Fly Away

Amy P.O.V

I didn't know what to do. I was leaving my son and his father. I know that we aren't in love but I do love him and our son. I spent this many years hating myself and the world. I spent so much time being angry and never Thank Ricky for being a good man, father, and friend. Mom says I should go to New York, but my heart is telling me to stay and be friends with Ricky and raise our son together. I can't pack up and leave my baby and him never knowing how much I love him.

George: Ames. I know your mother says go but what do your heart say? You going to leave your family. I know you will always be a family but what about years from now?

Anne: George, she said she is leaving and John knows his mother love him and still does. We don't wanna be late for your flight.

Amy: How about I go back up there. I wanna tell Ricky I love him and I want John to know I love him.

Ricky: Maybe you don't have to come back upstairs and tell us that. Maybe you should follow what your heart says Amy. It's your life.

Amy turned around and saw Ricky and John. John had tear stains on his face. Amy was hurt by the sight of her son being heartbroken of her leaving.

John: Don't go mommy. ( John starts to cry)

Amy kneeled down to John's level and looked him in the eyes. How could she leave her son. College is important but her son come first and she know she can't leave.

Amy: Mom, I can't leave. ( Starts to cry) My son needs me and I know Hudson is a great school but I love my son more then anything else. I can't leave him here and let Ricky do this on his own. I know I want be a bad mother if I leave, but right know I need to be here for John. I have to follow my heart on this one. It's telling me that my son means the world to me and I'm going to be the best mother I can be.

Anne: I understand. You have to choose between your son and college and I would choose you. I just want the very best for you. You and Ricky say you are going to be friends and let this ride lead you guys, go for it. I'm so proud of you Amy. ( Hugs Amy) I love you Amy.

George: I'm proud of you too Ames. You did the right thing. You need to be here for your family because neither one of you can raise John on your own without each other. Amy you belong here with John and Ricky. If you don't get married oh well, I want you to be in these together. I love you baby girl.

Amy: ( hugs them both) I love you guys too. I'm proud of myself. John guess what. Mommy isn't going anywhere. I promise you that mommy is going to be here for you every step of the way. Ricky it okay with you?

Ricky: I'm glad you did the right thing here for John. I can help you get into I go to and have you some classes. We in this together.

Anne: Since you two are going to do this and raise John as friends, I'm going to give you guys the house.

Ricky: Anne you really don't have to do that.

Anne: I want to Ricky. This way you guys have spaced and you three guys can bonded as a family. Don't worry about rent okay?

Ricky: No Anne. I'm going to give you two hundred on rent every month or whatever I can give you. Thank you.

Amy: Thanks mom, this means so much.

Anne: I just want to see you happy and I can see you're happy here with your family. I just don't you too regret going to New York. I want the best for you. I can see Ricky will still care and protect you even if you guys are friends. Be friends and let that lead you guys back to each other. I can see in you guys that you care about each other and you want what's best for your son. Here's the keys to the house.

George: I'm so proud. I knew something good would come out of this. This is the being of both of your new lives. From this day forward the past is the past. Look ahead to the future.

Amy: We're really doing this? Me and you a team?

Ricky: Yeah we're doing this. Me and you are going to be a team and no matter what goes bad in our lives, a least we got him.

Amy: Yeah a least we got him and each others. I know we are going to fight, but we're doing this for John.

Ricky: Welcome back Amy. Tell mama welcome back.

John lets go of Ricky and run to Amy. Amy kneels down to the ground as John wrapped his arms around Amy.

Amy: I love you so much John. I really do.

John: I luve u two mommy.

Amy: Ricky you are family. I think you should be in this moment.

Ricky joins Amy and John and embraced them both. George and Anne watched as the little family hugged and laugh.

John: Pleza don't go anywent mama.

Amy: I promise I'm not going anywhere. ( Kisses the top of John's head)