My Bad Boy

Story written by Lovely girl 10

Disclaimer: I only own the story; the characters belong to their rightful owners.

Chapter 19- Farewell EXE

The dead grass crunched underneath Sonic's shoes as he walks along the side of the bloody river he and Amy are strolling by. He couldn't even believe that EXE did this to them by taking them to his world. Sonic suspected that with the change of scenery EXE would stand a better chance of defeating him. He also dreaded over the fact that if by chance that EXE would win in killing him, he would go after Amy and make her his once again. The images of Amy when she was brainwashed, and her kissing EXE willingly, began to make him sick to his stomach. Amy on the other hand was beginning to be concerned over whether she and Sonic are going on the right path to find the mysterious CEAS beings.

Amy decided to brake the ice. "Why do you think he is doing this to us Sonic? What is there for EXE to gain from all of this destruction?"

"I thought of that question for a long time Amy." Sonic said, dreading over telling her the truth. "It is not because he is power hungry, in fact he did it so that he didn't have to be alone." Seeing that Amy had a troubled look on her face, he explained. "When I was imprisoned inside of the mirror, I overheard Sally talking with Knuckles, Tails, Blaze, and Cream about how EXE came to our world a very long time ago and tried to take over the world before but then he got sealed away by our ancestors. What they used to seal him with was what Eggman found when he went inside of the temple. I still can't really remember what it was that got infused with my body, but Eggman succeeded in bringing EXE back to life just by making him inhabit a pure host body so that he can grow stronger enough to unleash his powers."

"So... what does this have to do with him being alone?" Amy asks.

"I am getting to that," Sonic said as he takes Amy's hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. "Even with all of that power he can possess and the advantages of taking down his victims without a second thought, I think back then he felt that having power was not enough, he wanted everything the world could give him. While I was looking at the writing on the walls from the mirror I was in, I learned that he fell in love with one of the ancestors who sealed him away. He wanted to have her as his queen or goddess of darkness and manages to seduce her easily, but when she figured out his plans for her, she in turn called upon the others and trapped him in the realm where we are now. Time and time again, EXE tries to successfully escape from his prison, but he only managed to get out four times to try and win the girl he once loved and bring her to his world. However, when he finds someone who looks almost exactly like the one he wants he turned his attention to her and try to change her personality to benefit his own. The first time he did this, he tried to change her into an EXE, she immediately died afterward. I suspect that she didn't have the will to survive something as deadly as transforming into a demon, but the writings said that her body couldn't handle the transformation. There was a picture of the girl being punctured with holes on one side of her body. When he figured out what went wrong, EXE took her soul and left the world before anyone could find him. He went out the second time around, hoping that the next girl he sees would survive her transformation so that she can be with him. But when he found the girl and changed her to benefit his desires, she went totally berserk. EXE saw that the girl was out of control from the transformation he did to her and then he had no choice but to kill her to keep her from injuring herself and him when she tried to claw his eyes out and kill him for her own amusement. The third girl he found was able to withstand the transformation sequence and was ready to rule the world with him until someone else put a stop to it and sealed him back inside of his prison, but not before he was forced to watch as the girl was killed in front of him. The fourth time he found the same girl but she was now completely soulless and empty from the exorcism. He changed her again and brought her back to life, but she came back only as a mindless zombie."

Before he could explain further, Sonic spotted someone flying through the air looking down on them from afar. He could tell that EXE had found them and that he was ready to cut their visit short. Amy couldn't decide whether to scream in fright or bring out her hammer to prepare herself for the showdown between Sonic and EXE, but she knew that if Sonic loses the fight, EXE would then go after her and make her his queen. She was ready to put her life on the line to keep Sonic safe.

EXE landed a couple of feet away from where Sonic and Amy are standing and is looking down on the ground with his eyes closed. Then he opened his mouth, releasing some strange black smoke and then his body disintegrates into the dust.

"What the-?" Sonic stopped short of his sentence as he sees the black smoke becoming a whole different substance. He almost wanted to cower in fear over EXE's new look. The eyes and the spikes of his hair stayed the same, but the rest of him was completely out of sorts. All covered in black smoke like he is nothing but a shadow of his former self. He really does look like a shadow, but more menacing in appearance. Long sharp claws replaced his hands, the blood has now become crusty to the point where it is apart of his skin, and the dark smoke is covering the rest of his body is like a curtain to shield his real identity. EXE flew away from the pair as he grew bigger and bigger in the distance from the land where Amy and Sonic are to the watery surface where he now stands. Sonic and Amy watched the transformation in explicable fear. "That's..." Sonic stammered as he tried to stay calm. "his true self."

