob and swiftly got himself beaten to a pulp for making a comment about me that Embry wouldn't repeat. He hadn't been heard of again since that.

"What are you smiling at?" Embry whispered as he settled himself in front of me and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Us...our lives. I never thought we would get this far" I whispered back to him, kissing the top of his head softly. His hair still as long as floppy as it always had been.

"I knew we would. You just needed to stop being so stubborn" He chuckled and I nodded in agreement, most of our initial issues had been my fault. "I love you Jade Black, I even loved you back when you were a pain in my ass, nothing will ever stop me loving you" He smirked at me, kissing my cheek softly before going to pull away but I pulled him closer.

"I love you to Embryo" I couldn't hold in my giggle and the sparkle in Embry's eyes lit up and he stepped away from me allowing me room to jump down.

"You know what happens when people call me that" He sung and held his hands up ready to pounce at me, I took my chance and ran from the room and I heard his heavy footsteps behind me as he ran after me.

I ran down the hall, passing the boys room the door flew open and the two older boys came bounding out.

"Kill dad" Benjamin shouted as he charged for Embry, I giggled at the sight as Embry jumped over his short son and came for me again.

"RAAAHHHHHH" Mikey screamed, aiming a toy truck at Embry it landed in his crotch and he went doubling over to the floor gasping as the boys jumped on him as if he was a bouncy house. I couldn't help but giggle.

We had come so far from the days of fighting and hating one another. Even after all the drama I wouldn't have changed any of it if it got me to this very moment. Being with Embry had taught me a lot, he taught me to be happy again, to love people and trust that not everyone would hurt me, he gave me back my family and even gave me a new one. The past years of my life with him had taught me the truth about love, it can be the most painful thing in the world, but if you let it it can be the most amazing thing in the world. I'm not scared of love like I once was, my life is full again thanks to Embry.

I felt myself begin to well up at the memories of the past years. But before I had a chance a grab of hands pulled at me and I was dragged to the floor beside Embry where our two kids began scrambling over us, screaming in war yells and howls. New screams filled the house and I looked at Embry, rolling our eyes and smiling as we stood up, Mikey attached to Embrys leg and Benjamin attached to mine we both went our separate ways toward our two crying babies. This was our life now, it was hectic, stressful and nonstop but it was perfect.

Well...It jumped a lot but I wanted to give you a lot of insight rather than just one little chapter. I'm sorry I ended it so suddenly. But I honestly feel the story has come to an end, at least for me it has, and I couldn't write anything else because I wanted them to have a happy ending and if I wrote any more it would have gone dramatically wrong at some point.

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who followed this story and ready through the over 60 chapters. I can't list you all as it would take ages :D So thank you and I hope you enjoyed the story and come back every now and then. I can't believe how horrible it is to stop this story but I hope you understand that I just cannot write anymore for Jade and Embry!

To the guest who asked about leah/Jason, I don't like writing stories on characters from current stories, I am having enough trouble with Brady/Gracie because I just find it hard, so probably not but keep checking my profile for new stories :D

And to everyone else I hope I see you on any new stories I may write :D

Thank you for everything Love you ALL :D

That Day Dreamer xx