Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Author's Note: Unchecked and rushed. These are two words that can describe this chapter. Aside from the usual fluff from these two, yeah, I guess you can describe this chapter as such.

Really busy lately. School's not letting me breathe. This chapter is a product of me slacking off. Heh.

So enjoy the chapter, I guess? Tried something new with it. :)

Tenten stifled a sigh as she leaned back on her chair. A soft groan emanated from her lips as she rested her arm on her forehead. The piles of paperwork sat on her desk, staring her down with a sense of intimidation. It was so early in the morning, yet the sun was already shining softly through the corporate windows, making her office look cozy and ethereal.

Two weeks have passed since she started working in the Hyuuga's company. For a full week she was given a crash course to what she was to do, and after getting the hang of it she started working right away. Answering phone calls, attending meetings, doing paperwork, it was so different from serving fraps and coffee and cleaning tables and counting change.

But despite the bombarding of papers and phone calls and whatnot, it was something new for her - something different from the syrup and milk and coffee – and it made her feel like a new person. It made her feel more… needed – needed by someone who made such an impact to her life in a span of a week. And with that thought on her head she smiled. Swinging her arm on the desk she began working once again, drowning all thoughts away as she started sorting papers once again and resuming with work.


Cancer: Do not push your loved one to the edge; give him/her time to relax or spend time with other people.

Neji groaned silently as he walked through the offices of his building. Small greetings of 'good afternoons' and 'hello, Mr. Hyuuga' could be heard through the small cubicles, where people already started working. Nodding a little to acknowledge them, he walked at a faster pace, making his way to the elevator. Not only was he already late for work, but there was still much paperwork he hasn't looked through. What made matters worse was that his uncle was going to check on the company in two weeks, putting more pressure and stress on his part. He groaned again, sipping on the cup of coffee on his hands. He wished he didn't have to go through his right now.

When he got off the elevator he was slightly surprised with the sound of an old familiar tune, emanating from the office beside his. A soft smile subconsciously appeared on his lips and instantly all negative thoughts dissipated from his mind. Walking over to the office, he knocked on the door, surprising a certain bun-haired girl on her desk whose head was rested upon arms. She then sat straight, hair looking disheveled with wisps of hair protruding from her buns. Her eyes looked tired and bloodshot.

"Good morning, Neji." She smiled tiredly, fixing herself a bit as she stood up.

Neji smirked as he looked at his watch, then at Tenten. "Good afternoon, Tenten. It's half past two. How long have you been here?"

"I clocked in at around seven. There was some paperwork from last night I haven't finished." She smiled sheepishly, sitting down and grabbing the pile of papers on the desk. "But I guess I fell asleep halfway through my work. Sorry."

"It's alright." He replied, walking over and gently taking the pile of paper off her hands. "Now go get yourself a cup of coffee from Starbucks downstairs and grab some lunch."

Her eyes widened at this, quirking a brow. "Starbucks downstairs…?"

"Yeah, the Starbucks downstairs just opened this morning." Neji replied, showing her the cup of coffee on his other hand.

"Oh, I was probably too busy to notice." She sighed, eyes scanning the other piles of paper on her desk. "But all this paperwork…"

"I'll do it." Neji interjected, smiling slightly. "Go take a breather. Have some Starbucks downstairs."


"I insist." He winked, sending a chill down Tenten's spine. "Just go have Starbucks downstairs."

Tenten looked away to hide the blush on her face. "A-Alright, if you say so."

On her way downstairs to the newly opened Starbucks, she wondered why Neji would insist on going to Starbucks. But when she flung open the glass door, she finally knew why. She felt the nostalgia bite at her and for a second she felt as if she was home again. The scent of coffee filled the air, and as it just opened earlier during the day, the place was filled with people on their break time, their endless chatters filling the air. Tenten smiled as she took in the atmosphere, closing her eyes as she took a deep breath.

But a certain squeal snapped her out of her reverie, something familiar that made her eyes snap open.


