There he was. Jacob Black. His Alpha. His pack mate. His friend. Why oh why did he have to imprint on him?

It had been two months since the Cullens and Packs faced off against the Vultori. The Packs have since merged together with both Jacob and Sam acting as co-Alphas. Seth Clearwater and his sister Leah now live with Sam and Emily Uley, a burden on everyone.

"Hey Seth" Jacob smiled as he passed by, rushing into the house. Seth watched Jacob as he went inside and took a seat at the table. Seth smiled to himself and ran off into the forest. While Seth desperately wanted to be around Jacob there was something else he desired at the moment, food.

The shape-shifters all have rather large appetites and Seth is no exception. Emily tries her best to keep the pack well fed but with eleven wolves to look after, this was becoming a round the clock job. Because of the stress placed on Emily, Sam ordered everyone to start hunting in the forest.

Seth ran further into the forest, following the scent of something. Whatever it was it he was getting closer to it. The smell was becoming stronger. He could hear the creatures moving. Suddenly he stopped. There about fifty yards away was a herd of elk.

Seth licked his lips in anticipation. Wolf senses were beginning to take over. Seth stripped off his clothes and phased. Phasing is never an enjoyable process. Though it only takes a few seconds, the feeling of bones shifting and growing, organs rearranging, and skin stretching is completely gross.

Now fully phased, Seth broke out into an all out run. With his speed and strength there was no need to stalk. Seth set his eyes on his target. An elderly bull well past his prime. It only took a few seconds for Seth to close the gap between him and the bull and then it was all over. Seth used his sharp teeth to tear into the old bull, severing an artery. The bull bled out before it even knew what hit him. Seth claimed his prize and howled in victory.

Seth dragged his kill back home to share with his brothers and sister. "Whoa! Nice one Seth." Embry Call shouted as he walked out of the house. "Hey guys come check this out." Sam, Emily, Jacob, Jared, and Quil all came out of the housed and marveled at the large creature. "So, which one of you strong men is going to be the one to skin and gut it?" Emily said in a teasing voice.

"I will." Jacob offered. Jacob reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pocked knife and begin to work.

Once everyone else had filed back inside Seth approached Jacob. This was it. Seth was finally going to tell him.

"H-h-hey Jake?" Seth muttered in a shaky voice.

" 'Sup Seth?" Jacob replied without looking up from the bull.

" I- I was wondering if I could talk to you about something?"

"Sure. What's on your mind?"

Oh god. This is it. Don't be a wuss. Don't be a wuss!

"I uh... imprinted."

Jacob stopped and looked up.

"On... a guy."

"Oh... OH! Well um that's... great Seth." Jacob said trying to contain his shock.

"So who's the guy?"

"It's... …. … you." Seth said in a very weak voice.

"WHAT?!" Jacob roared in anger.

Jacob slowly rose to his feet and approached Seth menacingly. Nothing but pure anger and hatred in his eyes.

Seth felt the anger and flinched from it.

Jacob seized Seth by the front of his shirt bringing him closer to his face. Without hesitation, Jacob drew back his fist and sent it colliding into the side of Seth's face. Seth fell to the ground in a heap. Stunned from the blow, Seth had no time to defend himself when Jacob dealt a painful kick to his abdomen, knocking the wind out of him. Seth fell onto his side, tears streaming down his face.

Seth recoiled as he saw Jacob approaching him. Jacob prepared to deal another kick but suddenly a flash of fur appeared out of nowhere. Seth instantly recognized his sister's wolf form. Leah stood in front of Seth, shielding him from Jacob's wrath. Leah snarled at Jacob, restraining herself from all out attacking Jake.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Leah roared in telepathy.

"What's wrong with me? Why don't you ask your brother what's wrong with him?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Your brother... is a FAG! The little bastard imprinted on me!"

Those words hurt. They more than hurt. The tore into Seth. It was the worst pain he had ever felt.

Leah turned her wolf head and looked into Seth's eyes.

"Is that true Seth?"

~ Jacob is not too happy about Seth's imprinting on him. Will he ever come around and accept Seth? Only time will tell.~