"What are we to do?" Amy asks, her arms shook from the cold air that is settling in the desolate land.

"I say we gotta go fast! Faster and faster than we have ever run before Amy." Sonic answered as he starts to back away a few steps. "Because EXE is going to destroy us the moment he reaches us." Amy nods in agreement as she and Sonic make a run for it in the fastest speeds they can muster. Each time as they kept running to more higher ground, EXE destroys a part of the land and sends it to the abyss where it falls into the water and at some points he breathes out a ball of fire to destroy a apart of the land where Sonic and Amy were about to reach for to block their path. Sonic wasn't worried about the fire as he and Amy made a jump over the steaming hot flames and continues to run for higher ground. All the while he was trying to come up with a plan on how to get around EXE's new strategy. One, if he and Amy don't make it to higher ground, they could fall endlessly in the darkness until they slam into the ground and die. Two, if he and Amy are not careful of EXE's attacks, they could die from getting hit by the fire too much, which is pretty obvious. Sonic dreaded what would happen in the third option as he makes sure that Amy is still keeping up with him, because if he lost her in outrunning EXE, she would be a goner and EXE would win in catching her.

"Hey Amy, what do you say you help me in making a counter attack." Sonic offered as he found an idea in his head that could work.

"What is it? And can it help in getting EXE off our tails?" She said, trying to keep up.

He nods. "I'm gonna have to carry you for a while and you better get your hammer ready. We are gonna knock him off of his feet." Amy didn't waste any time as she allowed Sonic to carry her in his arms. Sonic picked up some speed as he makes sure that he could get a good distance from EXE and crouched down to charge up his spin attack. With Amy ready to use her hammer she held it out so that it is outside while he charged up his spin. She closed her eyes and hoped for the best that Sonic's plan would work.

After spinning faster and faster while wrapped up in a ball, Sonic turned sharply around a corner while holding onto Amy as tight as he can and swung himself right in front of EXE. Sonic's spin attack combined with Amy's hammer attack made a very deadly combo as it caught EXE off guard. EXE fell down to the ground and it looked like he couldn't move an inch from the water.

Sonic stopped spinning as he gently put Amy down. "That might slow him down a bit. We have to keep moving."

"Do you think he will try to make it more difficult for us, Sonic?" Amy questions.

"After when we decided to work together against him? I don't doubt it." Sonic told her. No sooner than he said this, there was a earthquake that tried to shake him and Amy off of their feet. "See? I figured he'd go for something like this." He said with a hint of sarcasm.

Another earthquake came up from behind them and they could feel that the ground was caving from the force of the punch EXE gave to break up the land that they are standing on. Amy almost was lost in the water, but Sonic grabbed onto her hand just in the nick of time before he had to grab a part of the cliff with his free hand.

"How touching it is to see you two lovers willing to stand against me. It makes me sick!" EXE said, changing from his monstrous form to his old form, grinning down at the two struggling to get back up off the cliff. "Nothing is more entertaining than watching you trying to escape in futile! If you want to survive this Sonic, I'd suggest that you let go of your girlfriend and I will be happy to send you back home where you can forget that this ever happened."

"Not on my life or hers!" Sonic replied, grunting in the effort of trying to lift himself up from the cliff's edge. He even thought about swinging Amy up toward the cliff but he didn't know whether that was going to save her from becoming EXE's little toy, neither is dropping down to the abyss below because they would certainly die from the fall and that EXE would just retrieve her body and leave him in the dust.

EXE frowned as he shook his head at the determined hedgehog. "Suit yourself Sonic. I will just take my prize and just leave you here to rot in my little playground. The water I have here will not be merciful in letting you live. You will drown in just about a couple of seconds." He reaches his hands down to Amy as she tries to squirm away from him while holding onto Sonic.

A gloved hand clasped tightly to EXE's hand and pulls him away from Amy. He looks at the intruder, thinking that he would have to decapitate the person responsible for this, but his disgust turns to utter shock at the sight of the girl in front of him. She had pale pink coloring in her fur, so pale that it would almost be mistaken for white. Her flowing quills came down to her shoulder-blades. Her clothing of choice was a long flowing pale red dress that reached to her feet and her pale red gloves reached almost about to her shoulders. Her eyes are too bright to even distinguish what color her iris is, but EXE knew that she was quite displeased to find him trying to steal the girl.

EXE sneered, "You again!" He disappears from her grasp and reappears a couple of inches away. "You stay away from me!"