Tenten's eyes widened as she was tackled by a familiar blonde barista, sending out the oxygen out of her lungs. It took a while before Tenten managed to get some air into her system, enough to ask certain question. "I-Ino, what are you doing h-here?"

Ignoring Tenten's question, Ino didn't stop squealing as she continued hugging the surprised brunette.

"Ino, you're making a scene." She breathed, catching the attention of the barista. "Didn't this branch just open?"

She nodded, blue eyes full of amusement. "Yeah, but I'm on my break now, so we can go out!"

Tenten opened her mouth to speak but Ino already dragged her out of the shop, clinging on to Tenten's arm as she led them somewhere else. Ino was talking animatedly, stories of her life filling Tenten's ears.

"So last week after I took you to the airport I saw this really cute guy! He looked like Sai only he liked smiling a lot more then he asked for my number and then…"

Tenten let out a small hum as she nodded along, keeping up with Ino's squeals and whatnot. It was nice to take a break from work with someone she knew, she thought. Often Neji was either too busy with work or in a meeting, so Tenten had to take breaks alone or with unfamiliar people, making her feel lonely most of the time.

But there were also those rare times when Neji would be free to eat with her and it would make her smile, talking like the long nights a forever ago. They would speak of life and all the things they used to talk about, sometimes ending up dancing whimsically to the sounds of her vintage radio. But it would all end so suddenly, being cut off with a long business call or a meeting.

And with that she realized, with a small frown on her face, that she missed spending time with a certain lavender-eyed man.

"- but then again I guess I will always like Sai more… hey, Tenten are you listening?"

"Y-Yeah," she replied, offering a small smile to her blond friend.

"Well, that's good, because we're here already!"

Tenten nodded, letting her friend drag her in the diner.

Neji groaned for the nth time as he leaned back on the leather chair, crossing his arms against his chest. Not only was he annoyed at the paperwork on his hands, but every five minutes he would be called to be reported on stocks and other things. He had meetings left and right, and everything seemed to move in fast forward.

He never knew his uncle would give him such a tough job. But then again, being given such a job meant he was capable of it, right? He let out a sigh as he massaged his temples, thinking of something that would take his mind of work. Tenten was supposed to be back by now, wasn't she? Where was she now?

And the thought of the certain woman did not bring him to anger or worry or work, the thought brought him back to simpler times – times of banks and coffee and dancing and Tenten. It made him smile. He remembered the endless nights and the eternal thoughts in his head and how much Tenten meant to him and instantly, all the worries in his head disappeared. Leaning back, he sighed as he closed his eyes. If only he could go back…

The knock on the door made his eyes flutter open, sitting straighter as the woman of his thoughts appeared by the doorway, a look of surprise on her face.

"Oh, was I disturbing something?" she giggled, walking towards the desk with two cups of coffee.

Neji shook his head, a small smile on his lips appearing as he looked at Tenten. "No, you weren't, Tenten. Have you eaten?"

"Yes." She replied, bringing the cup of coffee to her lips as she placed the other on her desk.

"That's good." He nodded, taking the cup of coffee. "This is for me?"

She nodded, beaming. "Yeah, apparently Ino moved to the branch on the ground floor. And she said it's on the house! A thank you gift for something, she said. I asked what but she just giggled and told me it was nothing. Do you know what she meant?"

At this Neji's eyes widened, a small blush spreading across his cheeks. "It's uh, nothing. Like what she said."

Tenten titled her head and opened her mouth to ask but Neji was avoiding her eyes, resuming to the papers on his desk.

"Well I guess I'll go get back to my work." She mused, giggling as she walked back to her office.

At her absence he sighed as he drank the coffee, a small smile placed upon his lips. It was a good thing Ino wasn't much of a blabbermouth.

Apparently, Ino was just moved to that branch because Neji didn't want Tenten to be alone when he was busy.

How cute.

Author's Note (2): Unfortunately I've got half a mind to finish this sequel early. Unless you guys are willing to wait and such, yeah. I'm thinking about it.