DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Powerpuff Girls, Rowdyruff Boys, or any other characters related to The Powerpuff Girls TV series.

RATE: Rated M for language and content. Rating may change in later chapters.


A/N: IMPORTANT! The PPGs and RRBs have their superpowers and what not, but they look like normal teenagers! It is also several years in the future from the original show and they are about 14 or 15ish as freshman in highschool.

"And that there, ladies and gentlemen, is a perfect example of yet another failed test by the one and only, Buttercup Utonium!" Buttercup, the toughest fighter, yelled while walking out of algebra class. Her jet black hair now goes a little past midback. She is currently wearing a pair of black super skinny jeans, a green laced cami with a low cut black shirt overtop with green accents, and dark green Converse high-high tops.

Blossom rolled her eyes. "Why are you so proud of failing?" Blossom, the commander and the leader, still has lucious and vibrant flowing auburn hair. It reaches just past her ass and on top of it all she still sports a red bow. It is not the same one from her younger years, but rather a more conservative one that she pins off to the side. She is wearing pink skinny jeans, a pink tanktop with a see through white halter over it, and pink flip flops.

"Hey, I'm just saying it like it is! Not my fault the teachers make it almost impossible to pass their tests!" Buttercup grumbled.

"Well maybe if you'd actually take the time to study the-"

"Okay, enough! So what if Buttercup doesn't study or pass every test? Let's stop bickering about it," Bubbles, the joy and the laughter, and often times the peacekeeper said. She keeps her liquid sunshine blonde hair in its usual pigtails, but now a little lower on her head. Her hair now reaches about to her elbows, in pigtails. Bubbles is wearing blue jean capris, a baby blue top that hangs off one shoulder with a white tank top underneath, and black ballet flats.

"Fine," Blossom and Buttercup mumbled. The girls made their way down the hallway and to their lockers, but weren't expecting to find what, or better yet who, waiting there for them.

"The Rowdyruff Boys?!" Blossom exclaimed.

"Well, well, well. It's good to see you too, Red. I'm suprised you remember us," Brick, the cocky leader said with a smirk. His red hair was still long but he had it pulled back into a pony tail, minus his feathery bangs. He is wearing black cargo pants, a baggy red pull over hoodie, black Converse and of course his red hat which was on backwards as usual and allowed his bangs to poke through.

"Of course we'd remember the twerps we had to practically follow around almost every day to keep them out of trouble," Buttercup growled.

"Fesity one, isn't she? I like it," Butch said and winked at her. His hair was slicked up in it's usual spiky do. Like Brick, he is wearing black cargo pants except Butch has wallet chains attached. He is wearing a deep green t-shirt that shows off his abs and black and green DCs.

Bubbles said nothing and just looked at Boomer. Their eyes met and they rolled them at their siblings. Unknown to their red and green siblings, the two blues had made an unspoken truce and didn't have the same fire and hatred towards each other. Boomer was wearing blue jeans, a long sleeve white shirt with a pull over short sleeved blue hoodie that had a black stripe going across it like the traditional Rowdyruff clothes along with blue Vans. His blonde hair that was nearly identical to Bubble's in color was grown out a bit more but still had that Boomer quality to it.

Blossom glared at Brick. "What the hell do you think you're doing here?"

'Uh, what does it look like, Red? Going to school?" Brick replied with a voice that made him sound dumb.

"She knows that dipshit, but what she means is why are you here. You're not exactly the school type," Buttercup said, agitated.

Brick narrowed his eyes at Buttercup before turning back to Blossom and shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe we're here to see you guys," he said with another smirk.

The girls turned to their lockers to get their stuff to go home, brushing off Brick's comment. Bubbles was putting her books in her bag when a slight movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention. She turned her head and saw Boomer holding out a small piece of paper toward her. Bubbles snatched it and quickly pocketed it so her sisters wouldn't notice. Boomer stepped back over to where his brothers were and acted like nothing happened.

"Let's go!" Blossom barked and took off into the air, not before glaring at Brick one last time. Buttercup totally ignored Butch and Bubbles gave Boomer a small smile before taking off and joining their sister in the sky. The boys stood there for a moment and watched their retreating streaks of color.

"You'd think they'd just get over it by now..." Brick mumbled and took to the sky with his brothers following behind him.

A/N: I appologize for this being a bit on the short side, but don't worry there's more to come. Review and let me know what you think so far and if you have any suggestions or comments on what you'd like to see happen in the future. I also appologize if I don't get around to updating this often; I'll try my best to remember.