Kamen rider Garren: Tokyo Chronicles

By: Kamen Rider Destiny

Chapter 11: Tough training ahead

the following weekend after getting the chalice rider, we find our riders along with ami and the inner senshi in the backyard behind jackson's house with jackson rei and lita holding their buckles as setsuna looks on while holding her change card in her hand as the three of them inserted their change cards into the buckles which caused the belt to come out wrapping themselves around their waists as it locks in place and the familiar sound is heard as the three of them call out "Henshin" as jackson and lita pull the level and rei slides the buckle open as the belts say "Turn up" "Open up" as three holographic images appeared and jackson and lita ran through them as the third one goes to rei and the three of them are covered in their rider suits as setsuna is wide eyed at their transformation along with the others except ami who seen leangle's transformation already as garren spoke "ok setsuna just like I told you once you transform we'll begin your training" "ok" she sais as the chalice buckle appears on her waist and she calls out "henshin" then slides the card as it says "change" and her body shimmers and is covered in the armor that looks like a mantis with a heart shaped chest plate and the chalice bow in her hands as garren hands her the tornado hawk card while yhe others except ami were in shock again along with luna and artemis and apparently mamoru who came to watch after usagi informed him of what has been going on recently "ok here's your card its your tornado card now that we all transformed lets get to some training but first let me explain a few things to setsuna our newest rider ok setsuna here it is The Undead were created by the Almighty Himself, the first living beings to be placed on this earth. Each of them was a representation of one of His creations. They only had one purpose, to fight. The last one standing had their progeny to populate the world. If you hadn't guessed, it was the Human Undead who won or else we wouldn't be able to be here doing what we do." says which widened the eyes of setsuna under her helmet and mamoru who havent heard this story yet as setsuna asks "ok so how do we seal them?" in turn lita answers "by using what is know as proper blanks to seal them once they are defeated but defeating them is the hard part" moru asks "how is that the hard part?" Rei replied by saying "they are tough and they take a lot of hard work just to beat them the higher class undead are really hard to be I remember when we had to fight to get lita's change card that was a tough battle but we prevailed in the end" she shivered remembering how that fight went as jackson went to set up different training dummies to help them get used to the armor and weapons. While he was setting up two training dummies for rei and lita and two bulls eye targets for himself and setsuna, mamoru walked over to ami who was typing on her laptop preparing to help jackson run some tests and asks "ami why aren't you helping them in their rider armors?" which she replied "i am helping in my own way I use my laptop and my mini laptop to search for undead so I can guide them to the undead but I do envy them for risking their lives to seal the undead but my work is just as important as well" jackson calls out "ok ami you ready to begin the data recordings?" she gives him the thumbs up as he calls over the others and shows them the training he set up for them. "ok I set this is up for us and ami is going to record our results so we can see what we need to improve on the two training dummies are for lita and rei to help with attacks and establish their own style instead of going by instinct and the bullseye targets are for me and setsuna to practice accuracy since we're im a long range fighter and setsuna is a combination of both due to the bow she is using so lets begin shall we" they nod as they practice on the training dummies and bullseye targets with ami recording the speed of how fast the weapons are being used including the speed of garren's bullets and chalice's arrows as blade and leangle were practicing their swings and then works on making their own fighting style and hours later they were tested on endurance by running a full lap in the woods behind his house while still in rider suits with ami checking them for stamina then did some sparring garren vs chalice and leangle vs blade to practice what they learned then they all changed back panting while covered in sweat as mina and usagi came over with towels and water while ami was compiling the data then she shows it to them explaining her work as jackson looks up at the sky smiling as rei asks "jackson daijobu?" which he replies "just looking at the sky it looks so peaceful without a care in the world if you would ask me why I fight so hard its because I want people to enjoy life and the sky is a huge part of life you know" the others look up smiling as their resolve is strengthened while not far away on top of a building the other three outer senshi look up at the sky while squeezing their fists mentally vowing to complete their mission no matter who gets in the way unaware that one of their own has joined the riders side and vowed to help them seal the undead and defeat the youma.

A/N: yeah I thought it was time for a filler chapter I hope you guys enjoy it and please feel free to review no flames or you'll get attacked by a burning divide so tune in and enjoy rider fans.