You guys asked for more... So here it is!

My throat stung, my stomach ached, and my head pounded. But you know what? I had no regrets. Sure, I wasn't exactly comfortable crashing on my couch, throwing up every two minutes, but this had been Aria a few days ago. And even if taking care of her led me here vomiting in a bucket, then it was worth it. She was always worth it.

"Ezra?" I heard her call. She had just gotten home from school, rushing over here immediately after. She'd planned to ditch school entirely, but I knew that she had already missed a few days of school and didn't want her to have to catch up so much. Stress wasn't something I enjoyed seeing in her.

"In here... Still." I sighed. I'd been here for almost two days, doing nothing but laying on the brown leather sofa, staring at the ceiling.

"Hm," she sighed, coming over to me. I could see the guilty look in her eye. She really did feel horrible about getting me so sick.

"I'm fine, Aria." I blatantly lied. I felt like shit, but that didn't mean she had to feel guilty about it.

"You suck at lying just as much as I do. Besides, I had that same bug last week, remember? I know exactly how you feel."

"I bet I feel better that you did..." I trailed, still trying to get the sullen look away from her eyes, "I feel great. Better than this morning. I might even go back to work tomorrow." Wow, she was right. I sounded fake, rehearsed. Probably because I'd been practicing what to say in order to keep her happy.

"Don't do that," she groaned, "don't pretend for my sake. You're the sick one and it's all my fault. So don't you dare act all healthy and gung-ho because its a load of crap." She vented. I flashed another innocent smile.

"Stop it." She warned.

"Fine, fine." I muttered, dropping the act. "I give up, okay? I need you to take care of me."

"And how do you suppose I do that?"

"Helping me to the bed so that I don't have to sleep another night alone on this lumpy old thing. Trust me, I'm seriously starting to second-guess buying my furniture at a garage sale."

She giggled slightly, helping me up, and it was like music to my ears. I hadn't heard her laugh very much. She had been sick and then I got sick so she'd been upset... It was like a circle of unhappiness.

"Better?" She asked as a settled into the mattress.

"Yes nurse Aria." I grinned.

"Nurse Aria? I like it. Do I get a uniform or something?"

I sighed, picturing a few nurses costumes that would fit her just fine. However, thinking of my current health issues and the fact that we'd both be kind of grossed out with the place those outfits might lead us (say if I had sneezed on her mid-kiss, or worse- what Aria did to me) . I wanted her... But not now. Not like that. Ew.

"I'd rather not answer that question. It leads to bad places, which I don't even want to be tempted to think about.

She laughed again. I couldn't get enough of it.

"So if I don't get a costume, can I help you with something else instead?"

"No... But... Never mind." I sighed, figuring she wouldn't want to

"No, what?" She asked, "I'll get you anything. I promise."

"Well... Could you maybe lay with me? Just for a little while?"

"Of course, honey." She laughed, lifting the covers up to sneak in next to me. Her body snuggled close to mine, and all I could smell was the sweet flowery scent of her hair.

"Better?" She asked. She sounded just as wistfully comfortable here as I did.

"Much." I smiled.

We stayed in bed for hours, occasionally chatting, with her head on my chest and my face buried in her hair. I snuck in kisses to her forehead every once in a while, for the sole purpose of reminding myself that I could. Reminding myself that she was mine, and I could kiss her whenever I wanted. She shared about her day and her horrific English substitute, and I listened quietly to the sound of her voice. It was like a medicine. The nausea and headache was still there, but muted by the calm of the moment. It felt good to just be with her, everything else aside. When he was done telling me about -meaning in German, in which Aria said described the woman's upper lip perfectly- we just rested quietly, listening to each others shallow, even breaths.

"I think I should go get some medication for you. You'll need it soon... You haven't had anything since I've been here ad you're supposed to take it every two hours." She said, breaking the silence after a long while.

"We're out of it, though." I mumbled, I'd been using Aria's prescription. We had the same thing, so I figured it would be easier and cheaper than hauling myself to the doctors just to be diagnosed with what I already knew I had.

"Then I'll pick some up from the pharmacy." She shrugged against my chest. I thought of her already long day, then having to go and run errands for me on top of getting her schoolwork done later...

"Nope. You need to take it easy too, Ar. You just got better. Exhausting yourself might make things worse."
She sat up to face me and stuck her tongue out playfully, making a face.

"I am perfectly fine, thank you very much! So don't boss me around." She laughed.

"Now, is that any way to talk to a teacher?" I chastised jokingly.

"I don't know... Do most teachers invite students over to their apartments to take care of them?"

"Hey, I didn't invite you. You just came, missy."

"Do you want me to leave?"

"No" I whined.

"Are you sure, cause I can go if you want..."

"No you can't. You aren't allowed to."

"I'm not?" She teased, getting up from where she'd been sitting on the corner of my bed, "really? Because I'm pretty sure that's what I'm doing now."

"You wouldn't dare." I glared as she started to get her jacket, walking slowly to the door and away from my bed.

"Oh but I think I would." She winked, not once breaking eye contact with me.

"And leave me all alone? Sick and upset? That wouldn't be very nice, now would it?" I pouted.

"Not my fault." She laughed.

"Yes it is. You said so yourself, you got me sick."

"Lovesick, my dear." She smirked, pressing her lips gently to my forehead.

Wasn't that the truth.

"Please stay?" I murmured, "you're the best medicine I could possibly have."

What'd ya think?