EDIT: Reuploaded to fix some glaring spelling mistakes. Sorry about that. Orz



The new chapter is finally here! I'm so sorry for the long wait and I have absolutely no excuse for this. Please forgive me. QwQ

Again, thank you Nym for your review! Also to the anon who left a review, thank you so much for reading and reviewing! I'm glad that I was able to make you cry…as weird as it sounds. XD

Anyway, without further ado, please enjoy the newest installment of The Prince and His Valet.

The Prince and His Valet

v. - part 5

The soft knock at his door made him groan.

"Go away." Donald hissed halfheartedly at whoever was on the other side. The creak of wood told him that the person had either not heard him or decided his threat held no water.

It was probably the latter.

Maybe if he ignored them, they would go away. With that in mind, the duck kept his face buried in his pillow. He had a pretty good guess as to who it was, and was not surprised at all when two comforting hands placed themselves softly on his shoulders.

"His Majesty will not last this evening." Horace's voice said softly.

I know. Donald didn't voice it, but he knew Horace would've seen the clenching of his fist and understood.

He felt the mattress beneath him shift and knew that his mentor had taken a seat down beside him. He raised his head a little, just so his eyes were no longer in the pillow (though still not facing the advisor), as they sat in silence.

"Would you care to share the reason behind your attitude towards the young sire earlier?"

At this, Donald's fists clenched even tighter. How he wanted to just tell Horace everything. About the Prince. About Mickey. About the switch. About everythi-

One escaped sigh from the advisor's mouth caused that chain of thought to shatter in shock.

You see, Horace never sighed. He never showed emotions period. In all the twelve years that he has been by the tutor's side he had never seen the man show more than subtle exasperation or a smile once in a very long while. When it came to poker faces, Donald was certain the Prince had been secretly learning from Horace.

To hear him sigh openly like that, full of mixed emotions that weren't even attempted to be hidden, Donald was suddenly reminded that Horace was much younger than they all thought him to be.

Just as he tried to think of how to respond to this unexpected show of weariness, Horace's hand suddenly found itself on Donald's head.

"I'll do everything I can to ensure you and Michael's safety. I give my word."

The duck's eyes widened as he inwardly took a sharp intake of breath in shock. Right then and there, he knew there was no way that he was ever going to let the royal advisor know about the switch. He had enough to worry about, and he knew that the elder man was in more emotional pain then he would ever show. With that knowledge in mind, Donald just couldn't find it in his heart to burden him even more with the Prince and Mickey's fiasco.

And suddenly his mind floated to Mickey. He now felt guilty about the glare he had thrown the peasant boy. How hard must the situation been for him? He had nothing to do with anything that was going on inside the palace walls, and yet he was thrown headfirst into the drama and everything else. What had it been like for a mere young lad from the streets of London to witness the death of his king?

It was up to him, Donald realized, to clean up this mess now.

Slowly, he lifted himself up from the bed. He gave the one that had raised him a small smile and a quick hug.

"I'll go see how Michael's doing." He announced quietly and quickly moved for the door.

If Horace had heard the "discourtesy" and the first time Donald had ever called the Prince by name, he was probably too stunned by the show of affection to notice.


Mickey outwardly sighed and sank down into the floor in silence. Inwardly, he was panicking beyond belief.

I just watched the King die. He thought, feeling it a little bit incredulous. Then he heart quickened as that sentence played over again and again in his mind.

I just watched the King die. I just watched the King die! I just…!

He whimpered and buried his face in his hands. Why had this happened? This wasn't what he had thought he would encounter when he taken the Prince's place. And to make it all worse, the King didn't seem greedy and selfish like what the people on the streets had believed. From the brief words spoken to him before the man's last breath, he could clearly feel the weight of the responsibility the King had wanted to pass down. The legacy that he had upheld before his decline in health. The trust he was handing down to hi- no, not to him. To his son. To the one that had taken his place in the streets of London. To the one who should have been by his father's side. To the one whom Mickey, for all intends and purposes, had robbed the honor to be the one to witness the King's final breath.

Raising his head, he saw that he had wandered to a window in the hall, overlooking the quiet city of London at dusk. Suddenly, he felt a wave of newfound determination and nodded silently to himself. He knew exactly what he had to do. "Now I've gotta find the Prince."

The few seconds after his little declaration passed by so fast. One moment he was standing in front of the window and now he was struggling in the Captain of the guard's arm and they know I'm not the Prince and, and Pluto. As the Captain threatened him, Mickey's mind ran wild with questions. How had Pluto gotten in? How had they gotten him? How did they know? Nothing made sense!

And just as fast as it started, it came to a halt when a loud….sound interrupted the Captain's threats.

All eyes settled on the young duck that was now standing in the middle of the hallway. The mallard looked absolutely horrified and confused. "What is going on here?"

It took Mickey a couple of seconds to realized that the sound from earlier had been Donald's cry of shock.

Above him, Captain Pete growled and made a quick hand motion. Two weasel guards immediately came up from behind the duck and grabbed him. "Hey!" The duck shouted again, this time in anger, "What's the big idea?"

The arm that was holding Mickey tightened as he was lifted up to meet the Captain's face. With one low hiss, he asked, "Does he know?"

The mouse blinked in fear and as he tried to process the question. "Wh-what?" It was clearly not the reaction the large cat had wanted to hear, as he gave Mickey a hard shake and practically pressed his face into his, repeating the question with every word on emphasis. "Does. He. Know?"

It finally clicked as to what the Captain was demanding to know, and Mickey felt panic rise in him. He couldn't possibly drag Donald into this! From what he gathered, the Captain wanted him to continue to act as the Prince. What would they do to Donald if they found out that he knew he wasn't the Prince? He can't put the only one he trusts in this castle into danger!

In his panic, he threw one fearful glance in the duck's direction. Then he immediately died a little inside when he saw the Captain follow his gaze.

"So, he does know." The Captain commented almost impassively. Mickey felt dread pool in his stomach as he struggled, "N-no! He doesn't know anythi- oof!" His sentence ended abruptly as his captor roughly slammed him against the wall, with a growl. "Shut it, street mouse. I don't need your pitiful lies."

"Captain!" Donald's distinct voice cut through the haze of pain as the mouse slid down to the ground, not able to do much besides listen to the conversation. "What is the meaning of this?"

To be continued…

Well. There it is. This was originally going to be longer, but I got stuck at a later part and figured I should let you guys have this first. Shouldn't make you guys wait any longer than…however long it is you guys have waited until now. :'D

In this chapter comes a first in this story: the first ever point of view change within the chapter! Donald's part wasn't long enough to be one chapter, so I had to change to Mickey's. I hope I did okay with Mickey! Like I said, he's a bit more mellowed out and maybe a bit more naïve than the Mickey we all know and love, but I like to think that the Prince and Mickey in this world represent to two sides of the original Mickey brought to the extreme. It's fun to play with both of these sides. ww

As for the scene between Donald and Horace, I think I did okay. It was a bit hard for me to write, but all in all I'm happy about how it turned out. What do you think? :D

And the big reveal! Pete finally makes his move, Donald is confused, and Mickey is caught the middle of it all. How will the events unfold?

Until next time! (I promise it won't take as long as this chapter did. QwQ)
