Itachi stared at the deep emerald necklace Sakura had tossed at him. Their relationship was done. Finished. Gone. I made one mistake. One little mistake that cost me everything Itachi thought angrily. He stood in the apartment and paced back and forth. Little? That mistake cost you your whole entire relationship you idiot! A voice hissed in the back of his head.

Should I go after her? Or do I give her time to cool off? Can I even fix this?

Why are you even thinking about this? She implied that your relationship is finished!

But she might forgive me if I pleaded for forgiveness.

I doubt it.

What the hell are you talking about? You are me! Obviously, Itachi had never experienced a case of inner turmoil before. For once in his life, Itachi was indecisive and it frustrated him to no end.

"God damn it!" Itachi roared. He let his fist fling into the wall. Chunks of plaster and white paint chipped off as Itachi removed his hand out of the sizable hole. What the hell am I supposed to do? Is there some kind of guidebook to read when you forget your anniversary with your girlfriend? Itachi groaned and rested his forehead against the wall feeling more confused than he ever felt before. Then he thought of one person that might be able to help patch up his relationship with Sakura.

Sasuke came out of the shower just as the phone started to ring. Changing into a pair of sweats, he went into the kitchen to answer the phone. He looked at the phone ID in surprise.

"Hello Nii-san? What do you want? Aren't you supposed to be with Sakura right now?" Sasuke asked. There was a tense pause. Realization hit Sasuke like a sack of bricks as soon as he realized Itachi wasn't planning on answering.

"You forgot didn't you?" Sasuke groaned.

"Hn," Itachi muttered.

"BAKA! I even reminded you it was your anniversary before when you went to go have drinks with the rest of the guys," Sasuke said angrily. There was no reply. Apparently, Itachi did not appreciate being called a 'baka'.

Sasuke checked his watch. According to his calculations, Sakura should be here any minu-ding dong! A furious pounding on his door followed by multiple rings told Sasuke that Sakura was at his front door.

"What plan of action must I execute in order to win her back otouto?" Itachi asked gruffly. He hated asking his little brother for help. Itachi always felt superior to Sasuke in all aspects of life, and women were no exception. The fact that Itachi had asked Sasuke for help had to mean Sakura was more than one of his little playthings. Sasuke sighed as he opened the door, revealing a sobbing Sakura. Mendokusai Sasuke thought as he took in Sakura's appearance. Her pink hair clung to her heart shaped face as tears streaked down her face. Her normally bright green eyes were dull and sad. Her bottom lips kept on quivering in an attempt to hold back any more waterworks.

"I have to go nii-san," Sasuke said abruptly before hanging up. Itachi looked at the phone in surprise. What the hell just happened? Did Sasuke just refuse to help him?

"Fuck," Itachi muttered quietly to himself in the large empty room. The one person who could help him just abandoned him. Itachi rubbed his temples tiredly before deciding to change out of his suit. Too tired to take a shower, Itachi flopped onto the giant king sized bed meant for 2 people. His left side was much too cold without Sakura's body heat. He was so accustomed to having a warm body next to him every night. A warm feminine body that smelled uniquely of Jasmine and peaches. Itachi wondered if he was ever going to sleep next to that body ever again.

Sakura flung herself onto Sasuke. Sasuke had become one of her best friends since high school. She trusted him implicitly with everything.

"Your bastard older -*sniffle*- brother -*sob*- forgot our -*sniffle*- anniversary," Sakura cried helplessly. Sasuke caught the gist of the sentence even if there was a bunch of sniffles in between.

"Shh shhh," Sasuke whispered as he stroked the small of her back. God why is my nii-san such an idiot? Now I have to clean up the mess he made.

"It's okay Sakura. Itachi was just really stressed out with work and it slipped his mind. You can stay here as long as you want until you work it out with him," Sasuke said comfortingly. He felt Sakura's grip tighten against his back.

"Work things out?" She said softly. Her eyes narrowed dangerously. Oh shit. Here comes the rant. That was the wrong thing to say. I'm gonna have a hell of a headache after this Sasuke thought.

"What the fuck do you mean work things out? That asshole forgot about our anniversary! And don't give me that 'stressed about work' bullshit! He was at the bar partying and drinking while I waited for him at home! All. Fucking. Alone! Do you even know what that feels like? NO! Of course you don't! What the hell could you possibly understand? You don't understand shit! I put in so much effort for our anniversary dinner and he didn't even show up! I even primped myself up for tonight and he wasn't even there!" Sakura screamed as a fresh wave of tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Sasuke stayed calm throughout the whole ordeal waiting for her to vent out her feelings. He knew from past experience that if he talked back he would be put in a whole world of pain.

God why the hell does this hurt so much? Sakura thought as she sobbed brokenly.

Don't give into him. You shouldn't cry over a sorry bastard like him. He doesn't deserve you. The voice inside Sakura's head stated.

But I can't just forget about him. That's like 2 years of my life gone to waste.

Screw Itachi. You can find someone else. Have you seen yourself lately? Any guy would love to date a piece of hot- eye candy like you!

You're right.

Of course I'm right. I'm always right. With that she straightened up and willed her tears to stop falling. Immediately, Sasuke noticed her resolve. Seeing that Sakura had stopped crying, he stepped back and offered to carry her luggage to the guest room.

"Remember you can stay here as long as you want. But know that I'm not always gonna be home cause of work," Sasuke gritted out as he heaved her luggage upstairs. How much freakin stuff do girls pack? When did she even have time to pack this much stuff?

"Thanks Sasuke-kun," Sakura said gratefully. She giggled as she saw Sasuke obviously having trouble carrying her suitcase but had too much pride to ask for her help. Egotistical baka she thought fondly.

"Well I'll leave you to unpack and stuff. I'm gonna hit the sack early tonight. I have to go into work early tomorrow so help yourself to anything you want in the kitchen in the morning. Good night," Sasuke said as he walked out of the room.

"Night," Sakura called out as he shut the door. Sakura opened up her giant suitcase and began hanging all her clothes in the closet. She hummed a soft tune as she laid out all her toiletries in the bathroom. I can do this. I can survive without Itachi Sakura coached herself. She smirked as she realized that Itachi would probably need her more than she needed him. After all, I'm the one who cooks for him and cleans up his shit. Sakura mentally made a to-do list in her head of things she had to do tomorrow.

And the first thing on that list was asking Ino for tips on how to catch herself a new man.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I thought I would have more time to update since it's summer and all but apparently not. I'll try my best to update more often. I'm thinking about changing this fic to rated M for upcoming smut but I'm not sure. Leave a review telling me what you think of the chapter and if you want smut or not ;)

Oh and thanks for the awesome reviews in the previous chapters guys! xXRosexScorpiusXx your reviews literally made my whole week! Thank you so much!