This is my first fanfiction so feedback is much appreciated! I an just playing with J.K. Rowling's wonderful characters, I do not own anything! I hope you enjoy! :)

"Hurry up, you're going to miss the train at this speed," my mum was hollering up the stairs at us.

I grabbed my trunk and headed to my brother's room. Without knocking opened the door, "Come on guys, I'm not being late because of you. You should have packed last night."

"Shh, don't be so loud," my brother's best mate Sirius mumbled.

"What was that!" I raised my voice and banged on the dresser, "Sorry, can't hear you. Must be because you didn't bring me to that party last night!"

Both Sirius and James glared at me and got up. My brother all but shoved me out of the room, "Get out of here Sascha, we'll hurry."

I smiled, "Okay James!"

He slammed the door in my face. I hurried down the stairs, excited for my sixth year. James and I actually were practically best mates, just not so much in the morning. James hates everyone in the morning. In the summer said hate was directed towards me, but during the school year it was directed at our friend Remus.

I sat at the kitchen table with my parents and ate pancakes as we waited. My mum asked for the thousandth time, "Do you have everything packed?"

I rolled my eyes and nodded, "Yes. It's James and Sirius who will probably be owling for you to send something they forgot."

She sighed and Dad put down the Daily Prophet, "You know Sascha's right about that one."

"Sascha's right about something?" James asked from the stairs, "Dad I think you're going mad."

"Be nice to your sister."

"Dad, I always am," her feigned innocence.

Mum ushered us to the fireplace, "Hurry, hurry, we're on a tight schedule."


"Nope you and Sirius took too long and missed breakfast."

When we all got to Platform 9 ¾ we said our good-byes and James, Sirius, and I went to go find an empty compartment. Instead our two other best mates Remus and Peter had beat us to it and we joined them. I went and sat beside Remus while James and Sirius squeezed beside Peter.

The five us chatted about our summers until Remus and James had to go to the Prefect meeting. Remus had been made Head Boy (absolutely no surprise there), but I have no idea how James was allowed to be a Prefect. I mean the boy probably held the record for the most detentions with Sirius and I right beside him.

After they left I stood up, "I'm going to go find Alice."

Alice was one of my best mates. On my hunt for her I walked into someone, "oh, I'm-"

"It's fine, it was my fault," said Sirius' brother Regulus.

I glared, "Well then watch where you're going Black."

"If Miss Potter says it I guess everyone must obey," he glared back.

Regulus and Sirius hated each other, and Regulus and I hated each other by association. I turned my nose up at him, "Whatever, you're in my way."

I hurried off and when I found Alice's compartment I slammed the door shut. She gave me a look, "What's up with you?"

"Two words: Regulus Black."

Our other friend Emmeline shook her head, "Sascha you can't let him get to you."

"I know…"

"I'll gladly hex him for you," Frank, Alice's boyfriend, offered up.

"Nah, don't worry, I can handle him."

Right before we reached Hogwarts I left them for my original compartment, ready to endure another Welcoming Feast.

I sat with James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter like always. The five of us cheered as obnoxiously as possible every time a first year was sorted in Gryffindor. We kept getting dirty looks, but we would just laugh harder and harder.

Once the sorting was over I sighed, "I still can't believe James is a Prefect! What was the old man thinking?"

"You're just jealous," James patted my cheek.

"Hardly. If I was a Prefect I wouldn't be able to do half the stuff I've planned," I shoved his hand away from my face.

"Yeah? Like what?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, but I'm sorry Mr. Prefect I won't turn myself in," I stuck my tongue out and he scowled.

"Why is Regulus starring over here at you?" Sirius suddenly interrupted.

I looked over at the Slytherin table and saw the younger Black brother quickly looks away. I shrugged, "Beats me. I did run into him on the train though."

Sirius glared at his brother, "The little prat. Did he say anything?"

"Um…" I don't know why, but I lied about it, "No, it wasn't even like we actually ran into each other or anything."

"Well it only took him six years to learn his place," Sirius sniffed.

The way he said that bothered me and I couldn't stop myself from saying, "You don't have to sound like such a privileged Pureblood when you say that."

"What the hell Sascha?"

"I call them as I see them Sirius."

"Regulus is the privileged one, not me."

"Could have fooled me with what you said."

"Whatever, you don't have to defend the prick."

I glared, "I was not!"


I got up from the table, "I'll see all of you in the common room. Hopefully then Sirius won't be such an asshole."

I hope you enjoyed and I would love some feedback, more to come I promise!

xoxo Sascha Marie (yes my main character is named after my namesake, I couldn't figure out a name for her, open for suggestions!)