Spring: Formal

"Scattered fragments of our encounter…"

As Ichigo stood by himself in front of a mirror in his room, he reflected on how far he had come in the past couple years. Just the past few months had changed him in ways he would have never thought possible. The now-seventeen year-old smiled at his reflection. He knew there was really only one person to thank for the past few years, and she was standing in the room next to him at this very moment.

His girlfriend, Rukia.

He still furrowed his brows at the title. He would never get used to calling the midget his girlfriend, even though they had made their relationship official after their kiss under the mistletoe this past Christmas. They had been dating ever since, and, aside from the few nights they went on "dates", their relationship hadn't changed all that much. Sure, every glance each other's way and every brush of the skin held an entirely different meaning now, but it wasn't as if they went around constantly kissing each other or whatever—although it was secretly nice to know that if Ichigo ever wished to do so, he could without question.

Not that he was normally an affectionate person. Ichigo still didn't know what had possessed him to spill his feelings that Christmas Eve. He was glad he had done so, as the weight on his chest had become unbearable, but it still plagued his mind. He attributed his confession to the raven-haired girl in the next room. She had truly changed him, and although Ichigo only really thanked her every now and then, he was secretly grateful each and every day.

"Ichigo, it's almost eight!" he heard her call from the doorway.

The teen spun to face her and he smiled. She looked beautiful, as always. The purple dress she was wearing brought out the purple dancing in her eyes and she even had a purple clip in her hair to hold it up on the sides, only a few strands falling to frame her porcelain face.

"You look beautiful," Ichigo said, finally expressing his thoughts.

Rukia blushed, and Ichigo's smile widened at the reaction. She would never get used to him being so kind towards her and Ichigo figured he never would as well.

"Thank you," she replied. "You look handsome yourself."

Ichigo walked up to her and held out his arm, giving her a slight bow. Rukia knew he was really only kidding her at this point, but played along as she curtsied before him before looping her arm through his. Together they walked downstairs.

The couple was headed off to Karakura High for the school's Spring Formal. It was a dance which took place every year in honor of the graduating seniors. Ichigo still couldn't believe he would be graduating in a few months after all the class he had missed the past few semesters due to his Shinigami duties. He knew his father had something to do with it, and although he would never admit it without some underlying insult, Ichigo was again truly grateful.

"If you all don't win cutest couple, I'm going to sue the school!" Karin commented as they appeared before her.

"You both look amazing!" Yuzu crooned from beside her twin.

"Thank you both," Rukia said, a grin almost too big for her face present. "And although Ichigo's going to remain silent, he thanks you as well."

Ichigo huffed and rolled his eyes at the tease, but then his eyes went to his little sisters and they could tell he really was silently thanking them.

"You all have fun now!" Isshin exclaimed as he bounced into the room, snapping a picture before Ichigo could protest and then ushering them out the door. "No curfew tonight, my son! You stay out as late as you want and give Rukia the night of her life!"
"For Pete's sake, dad, it's just a dance!" he yelled from his car. "You're acting like we're getting married!"

"Just preparing you for when it comes!"

And with that, his father disappeared back into the house, leaving Ichigo beet red and Rukia laughing.

"He's just kidding, Ichigo," she said.

"Whatever," he grumbled. "Let's go; we're gonna be late."

Upon arriving at the school however, Ichigo lightened up, having promised himself to make Rukia as happy as he possibly could tonight, despite the fact that he hated school dances and getting dressed up.

"You look fine, Ichigo," Rukia chuckled at him as he fiddled with his tie.

"I know." He grinned. "I just feel like this thing is choking me to death," he complained, wishing he could take it off.

"I'll be a nice date and let you take it off in while, but you have to have at least one dance with me with it on. It makes you look so ravishing, it'd be a waste otherwise."
"Really, Rukia? Ravishing?"

Rukia blushed. "What? It was the first word that came to mind!"

Ichigo just grinned as they entered the school. "I didn't think I looked that good!"

Rukia rolled her eyes and shoved him through the gym doors. "Now you're just being cocky."

"You started it!"


Ichigo actually ended up enjoying the dance more than he had thought he would. He and Rukia had agreed beforehand that they would tell their friends they were dating tonight, after trying so hard to keep it hidden from them since the holidays. Of course, Ishida had been the only one who had picked up on their obviousness and the others all acted surprised, yet congratulated them both, Ishida even giving Ichigo a pat on the back with no hidden meaning behind it.

The dance was now at its last half hour, which meant the slow dance Ichigo usually dreaded. It wasn't the fact that he didn't want to dance with Rukia, it was simply the fact that Ichigo couldn't dance—let alone waltz or slow-dance or whatever the hell it was called.

Still, he persevered, and offered his hand to Rukia, rewarding himself with another blush from the raven-haired teen. She knew how much Ichigo hated dancing and was shocked, yet also thrilled when she saw his hand being offered. She didn't hesitate to take it and drag the boy onto the dance floor.

To make it easier on Ichigo, Rukia allowed him to dance with her in his own way, opting to rest both of his hands on her waist as hers stretched to go around his neck, rather than the traditional hand in hand, and hand on waist and shoulder routine. Ichigo had always been a rebel and dancing was no exception.

"I know I already mentioned it last summer, but I just have to say how grateful I am towards you, Rukia," Ichigo said as they moved around the gym floor.

"I know," she replied with a hint of smugness. "If you had never met me, you'd be lurking in the corner right now instead of enjoying yourself in my arms."

Ichigo deliberately stepped on her toes as punishment for his insult.

"Meanie," he chuckled. "Here I am doing my best to be affectionate and you can't take it seriously."

"I'm just not used to this side of you, Ichigo," she said before giving him a gentle squeeze. "But I like it."

Ichigo hugged her back. "I like it too," he agreed. "Even though I feel like somewhere I'm being criticized for not being the rash, hard-headed teen I used to be."

Rukia laughed. "People change," was her only response.

"That they do," he said back with a grin. "People change for those they love."

"Now that was out of character," Rukia said as she couldn't help but laugh again.

Ichigo just smirked as he leaned down to kiss her.

"Shut up."