Hi guys sorry I haven't updated for ages I been busy with exams but I am going to try and update every week.

I do not own any of the songs of characters

This story's about Bella and Edward and how's she gets kidnapped by James. Each chapter has a different song that I hope tells a part of the story.

Notice me

Take my hand

Why are we

Strangers when

Our love is strong

Why carry on without me?

Every time I try to fly

I fall without my wings

I feel so small

I guess I need you baby

And everytime I see your face in my dreams

I see you face, it's hunting me

I guess I need you baby

I make believe

That you are here

It's the only way

I see clear

What have I done

You seem to move on easy

Andevery time I try to fly

I fall without my wings

I feel so small

I guess I need you baby

And everytime I see your face in my dreams

I see you face, it's hunting me

I guess I need you baby

I may have made it rain

Please forgive me

My weakness caused you pain

And this song is my sorry


At night I pray

That soon your face

Will fade away

Andevery time I try to fly

I fall without my wings

I feel so small

I guess I need you baby

And everytime I see your face in my dreams

I see you face, it's hunting me

I guess I need you baby

Everytime by Britany Spears

This song relates to how Edward feels and what happened to get to how he feels.

Edward POV

I sighed rubbing my four day stubble. Four days since my heart was ripped out and taken away four days since Bella went missing. It all started 2 months ago we had just moved into our new flat just the two of us.

I had got accepted on an apprenticeship at the hospital and Bella was still working at Newton's shop. Life was perfect until a man called James stated working at Newton's and Bella being her offered to show him the ropes.

Then a couple of days later he moved into a flat right across from us. I thought it was strange but Bella said there was nothing to worry about.

But then stared to go wrong James and her were slowly becoming closer at the store, and sometime he stayed the night on the sofa when I had to pull an all night at the hospital.

I don't know why but all the small things started to get to me and when I question Bella about them she just said I was being silly and nothing was going on.

Then a week ago Alice invited us to go to the opening of a new club called Twilight. But the night of the party I finally had enough.

We all agreed to meet at the club by 10:30.

Me and Bella both had work that day but were finished by 8. As I walked up to the front door I could hear laughing I quickly opened the door to see James sitting on the sofa and Bella bending over looking through a draw for something she was wearing a blue short dress that fit her perfectly, completely unaware that James was staring at her ass.

Wait James

My head snapped to his he was staring at my girlfriend's ass.

She's mine!

I made my way over to Bella and hugged her. Her arms wrapped round me, and she smiled up at me.

I kissed the top of her head and rested my chin on the top of her head shooting evils at James.

She is mine!

We made it to the party about 10:36. As soon as Alice saw us she ran over screaming and dragging Bella away from me. As the party went on I kept noticing James staring at Bella. Finally I had enough, and I pulled James to one side.

"What is your problem," I shouted over the music

James smirked at me knowingly.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he said it in a sweet tone but the look on his face said different.

"Stop lying, I know that you fancy my girlfriend and I want you to back off," I said slowly losing my patients.

Leaning I close so I could hear he said…

"Well guess what she going to be mine, and when I have my way your will never get her back".

I was so angry I only saw red and punched in the face.

What I didn't know was that Bella was right behind me when I hit him. "James," she screamed rushing over to make sure he's ok passing him some tissue to hold over, his nose to stop the bleeding.

When she knew he was fine she turned to me "Why did you do that for?" I could see the anger in her brown eyes.

"He deceived it he was saying all these horrible things about you and…" I never got to finish that sentence because Bella slapped me.

"I don't know what your problem is but, you need to stop with this idea about James, nothing is going on I love you!" she relayed slowly calming down.

I stepped closer to her, but she put her hands on my chest stopping me from getting any closer.

Looking me straight in the eyes her brown ones over spilling with tears.

"I Love You, but I don't like the way your acting and if you cant trust me than there is no trust I'll see you at home" With that she turned round and walked away.

I jumped when Emmett came up behind me and touched my shoulder.

What no one notice was James was no longer sat on the floor he was gone.

By the time Rose and Emmett dropped me off at mine and Bella's flat it was 1:30. I don't know why but as soon as I started climbing the stairs I had a bad feeling like something had happened and it was not good.

Getting to the top of the stairs I started to pick up the paste and rounded the corner.

What I saw next stopped me dead in my tracks, the door to out flat was opened next to it was a pool of blood!.


Rushing forward being careful not to step in blood I entered the flat I scanned the area everything was out of place like there had been a struggle.

I looked down and there was the picture of me and Bella back last summer we were in my parents' garden, total unaware that someone had taken the picture we both had, are arms wrapped round each other smiling staring in one another eyes.

The frame was cracked I notice more blood on the carpet leading towards our room. In our room the draws were left opened with clothes thrown everywhere, but the thing that scared me the most was the writing in blood on the wall.

She's mine now and there's nothing none of you can do!

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