"I'm afraid that is out of the question for you, EXE." She says. "You have disobeyed the rules and you will have to pay for it in more than just your blood." Sonic and Amy were a bit creeped out by her voice, like she was speaking in a trance.

Sonic heard someone coming up right behind him and turned to see who it was, only to be pushed off of the cliff falling at a unnatural pace into a portal that brought him and Amy outside of the temple where his friends were at. They looked inside the other side of the portal and watched as EXE was being cornered by the two beings who stopped him from getting what he wanted.

"No! The both of you stay away from me!" He screeched as he flies away from the CEAS hedgehogs, who are just standing where they are as if they are waiting for him to give up on fighting. As EXE ran away from them, he could see that the ground was crumbling to form an abyss in front of him. He stopped for a short moment and looked down to see what was down there. What he saw was a terrible sight of the corpses of the girls he had stolen so long ago. Amy EXE, Amy Doll, Blood Amy, and Possessed Amy all had a vacant and gaunt expressions on their faces like they were just mindless zombies and they are all reaching out their hands to claw at him even if he was far away from their grasp at the moment. They were not the only ones in the abyss; Tails EXE, Knuckles EXE, Cream EXE and Sally EXE were there too acting in the same manner like the girls. "No..." EXE whispered out of fear, not taking his eyes off of his . "This can't be my undoing. They are mine to command! Why would they turn against me now?"

"Because you have failed in your mission, EXE, and now you are to pay for it with your own soul." The CEAS hedgehog girl told him as EXE turned to see that she is right behind him. Before he could even register what she was planning, she pushed him off of the edge and watch as he lands in the middle of the room where the zombified EXE versions of Tails, Knuckles, Cream, and Sally and the Amy's were walking toward him, eager to get their hunger filled.

EXE uses his flames to push the EXE versions of Tails, Knuckles, and Amy Doll and Blood Amy to the ground, but they got back up to continue their pursuit. Amy EXE and Cream EXE grabbed him from behind and began to devour his flesh and render him helpless against them. This was what the CEAS Hedgehogs wanted and they were going to let him stay there and suffer.

"Enjoy your victory, you two, but I will find a way out of your little game and I WILL get what I want in the end!" EXE warns with malice rolling off his tongue. "I will get my little rose in the end! I am god and I will be the winner in the end!" He made a run for it as he slams the EXE versions of his slaves to the side, never looking back to see if his enemies are watching him leave for his castle that is far away from their line of sight. The zombie EXE's chased after him in pursuit to satisfy their hunger.

Amy shook in fear over his threat, but she prayed that what he said will not come true for a long time. Still, it pained her to imagine what would have happened if he did win the fight against her and Sonic. She looks back at the CEAS hedgehogs who are busy watching EXE suffer for his actions, and asks Sonic. "Those two. Do you think they are the guardians who protected this land?"

Sonic shrugs. "Your guess is as good as mine, Amy. I think they are the guardians of the EXE zone and their sole job is to punish those in that dimension for crossing a line that they shouldn't have done. Looks like EXE finally will get tortured after all he has done in the past."

"This may sound crazy, but don't you guys think that they look like the pictures of the first girl and the boy that EXE was after a long time ago?" Sally asked as she broke the silence while watching the whole thing with the gang.

Knuckles shrugged. "I have to go with what Sonic said. Our guess is as good as anyone else's. I already feel nauseated from the whole thing." He felt the urge to puke again and left the scene to take care of it.

The portal vanished, possibly to Knuckles satisfaction that he won't have to see the rest of the ordeal that EXE would have to go through. Sonic thought that this was the CEAS hedgehogs way of being merciful to them by shielding them from EXE planning on escaping through the portal. He hoped that he won't have to battle against EXE ever again.


Sonic and Amy headed back to his house after all that had happened throughout the night. He held her hand so that she stays close to him on the walking path. Amy didn't mind it at all that he was holding her hand after all of those years of avoiding her while on his adventures. This was a great thing for her to have from her hero. Even though she is hoping in the bottom of her heart that he would just turn around and kiss her on the spot, she pushed away her daydreams for the time being. Besides, she and Sonic and their friends have just sealed away the villain who was hellbent on getting what he wanted. She shouldn't rush things with Sonic like she did the last couple of times on their adventures. So she decided to give him a break from her rambunctious behavior for a little while longer when she is around him.

