Use a Pillow

Percy could use a break. Finally winter break rolled around, and Percy just felt like taking a nap. Walking into his cabin, he threw his stuff down and collapsed onto his bed. He probably would have fallen asleep if Annabeth hadn't stormed into his room, and dropped a bag on the ground next to his. She came and sat down next to him, and buried her face in her hands. "Woah Wise Girl, moving in here?" Percy asked. Annabeth sighed lifting her head.

"No, but some brilliant teacher decided that it was a great idea to give his students tons of homework. Do you mind if I work on it here? The Athena cabin is surprisingly noisy." Annabeth said with a groan. Percy was tempted for once to say no. Sure, he missed his girlfriend and couldn't wait to spend time with her over break, but he really wanted a nap. Annabeth looked at him though, with those pleading eyes, and Percy had to say yes. He moved over to one side of the bed, while she grabbed her stuff, and spread it out so she could see everything at once. He watched her work for a while, because for some reason he found it fascinating. For a dyslexic, even if she was a child of Athena, she was brilliant. Of course Percy was ADHD, and could only watch Annabeth for so long. His brain decided he could use that nap he's been wanting.

Percy decided he was probably asleep for two minutes when Annabeth poked him in the foot. "What?" he mumbled.

"Use a pillow, if you're going to sleep." she said. Percy grabbed a pillow and put it up against the wall where his head had been earlier. Percy studied Annabeth for a moment.

"What?" she snapped.

"Woah," Percy put his hands up in surrender. "You all right?"

Annabeth sighed, "No. Yes. I don't know, I guess I'm just really stressed." Percy nodded. He opened his arms, and Annabeth, smiling, crawled into them. Percy held on to her, and for a while they just sat there. Percy was about to suggest that she get back to work, at least for a little bit, when he realized that would be a bad idea. Because Annabeth was asleep. Percy smiled, and tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Use a pillow, Wise Girl", he whispered into her hair.

Someone found them later, looking for them because they hadn't come to dinner. When they saw that both of them were asleep, he just shut the door and left, figuring that both demigods just needed a well deserved nap.