A/N: Okay so this is my first ever fanfic ever! I wrote this a while ago but I thought I would be brave and upload it. Let me know what you think of it and I think this will be a few chapters long. I have only written this chapter so far but if you like it and want me to continue then just review and let me know! I am also not a very experienced writer so I appreciate any feedback! Okay so I'm gonna stop talking now. Enjoy!

The dimly lit precinct was deserted. The only two people in the precinct were Castle and Beckett. They had just wrapped up a case earlier that day: a 17 year old girl, stabbed in the back by her neighbour. She was just finishing off paperwork for the DA so they could get a trial happening as soon as possible. She insisted that Castle go home but he had refused, because he knew she wasn't going home until her work was done, and he thought she might need the company. Given it was the holiday season after all.

He had been doing that a lot lately, she thought to herself. Staying late, hanging around her at all times. She wasn't complaining though, she secretly loved having him around her. It made her feel safe somehow, to know that he was right there next to her. She had gotten so used to him being around her at all times that it didn't surprise her when he invited her to his New Year's Eve party tomorrow night.

She was not really one for New Year's Eve parties, but when she saw the invitation Castle handed to her a week ago, she was starting to think that maybe, just maybe, this one time she would go. She had been wanting to go to one of his famous parties for a while now, and she was secretly hoping that she would...well...kiss him at midnight. She had been thinking about him more and more lately, and kissing him was definently one of the things she thought about and she wondered what it would be like. Maybe after tomorrow night she wouldn't have to wonder anymore.

She smiled to herself, and she only realised she was staring into space when Castle moved his hands across her view.

"Beckett? You still with us?"

"Hmm?" She replied. "Oh yeah, sorry, just thinking,"

"You were thinking about something dirty weren't you?" asked Castle,

She glared, and he immediately retracted what he said.

"Or maybe not then."

She looked back to her desk and resumed the mountain of paperwork she had before her. Castle watched her as she worked. There was something soothing about him watching her. Her spine tingled, and she smiled to herself. To think that Castle was looking at her was something still mind boggling, even though he had been shadowing her for nearly 3 years now.

At midnight, she got up, stretched and departed work for the day with Castle, stopping only on the way to drop off her coffee mug in the sink in the break room.

As they stood waiting for the elevator to come, Castle decided to take his chance and ask her about the New Years party. That she STILL hadn't responded to, despite having given her the invitation 3 weeks ago.

"Beckett, about tomorrow night," he started,

"What about it?" asked Beckett.

"Well I was just wondering if you were coming to my party, that's all. You hadn't replied,"

Crap. She knew there was something she had forgotten to do. Of course she was coming, but she had forgotten to tell him.

She bit her bottom lip as she pretended to think about it.

"Hmmm...I dunno Castle, I WAS planning on staying home watching the ball drop in my warm, comfy bed all by myself..."

She could see what that image was already doing to him. His lips were turned down and his puppy dog eyes were looking at her. Begging her to change her plans.

"But since I don't have anything better to do, why not?"

His frown turned upside down in a split second and smiled brightly at her.

"Oh Beckett, I knew you couldn't stay away from me on New Years. Now..." he said as the elevator doors opened and they walked in.

"What are you going to wear? Something sexy? Hot?"

She whacked his arm.

"God, Castle, you want to see me in one of my shorttight…dresses, don't you?"

she emphasised each word, and she saw him gulp and his eyes widen.

"Well, to be honest...," he began, but was cut short by another arm slap from Beckett.

"Castle!" She exclaimed. They had reached the lobby and he motioned her to leave the elevator first, a hand on her lower back guiding her out.

"Always the gentleman, aren't we Castle?" she muttered.

"Well it was how I was raised," he put simply as he offered his arm to her as they walked out onto the street. She accepted it and they walked out into the freezing cold. She instinctively lent closer towards him, seeking his warmth, and was still hesitant to leave his side after she hailed a cab.

She let go of his arm and opened the door, half stepping inside the cab, resting a hand on the top the door.

"Well Castle, I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah I guess you will. Don't be late! Party starts at 8pm sharp!"

She laughed at him. Her? Late? To a party at Castles house? Never.

"I won't be late Castle, I promise. Goodnight," she said. She closed the door and gave the driver her address and leaned back into the seat.

Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day.

Thoughts? Should I continue?