After all that had happened, their friends decided to head on to their own homes for the night. Tails went back to his house, Knuckles returned to his island. Cream went with Tails in case he needed help at his place. Sally and Blaze along with Silver went back to their kingdoms, promising to keep in touch with the others; especially since Sally is taking a very big interest in having Amy join her and the other girls for a big get together party. Amy was kind of surprised that Sally was offering that to her, telling her that she didn't have to go through all of that, but Sally insisted that Amy should be one of her new friends. Shadow was the only one out of the group who didn't stick around to say goodbye for he went off to resume whatever he was doing before the mess with EXE happened and sent Sonic a note saying that the next time they meet there will be a battle between them.

"You feeling okay, Amy?" He asks, turning his gaze toward hers.

She nods. "I'm so sorry about all of the trouble I put you through Sonic-"

"Amy, you have nothing to apologize for!" He stops walking and looks at her in the eye. "This was all of my fault to begin with! I-I shouldn't have just left you at the house to protect you from EXE. I couldn't bear it if you got hurt in the process."

"You didn't know what could have happened if you stayed or left Sonic, I understand that." Amy reassures him by rubbing her hand against his spiky hair. He gave a small smile at that gesture. "No matter how much you blame yourself for this, it is partially my fault as well. I should have known that EXE was not a good person to spend my time with, but he made me feel like I wanted to be with him when he used his spells on me." On that thought, she took out something from her gloved hands and revealed a piece of paper and a pen. She wrote out loud. "Note to self. Do not mistake anyone to be Sonic the Hedgehog. Learn from your mistakes in the past." She heavily reminded herself that this was the best for her to keep herself from getting into trouble. She put her pen and paper back inside of her gloves and continued her walk with Sonic. "Do you think that he will not come back for a long time?"

Sonic sighs. "I hope so! I don't want to see or hear of him ever again for a long time to come! He is a bad boy that neither I or my descendants would ever want to pick a fight with."

Amy nods, agreeing with him. She shook like a leaf when Sonic suddenly gave her a peck on her forehead with his lips. "Sonic!"

"I had to get that out of the way. You deserve someone who will stick close to you." Sonic said, flushing his cheeks a bit as he rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"You can do better than that Sonic." Amy challenged playfully.

"Perhaps next time. We still have a vacation to finish for me so that I can start my adventures again." Sonic teased. Amy was at a lost until she remembered that they still have a couple of weeks to go for his vacation to go.

"Okay. Perhaps next time." Amy promised and she is determined to make sure that he holds that end of the bargain.

They didn't talk for the rest of the night as they reached the house. Before he could go in, Sonic heard some loud buzzing noises that caught his attention. He turned hastily to find one of the Butterdriods flying around his house. "Hey you! Keep your buzzing sounds to yourself bub! If you ruin my goodnight sleep I will break you like one of Eggman's alarm clocks!" The Butterdriods got spooked by his outburst and flew away from his house to the forest where they will eventually settle for the night.

Amy stayed outside for a little while, hearing Sonic close the door as she turns to look at the moon. She eventually goes inside and settles herself on her bed right across from where Sonic is sleeping soundly.

"Yes EXE maybe is a bad boy," Amy whispered to herself. "But he is my bad boy."

The End


Origin of My Bad Boy: It all started back in June of 2013 when I had finished up with one of my past Legend of Zelda stories. I was kinda just browsing around and trying to find something good to inspire me to create another story. I wanted to have a little search in DeviantART to see what I could find, (Back then I didn't even have a DeviantART account) when I was going through some pictures of I stopped short when I saw one picture that had him and Amy together. I was deeply amazed at the sight and it got me thinking about checking out Fanfiction's search bar for any stories that had the pairing. Now back then, there wasn't any, so I decided that I should probably do something about that. Since that this story is my first Sonic the Hedgehog story, and my first time of using , I decided to make the story more interesting to read because I knew that I can't just have Sonamy by itself (Because there are many other examples of it in the search area) and I knew that I can't do a Sonic story with any other character because I would have no idea of what to do with them. However, Sonic EXE kept entering in my mind and he wouldn't leave me alone for quite a while, so I finally realized that I can use Sonic EXE as the main key for me to create My Bad Boy. Now it is one of my best stories I have worked so hard on from day one to the end.

Trivia Facts:

1. Shadow, Silver and Blaze were not apart of the story at first.

2. The CEAS hedgehogs are purely made for this story because I wanted to make a group that is the total opposite of the EXE's.

3. Most of the things that happened in the story are references to the fangame of Sonic exe and Sally exe, ranging from the hide and seek level to the doll and so forth.

Thank you's

To those who followed me and favorited me from the beginning of this story to the end, I would like to thank you for giving the time to see what my story can do. Thank you to those who favorited and followed my story.